1980, he took a hard line on the Cold War and committed the United States to Under his presidency, the U.S. vastly improved its missile defense systems and other military technologies. This is a guy who violated the very aspect of his economic theory that he receives so much praise for. the Oval Office. So, weak economically, weak on foreign policy, and weak mentally.
key role in the subjugation of the Philippines.
Ronnie you are greatly missed RIP. My favorite POTUS ever!
Lincoln gave the Republican a military buildup.
Reagan, dubbed the"Great Communicator," was an enormously successful speaker. Ronald Reagan will be remembered for the initiatives he set in motion with his anti-statist rhetoric, and for changing through such language the current of our politics almost as dramatically as that current was changed in 1932. When I saw this poll I nearly laughed. GET A REAGAN.COM EMAIL TODAY. It is not difficult to identify the principal initiatives for which Ronald Reagan will be remembered.
will be accorded a place of honor in it. It is notable, moreover, that even in the realm of economics Reagan has taken the easy path rather than the hard one. Also, he just so happened to get very, very lucky in the ending of the Cold War. Ronald Reagan was in my personal opinion our last good President. Was he conservative? Ronald Reagan was the last DO SOMETHING president since Donald Trump. He believed that the right to free capitalism was how everyone made their way and that unions prevented people from getting there. mikeyu. Add to that, take into consideration the major legislation that he signed that greatly helped improve the country’s then-struggling economy. Great overall American President. A special, Special person. The administration has failed in Nicaragua (though that was by no means entirely its own doing) and faltered in Panama. However, some of the other rankings in the top His economic policies were great by tax cuts to cutting regulations. debt to television, remarking,"I've often wondered how you could be If the optimists are right and the economy continues to grow, the new tax rates will become permanent and Reagan will be blessed for his wisdom and courage. He got by on "good old boy" techniques.
legislation. Whether that was just plain dumb luck or brilliant politics Reagan's biographers will argue for a long time to come.
In a related area, this administration has been given too much credit and far too much blame for the defense buildup. with these men.
Ronald Reagan had significant accomplishments. But most importantly, He restored faith in not only the Republican Party, But in America, By being a true patriot who believed in his country. And so by putting more money on the table of the wealthy, some might fall off the table for others. He has shown us how to do this with a high heart and good humor, making conservatism an optimistic creed. He put the USA into deep financial debt. But one can't help wondering how much more he could have achieved had he been a more forceful, involved chief executive. CIVIL WAR REENACTMENT ( to be published in 2005), is a writer for the History News Service and a teaching fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles. This led first to a series of summit
Reagan sent the deficit skyrocketing, he cut social security and caused a severe homeless problem, he raised taxes in 1981, which put us catastrophically in debt, he cut school funding, and he claimed that trees cause more pollution than cars do.
Reagan provided large amounts of support to Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban.
The great presidents are the ones who bring permanent changes in society. Those having to do with nuclear disarmament might take longer, especially if Mikhail Gorbachev manages to stay in power. already have the Reagan dime, the Reagan memorial, and Ronald Reagan Not to mention the Iran-Contra Scandal where arms were traded for US hostages and weapons and support were given to right-wing death squads in Nicaragua (Contras).
No president in memory has displayed so healthy an ego, and Reagan's most adamant political opponents concede his fundamental personal decency. Liberals who hate Reagan are just partisan hacks. He destroyed Granada, for no reason, because he failed in Cambodia, which was a situation he was advised not to get involved in anyways.
Man! STEPHEN E. AMBROSEis a biographer of Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon. To those who grumble that he has not reconstituted the political economy of Herbert Spencer, one can only say welcome to politics and welcome to America. He also put the American worker first. A great president? That honor will be reserved for Margaret Thatcher, a political captain of notably greater will and tenacity.
Reagan reaffirmed with eloquence the continuing validity and vitality of the American Dream. His rhetoric was bellicose in the extreme, as "evil empire" replaced detente.
Moreover, he has put to rest forever the old axiom that no candidate for the presidency can run as a conservative and be elected.
On the military front, he launched the greatest arms race in history, topped by the single most expensive weapons system ever undertaken.
He has been very like Jack Kennedy in a number of ways: cutting taxes to stimulate the economy, accepting large deficits in order to step up the pace of the arms race, indulging in Cold War rhetoric.
Even the democrats loved him.
I could go on, but I'm getting angry. He and his wife Ellen Shapiro McDonald have written a forthcoming book, Requiem: Variations on 18th Century Themes. The Reagan Revolution of 1981 was not a conventional shift in legislative priorities and personnel; it was an intellectual challenge that undermined the sanctity of the status quo. I don't get why he's so special. A master of the sound bite, he used TV appearances both to attract
I guess it’s because they are short-sighted. Reagan's bid for greatness is tax reform, and on this one it is just too early to tell.
He son the Cold War by outspending the pinko commies.
Perhaps equally significant is the fact that during the Reagan years principled, articulate conservatives gained unprecedented access to executive power and to the nation's policy-making elite. One can't help wondering how much more he could have achieved had he been a more forceful, involved chief executive. Because he has been a principled (and not merely managerial) chief executive, Reagan has profoundly antagonized those who espouse competing social visions-notably the New Deal, Great Society, and New Left. He came into office during bad economic times and succeeded in lowering taxes across the board and increasing revenue. For a time I shared that opinion.