Romila Thapar, co-recipient of the 2008 Kluge Prize. Who writes our history books? We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's She argued against the notion formed by historians within the British colonial structure that Indian civilization was static and lacked a sense of history, an inertia broken only by British colonial administration legislating change. selfish, immoral people who are incapable of -- or who refuse Required fields are indicated with an * asterisk.
Terrorists? remove content for any reason whatever, without consent. The Kluge Prize will be bestowed again in September 2015 with an accompanying $1.5 million award. In any broader understanding of the present it helps to be informed not only about the recent past but also about the remote past: the citizens of the future need willingness to distinguish critically but also to explore connections.”[2]. Pioneers? Even more attacks followed.
Thapar’s textbooks were published in the late 1960s and quickly sparked controversy. The only regret the christians and the moslems have is that the Indian subcontinent was not converted to this reed and the likes of Thapar by stating that islam caused no harm are apologetic. Since its foundation, the Council has achieved a prominent place in national discussions and exchanges about history textbooks and the social studies curriculum through its many bulletins, studies, and reports.
“The History Debate and School Textbooks in India: A Personal Memoir.” History Workshop Journal, Issue 67, Spring 2009; p. 87, Has ms. Thapar any knowledge of sanskrit or of all the schools of Induan thought, and lastly does she understand her own fulcrum point? may result in removed comments. Gratuitous links to sites are viewed as spam and Thapar’s lifelong study of the nearly 2,000 years of history revealed an Indian past that was more fluid, both temporally and spatially, than the periods delineated in textbooks or the boundaries drawn on maps. She asserted that textbooks should not merely recite cherished myths but provide researched and rational explanations of the past. [1] Thapar, Romila. When historian Romila Thapar first reviewed student textbooks in her native India, she was surprised. Links to external Internet sites on Library of Congress Web pages do not constitute the Library's endorsement of the content of their Web sites or of their policies or products. #KlugePrize. Romila Thapar, co-recipient of the 2008 Kluge Prize Thapar’s textbooks were published in the late 1960s and quickly sparked controversy. privilege to post content on the Library site. pilgrims? As Thapar writes in reflecting on the present-day effects of our ancient past on today: “Ancient history in particular has a special significance for contemporary times, especially in developing societies. Particularly, she was struck by “an adherence to outdated ideas and generally colonial views of the Indian past” that the textbooks presented.[1]. You are fully
Are the Israelis "pioneers" who societies, and who got what they deserved? “I was appalled by the quality of the information that was being conveyed in these books,” she wrote in a 2009 journal article recalling the experience. Through it all, Thapar argued for the legitimacy of independent historical interpretations based on reliable evidence. Were they wonderful, innocent people who were murdered by Europeans terrorists? The American Textbook Council is an independent national research organization established in 1989 to review the history and social studies textbooks used in the nation’s schools. People and their beliefs migrated, mingled, interplayed and intersected to create the richness and uniqueness of India. Thapar challenged the purported singularity of Indian heritage, and the timeline of a Hindu golden age followed by a Muslim period of decline that facilitated British conquest. responsible for everything that you post.
What do they think will happen if you look? When fresh research challenges received opinions, the reaction can precipitate dismay and rejection. Intruders? A lengthy article in a leading newspaper argued that there was no mention of eating beef in ancient Sanskrit sources, to which Thapar responded by quoting a text that unambiguously refuted the claim. This blog does not represent official Library of Congress communications. Standard Disclaimer. are developing a nation?
In her textbook on ancient India, Thapar noted that ancient Aryans venerated the cow, but like all cattle-herders, ate cow meat on ritual occasions or when honoring a guest. At the award ceremony for the 2008 Kluge Prize, which Thapar shared with historian Peter Brown, Librarian of Congress James H. Billington thanked John W. Kluge for enabling the award as a “pinnacle recognition of the kind of scholarship that the country needs – the world needs.” Thapar’s work exemplifies scholarly courage summoned to the interest of her country as it grappled with the legacy of its own history – even a history 2,000 years old. Or will it be With the departure of the British colonial administration in 1947, and the ensuing conflict between the newly formed independent nations of India and Pakistan, such profound upheavals necessitated the formation of new historical narratives–accounts that explained what collective pasts united these societies and what religious, social and cultural shifts created dissension and division. This did not stop her critics; Thapar was further castigated, and told she was questioning orthodox opinion and encouraging students to do likewise. Why are they Who decides which group of people are the pioneers, which are the terrorists, This blog is governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. It was 1961, and modern-day India was a young country seeking a national identity. In 1969, members of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee insisted that Thapar’s textbook state categorically that Aryans were indigenous to India. In 1969, members of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee insisted that Thapar’s textbook state categorically that Aryans were indigenous to India. Comment and Posting Policy. describe Israel and Zionism? whatever you want it to be. Terrorists? How should we True to her academic rigor, however, she refused to perpetuate pious myths or distorted colonial interpretations of the Indian past. She insisted that her books would provide a kind of history that would contribute to the Indian child’s nuanced understanding of the past through critical interpretation and evidence-based research. Even in the United States, history textbooks are not infrequently a battlefield for controversy.
If America fails, will it be because a small These were targeted for middle school, and one was on the history of ancient India and the other on its medieval period. But history is concerned with change, and as circumstances change, and new sources come to light, historical interpretation evolves. Or the Apollo Thapar could not find sufficient evidence to support the claim and the demand was ultimately rejected. because America is dominated by stupid, irresponsible, group of evil people destroyed a great nation? Thapar was of a generation of Indians who sought to define the new Indian identity. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. When the Mayflower landed in North America in 1620, were the Europeans pilgrims? Religious organizations felt their respective religions and religious teachers had not been properly glorified. which are the victims, and which are the heroes. Nevertheless, Attacks came again in the late 1990s, as her books were accused of being anti-Hindu and anti-Indian, charges for which she received death threats. In her assessment it would have been better if Indian culture had been decimated as was the culture of Iran and Afghanistan. Who decides which group of people are the pioneers, which are the terrorists, which are the victims, and which are the heroes? This post is the first in a series on past recipients of the Library of Congress John W. Kluge Prize for Achievement in the Study of Humanity. Intruders? The unification of India itself created a political entity that needed to root its vast diversity in a richer understanding of its history and heritage. Some philosophical articles are here: philosophy.html. Please read our Read our Thapar’s textbooks were accused of not doing justice to regional personalities. More controversies followed. Pioneers? In the 1970s, officials lobbied for her textbooks to be proscribed. who are putting the entire world through tremendous suffering? It seems that she casually dismisses all cultural and psychological issues in humans to portrsy a picture that assumes the western narrative to be the correct one. How should we describe the Aztecs, the Mayans, and other Native Americans? the Library of Congress may monitor any user-generated content as it chooses and reserves the right to How should we describe the Aztecs, the Mayans, and other Native Americans? Though an established academic historian with scant familiarity with schoolbooks, she agreed to write two history textbooks for the government as part of a project for the newly formed nation. so afraid to look at life and history from different perspectives? … Or were they brutal murderers who conquered and destroyed their neighboring About | Press | Jobs | Donate
She probably supports the separatists i n Kashmir because their independence would bring in ISIs, Please send contribution of romilathaper to the historical writing in Tamil language. When the Mayflower landed in North America in 1620, were the Europeans Inspector General | Legal | Accessibility | External Link Disclaimer |, John W. Kluge Prize for Achievement in the Study of Humanity. Hindu organizations protested, arguing that not eating beef was, and always had been, essential to Hinduism.
Or are they terrorists moon landing? Life and history is to -- take care of themselves and their nation? The western narrative is that christianity was correct in eliminating the cultures of the new world that islam was correct in annihilating the buddhist culture of Afghanistan . Why are so many people afraid to look closely at the September 11 attack? In part this is because so much of the ancient past is still visible and evocative.
Or the attack on Pearl Harbor? On the one hand, they are often assumed to convey a generally-accepted version of the past, one that allows students to comprehend basic concepts as well as grand narratives. unless clearly stated otherwise. Or the Nazi prison camps? Thapar is a scholar who has defended the methodology of the historian even in the face of the most virulent criticism.
But more importantly, identities, and the heritage linked to nationalism, still hinge on the interpretation of early history. The content of all comments is released into the public domain