instead of slightly increasing the potency of his Buff. He was also consistently threatened for the main Yellow core spot by SP Piccolo YEL, which hurts his placement even more.
ML Tenebria also dropping some points due to SS Bellona being dominant in end game and making her less useful. . What makes this Fighter great is his Synergy with Goten variants. Truth be told, both options are correct as the primary Blue for the team.
Alternatively, SP SSGSS Vegeta (Future) PUR and SP Fusion Zamasu PUR work as starters on other top tier teams, like Vegeta Family and God Ki respectively. SP Hit YEL might be popular, but the fact remains that his Team options and his base stats are incredibly bare. His "Chaining Power" Unique Ability helps his Teammates tremendously when he's switched to standby. She’s been power crept and her Team has been neglected. is in need of a new Blue Fighter and he still can’t compete anymore. He’s incredibly oppressive for the first 60 timer counts, but unlike SP SSJ Kid Goku GRN he’s still great afterward.
Alternatively, SP SSGSS Vegeta (Future) PUR and SP Fusion Zamasu PUR work as starters on other top tier teams, like Vegeta Family and God Ki respectively. He can struggle to do Damage unless he’s able to land Special Move Arts Cards. He’s good, but not overly great. True to the nature of most Gohan variants, SP SSJ Teen Gohan BLU is incredibly resilient and doesn’t go down without a fight. He has no spot on any Teams core or bench. Even his Z-Ability is niche at best. She’s a bit one dimensional in her Attack and somewhat fragile, but her Damage output is absolutely devastating. kamigame Tier List; Includes a ★ ranking for how easy a character is to use for beginners. ML Romann gets a slight upgrade and has better PvP ratings. Her Z-Ability doesn’t Buff herself until she’s limit broken to 5 stars. Where Fighters in Tier 1 are good primary choices, these are secondary choices . ’s Zenkai Boost presents a massive danger to him, and since he’s now a lot more matchup dependent, falls to Tier 1.
SP SSJ Gohan Youth YEL is a phenomenal Fighter.
Alternatively, SP Cooler PUR draws SP FF Cooler BLU some extra Moves, which give him a permanent stacking Buff at Zenkai 1. Welcome to Reddit's finest Smash Bros community! She also. have much more potent bench buffs, so he’s not recommended there anymore either. should be taken into account when you vote this time around! He found a somewhat unconventional home in Sagas in his prime, but Sagas fell off and had no releases for quite a while. His Intimidate Unique Ability can drastically reduce Enemy Fighters’ resources and limit their Combo lengths. has pulled away and solidified himself on the starter of any team SP GoD Beerus GRN would like to be on. She has excellent synergy with. SP Vegeta PUR is as one dimensional as it gets, specializing in Blast Attack. He’s a solid starter on GT. HE Shallot LGT has some Super Saiyan 2 synergy, but SP Majin Vegeta RED still falls behind due to power creep. Alternatively, SP Cooler PUR draws SP FF Cooler BLU some extra Moves, which give him a permanent stacking Buff at Zenkai 1. SP Android #18 YEL brings two Blast Arts Cards as a Strike heavy Offense Fighter, but her Extra Move can switch her Blast Arts Cards to Strike Arts Cards.
SP Cooler PUR is still everything Lineage of Evil and Sagas could want, but these two teams are struggling mightly to find a place in the meta, as most of the new releases have been focused on basically every other team. FGO waifu tier list 8/24/2020. It’s unfathomable that a LF Fighter might need a Zenkai, but that looks to be the case here. He has great, consistent Damage output and absurdly high Defense stats for an Offensive Fighter. There was a problem activating your account.
Luckily his buffs don’t discriminate and are based on damage in general, so it’s not too detrimental.
SP SSJG Goku RED is a jack of all trades and master of none. Fighters in this Tier have likely been replaced in the core of their best primary Team, but still have a good enough toolkit to see play if the need truly arises. He's very one-dimensional and situational, making him hard to along in most Matches. SP FF Cooler BLU’s Zenkai 1 Awakening is one of the best things that could’ve happened for SP Cooler PUR. He nullifies color disadvantage for 10 timer counts when he enters the battlefield 4 times total - twice before and after Transformation. He Heals with every Arts landed, has a 30% chance to Paralyze on all of his Strikes, and reduces Ki by 30 every time he uses an Extra Move. In the comments below, you can find comments containing the names of each character. EX Super Vegeta GRN’s Main Ability takes away the opposing units Vanish Gauge completely and leaves them open to a devastating Special Move. At Zenkai Level 1, he Heals for a tremendous amount from his Main Ability and Soft Body Unique Ability. just received some incredibly powerful Fighters, and his Health Z-Ability is crucial. He's in a very tough spot at the moment, as Son Family is essentially an all-Goku team. Red Fighters already had a hard enough time in the Meta as it is with SP SSGSS Vegito BLU running the show, but to give SP Pikkon RED a barren wasteland of Tags and Red Color Counter synergy on top of it has made him completely dead on arrival. He’s incredibly fragile, has limited Team options, and one dimensional Offense. He’s actually still quite useful as a replacement, and his Main Ability is very hard to play around. He gets a wealth of Offensive Buffs that can’t be cancelled, making him arguably the hardest hitter in the game. He’s a great Defense Fighter that gets more Damage inflicted Buffs the more he or his Teammates are hit. He provides the Team with massive and permanent Buffs upon his death. He’s strike based, does significantly more damage, and his Dragon Ball manipulation helps take advantage of one of the more powerful mechanics in the game in Rising Rushes. gives a lot more appeal, as he can seemingly spam Extra Moves. He’s actually quite fragile despite being able to, SP Gohan GRN is a great Offensive Fighter whether it’s through his innate extra Damage to. It’s hard for him to core in any Team, and he’s also very fragile.
His dual Z-Ability does make him a nice bench for Hybrid Saiyan and Son Family Teams considering how Blast focused they have become. Ravenking, JR, Yez, and others have all had notably better results post patch and I’m excited to see them continue to optimize all the new stuff. If switched out enough, he provides his Teammates and himself a permanent 40% Damage Buff which cannot be cancelled. He's been replaced on Fusion and now Hybrid Saiyans a few times over. Team is still centered around Blast, and he’s competing with. His Damage potential after he’s switched out a few times is extremely high. SP Majin Vegeta RED’s toolkit is a double-edged sword; He comes with a cost that hurts his Teammates, so Players need to use him at the right times. SP Kid Gohan YEL has a great Z-Ability for Hybrid Saiyans, but sadly power creep has made that his only PVP strength. have caused SP FF Frieza YEL’s viability to fall off the face of the Earth. His Offensive stats have been power crept too far for his Abilities to compensate for. It's gotten to the point where he's just a good purple option, but Fusion Warriors have many better options to bring along into a match more often than not. SP Zamasu RED was a revolutionary Fighter on release, as he was incredibly hard to take out and could dish out some punishment himself as well. His Z-Ability leaves much to be desired, but his presence brings out the best in his Saiyan Allies. High Card costs and low Ki Restore Speeds have crippled SP Super Trunks GRN in the long term, and the general decline of the Strike-heavy Hybrid Saiyan Teams doesn't help matters. SP 1F Frieza PUR holds a Blast and Special Move, whereas SP FF Cooler BLU prefers Strike Attack. His Damage output is quite low with few limited Buffs and unimpressive base stats. Bardock having to wait for his Transformation is a bit of a detriment. She has maybe the best Damage and longest, most effective Combo potential in the game.
officially kicked him off the Saiyan core, but now even. It’s true that Support Fighters tend to not have great stats, but even then she still manages to fall short. He’s like SP Perfect Cell YEL, but for Saiyans.
She can increase allied Critical Rate and Critical Damage for 30 counts with her Main Ability, and has some good Support qualities. Teammates when she’s switched out of Combat and has a toolkit to make sure that happens as much as possible.
It’s outright power creep, and his blast focus is not preferred for most Regeneration fighters to boot. His Blast Damage is awful, however he’s lucky enough to be in Strike Focused Teams like Sagas Warriors. SP Android #18 YEL’s Zenkai 7 boost has made both of her best Teams a lot more viable, and she’s their best Blue unit.
This is stackable and can only be removed with Abilities that remove Attribute Downgrades--such as SP Zamasu RED's Main Ability or SP SSJ Gohan YEL’s Extra Move. SP Mai GRN is still a serviceable Support Fighter, most notably due to the instant Ki Restore she gives the Team when switched in and out of the battlefield. His “Seems I Got Even Stronger” Unique Ability gives him permanent Buffs when he enters the battlefield or when the Enemy switches out. He doesn’t really add anything to these Teams that they would need or want.