What are the themes besides beauty and men vs. women. 4th ed. Who tried to cut Belinda's hair in "The Rape of the Lock?". Her remarkable beauty attracts the attention of the Baron, who snips off a lock of her hair in his infatuation. Yet just before the eponymous rape of the lock, the snipping of Belinda's hair by the Baron, Ariel suddenly withdraws his protection from Belinda. 2. How did the baron manage to cut a lock of Belinda's hair? The Baron, noticing that her most flawless quality is her two locks of hair, decides to steal them. Belinda starts off winning but the Baron quickly seems to be taking the game away and when Belinda is on her last leg, she somehow pulls off the win by winning all of her bids back plus the Baron’s. Why is the extremely serious term "rape" used to describe such a ridiculous act? What things do you think most deserve a good sendup today, and what satirical or otherwise humorous approaches have you found most effective in getting across serious criticisms on those issues?
( Log Out / What drives the Baron to form his nefarious plot? starTop subjects are Literature, History, and Law and Politics. Describe "The Rape of the Lock" as a mock epic. (In result a sylph is cut in half and Belinda's hair is cut) Clarissa (sylph) Who is Belinda approached by after her hair is cut and the sylphs leave her? And conversely, what risk do satirists take in employing their peculiar methods instead of criticizing things more directly? Thalestris convinces her lover, Sir Plume, to confront the Baron about the lock of hair and to return it.
What does his handling of this episode suggest about "feminine nature"? The curling vapors of the steaming coffee remind the Baron of his intention to attempt Belinda’s lock. Why is it better that the lock of hair should be whisked up to heaven rather than restored to its rightful owner? Ariel is Belinda's guardian sylph, a spirit of the air whose whole purpose in life is to protect a lady's chastity. List them and connect the types or genres to groups or individuals.
Does the ordeal itself have anything to do with morality, or is it about something else? The Baron cuts the lock of her hair including a sylph trying to protect her.
3. How specific is this warning?
Hours: Cyber Cafe M/W 10-11. ( Log Out / Critically evaluate the toilet scene of Belinda in The Rape of the Lock.
Why does Belinda reject this advice? Why? What other than desire causes the Baron to cut the lock? Edition: Ferguson, Margaret et al. Belinda is admired by men and women alike for her extraordinary beauty. Canto 5 . The women then prepare a fight against the men and in the battle after Belinda has overpowered the Baron, the lock is lost in the chaos. What might satire and comedy have as an advantage over more serious forms of art and direct criticism when it comes to making a point about politics or morals? Belinda starts off winning but the Baron quickly seems to be taking the game away and when Belinda is on her last leg, she somehow pulls off the win by winning all of her bids back plus the Baron’s. Comment on the significane of the toilet scene in the rape of the lock. What is Clarissa's counsel to Belinda? What echoes of Milton's Paradise Lost do you find in this canto regarding what the spirits say about their task? © 2020 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. By anyone's estimation, he does a pretty good job of this. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Be the first to answer this question. Explain your reasoning. The Norton Anthology of Poetry.
Clarissa draws out her scissors for his use, as a lady would arm a knight in a romance. What is the purpose? What does Belinda gain thereby? What contemporary forms of entertainment or art take the place of a formal mock epic such as Pope's?
What does Belinda feel she has lost--what does she believe will be the consequences of her having lost a lock of hair to the Baron? What is the connection between honor and beauty here? 13. 7. Yet just before the eponymous rape of the lock, the snipping of Belinda's hair by the Baron, Ariel suddenly withdraws his protection from Belinda. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team.
8. Ariel is there to guard Belinda's chastity, but as there's no chastity to guard, he gives up protecting her, just before the Baron removes a lock of Belinda's hair. Is Pope concerned to offer an alternative to the foolish ideas and pretentions he mocks, or is that not the point of his poem? Coffee vapors. How does Pope's style in this canto deflate or confound the seriousness of the threat the heroine faces? Her dog licks her and wakes her up and she sets off down the Thames River to the Hampton Court Palace. Answer. "What type of girl she is? It would seem that Belinda is not quite as chaste as Ariel thought she was. 0 1 2. Be the first to answer! Explain.
What classical stories about rape or abduction might lie behind Pope's description of Belinda's plight? The epic poem begins with Belinda fast asleep dreaming about her guardian spirit Ariel, who tells her that something dreadful will happen to her by the end of the day and that he will do all he can to help her. What is Clarissa's counsel to Belinda? Why is this game particularly appropriate to the poem's subject matter, and even more specially to the relations between men and women in Pope's time? Supernatural beings interfere in human activities in this mock epic when . Alfred J. Drake. And what does the Baron apparently think he has accomplished by his deed? Umbriel, a mischievous gnome, journeys down to the Cave of Spleen to procure a sack of sighs and a flask of tears which he then bestows on the heroine to fan the flames of her ire. The Baron does not quietly give up possession of her hair, instead remaining defiant to the end, leaving Belinda with two choices: to leave empty-handed or continue fighting. His main job is to protect Belinda's chastity, but as there now appears to be no chastity to protect, there's no further need for Ariel's services. Ariel tries to overpower Belinda, but realizes that she is in love with the Baron and he understands that he is powerless. Sprites blow back Belinda's hair. What significance attaches to the name "Plume"? 14. Why does the guardian spirit Ariel withdraw at the crucial moment when Belinda is about to lose her lock to the Baron? 12. As well as Ariel's help, Belinda can also count on the assistance of Ariel's vast army of sylphs, who protect every aspect of her personal appearance, from her hair to her earrings. A gnome named Umbriel brings gifts to Belinda as she weeps in despair with her friend, Thalestris, trying to comfort her. How does it compare to, say, the warnings that Adam and Eve get in Paradise lost?