This ensures that your stove will perform with the best efficiency and at the lowest risk of unwanted accidents. The two months of pollution reduction, Burke calculates, has probably saved the lives of 4,000 children under 5 and 73,000 adults over 70 in China. For example, nitrogen dioxide contributes to seemingly unrelated health problems such as ear infections and development of food allergies in children. Stay up to date with the media, and follow the advice of your government.

The DoE will also make it mandatory to set up an Air Treatment Plant for large industrial units. Some symptoms include irritations, nausea, dizziness, asthma, liver and kidney failures, central nervous system damage and cancer [15]. By following this advice you will definitely help reducing air pollution caused by cars, but you should still be aware that any car with an exhaust pipe will emit some amounts of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide into the air. For example, the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health published a study that lists a myriad of health problems arising from the air contamination due to the combustion of fossil fuels.

On March 9, the Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, announced all of Italy will be placed under lockdown conditions to contain the virus. Trees remove between 850 to 2,000 tons of harmful particles from the urban air each year [9]. Except of removing the particulate matter, trees also decrease levels of nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide and monoxide, ozone, benzene and dioxin. Using high quality essential oils in a diffuser will not only produce a nice scent throughout a room, you will also gain many health benefits from the complex natural compounds that the essential oils contain. Our goal is to inspire people to change their attitudes and behaviors toward a more sustainable life. Traffic, especially diesel cars, is one of the worst offenders when it comes to air pollution. This way you will have direct access to fresh produce of your preference, and you will even be sure that what you eat is chemical-free. Just a quick trip to supermarket opens up a world of a great variety of exotic fruits, vegetables and spices.

The air quality in Savar is unhealthy while Dhaka and Narayanganj has very unhealthy air. "Air pollution exceeds malaria as a global cause of premature death by a factor of 19; it exceeds violence by a factor of 16, HIV/AIDS by a factor of 9, alcohol by a factor of 45, and drug abuse by a factor of 60.". Other review highlights how easy its maintenance is. Since 2017, diesel vehicles have had to meet certain emission standards (Euro 3) to be allowed on Paris’ streets. When you are out for a drive, do not idle your vehicle. Although it is important to realize that there are still some emissions involved.

These substances are severe health hazards. “[It’s] is surrounded by mountains so with environmental conditions like today, when there is no wind, the air gets stuck in the middle of the valley.”. Sources of formaldehyde are everywhere around us.

The CASE project, which commenced in October 2009 and ended in June this year, was jointly implemented by the Department of Environment, the Dhaka city authorities, and Dhaka Transport Coordination Board.

According to engineer Renato Grampa, this city is particularly prone to smog conditions due to its geographical features. VOCs represent a variety of chemicals derived from petroleum, for example, formaldehyde, benzene, perchloroethylene and chlorofluorocarbons. According to Reuters, Turin and at least 11 other municipalities in the Piedmont area have prohibited vehicles built before 2013 from driving on local roads.

Use green cleaning products instead of conventional chemical-filled products. All vehicles have to put a sticker in the windscreen to indicate how polluting the vehicle is considered to be. Earlier this month, research suggested that air pollution costs us three years, on average, off our global life expectancy. For example, common ash, ginkgo biloba, oak, various linden trees and elms [10]. You can also sign up to airTEXT to receive air pollution alerts by email, text and voice message. One reliable technique is ‘Active soil depressurization, ‘which draws radon from beneath the foundation and emits it outside. “It seems entirely probable that a reduction in air pollution will be beneficial to people in susceptible categories, for example some asthma sufferers,” he said. Some of the health deteriorating compounds found in smoke include lead, arsenic, ammonia, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.

In today’s complex world, however, with hazardous chemicals in everything we buy. Can there be any easier solution how to get better air quality in your home than surrounding yourself by pretty flowers? If you care about the quality of life in the place you call home, it is necessary to stay informed and take supportive actions for good causes.

Each stage of the manufacture from raw materials is accompanied by emissions of polluting particles, heavy metals, chemicals and greenhouse gases. Dr Ahmed Kamruzzaman Majumder, chairman of the Department of Environmental Science at Stamford University, said: “The enforcement (of laws) for environmental degradation in Bangladesh is the lowest globally due to lack of awareness and public support. You can do this by opening windows to exchange air inside your house. So far, 16 air quality observation stations have been set up nationwide, with only 11 functioning. Source reduction through education and economic development in LDCs (Cultural shift). But did you also know that increased concentrations of formaldehyde cause irritations, asthma and eczema?! It is one of the products of the radioactive decay of uranium, which can be found naturally in all rocks on this planet. Walking or riding a bike to get to work comes with numerous benefits for your wellbeing. Additionally, cooler temperatures are more comfortable for our wellbeing, which makes trees a great substitute for energy demanding air conditioners. The prolonged period of unhealthy air in Bangkok is not unique to the city nor the country: 92 per cent of Asia and the Pacific’s population—some 4 billion people—are exposed to levels of air pollution … Some pollution comes in a visible form, like pieces of plastic washed up on our beaches or illegal dumpsites in groves nearby large cities, other pollution comes in a hidden and perhaps even more dangerous form, in the air we breathe daily.