Giulio Bonasone (1500/10–1574), The Triumph of Juno from the series Loves, Rages and Jealousies of Juno. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and public holidays are regulated by Pope Gregory XIII’s Gregorian Calendar, which is itself a modification of Julius Caesar’s calendar introduced in 45 B.C. September comes from the Latin word septem, meaning “seven,” because it was the seventh month of the early Roman calendar. Can anybody also share information as to the date of origin and who's the Pope created or made a decree on some Pagan rituals to be adapted to the Roman Church worship so the Pagans would join the Roman Catholic Church?

You started off with a question, and it really made me think!

Before July and August were renamed after Roman rulers, they were called Quintilis and Sextilis, meaning fifth and sixth months.

September had 30 days but Numa changed the days to 29. This is how February got its name. March was originally the first month, as you noted! But what about the rest? United Kingdom, Detail from the 'Kalendar of Johannes de Gamundia', Februa in a shell, pulled by Pisces, represented by two fish, Copper-alloy figure of Mars, the Roman god of war, Marble head from a statue, probably of Julius Caesar, Bronze head of the Roman emperor Augustus, The moon in a design for a Half-Moon Tavern, 14 things not to miss at the British Museum.


We think it's fun to learn new things, don't you? The Romans called the month Aprilis. Eventually, the Julian Calendar was replaced with today’s Gregorian calendar because there were still some inaccuracies and adjustments to be made. Did You Know That The Canary Islands Are Named After Dogs? You're in charge of Earth and everything in and on it. This month, we focus on the month of October—but you can find your own birthday month listed here, too. January. March was also a time of many festivals, presumably in preparation for the campaigning season. after his death. :), Hi, LOL! I love this info, but I am confused about something. Yan Wayur means the first month in Berber Language . June has been a popular wedding month in the history of Rome.

Although may is a commonly used verb, it is not related to the month of May.

Still, others believe that the name originated from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. Our lives run on Roman time. For example, the calendar did not accurately reflect the time it took the Earth to orbit the Sun. Wonderopolis. Previously, July was called “Quintilis," which is Latin for “fifth. Thank you for putting this video on here.

The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. In 1582, Pope Gregory adjusted the calendar, so most western nations began celebrating the start of the year on January 1. :), We're so excited that you're WONDERing with us, Brianna!

We will definitely take that into consideration as we make improvements to Wonderopolis. Hi I was wondering what are the origins of December so who was named after December which God??? 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, 4th, 5th, 6th, and Sabbath, which is the 7th day. We hope you enjoyed learning more about the origins of the names of the months of the year! your wonderopolis reader Elaina, Actually January came from the Berbers of North Africa. 1)January = Leden (Led = Ice)...the nature is covering with ice. Have a WONDERous day!

September follows from Quintilis and Sixtillia months. Instead of their current names, you intend to rename each month of the year with a name that embodies what that month is all about.

Before there was a "Roman Calendar", YHVH, Yehovah, Creator of the Universe, set the lights in the heavens for "times and for seasons". Just remember, Makaysia, that September, the ninth month, comes from the Latin word that means "seven," and then October comes from the - wait, we aren't helping, are we? March - ME March(e), from Latin Martius, (month of) Mars. Pretend that you've just been named King of the Earth. The Roman calendar, a complicated lunar calendar, had 12 months but only 10 of the months had names. 5) May = Květen (Květ = Bloom /Blossom)...everything in nature is blossoming,

The month is associated with goddess Maia. In 46 B.C., Julius Caesar made one of his greatest contributions to history: With the help of Sosigenes, he developed the Julian calendar, the precursor to the Gregorian calendar we use today.

:-), We think that is a GREAT idea, Cami! Also from the Latin word maiores, “elders,” who were celebrated during this month. Since March was the first month of the new year in ancient Rome, some historians believe the Romans named March after Mars, the Roman god of war. Bravo! Oh really? Check out Wonder #858 :), Thanks for sharing a little about yourself today, De De!

Custom programming and server maintenance by. The ancient Romans used a different calendar system, and their year began in March and ended in February! This is the first month of the Roman year.

We're glad to be a part of your time together!

This month was named after Janus – the god of beginnings and endings.

January. a female deity; any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force, a day or period of time set aside for feasting and celebration, one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year, a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals, any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force, a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year, a living thing that has leaves, makes its own food, and has roots that usually grow in the earth, a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole, a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days, the waging of armed conflict against an enemy,,,

September, October, November and December are named after Roman numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10 – they were originally the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth months of the Roman year! Engraving, 1698. We love your name, by the way. As the poet Ovid wrote: For they say that April was named from the open season, because spring then opens all things, and the sharp frost-bound cold departs, and earth unlocks her teeming soil ….

Sounds like a great topic for a Wonder Journey, jon! Have a SUPER weekend! Named for the Roman goddess Juno, patroness of marriage and the well-being of women. The artist has included the twins Castor and Pollux because the zodiac sign of Gemini starts in May. The februa included spelt and salt for cleaning houses, leaves worn by priests, and strips of goat skin. November Here she is seated in a chariot. This was not his birth month (which was September), but the month when he first became consul and subjugated Egypt. I had no clue that February and January was the 11th and 12th month. We don't currently have a Wonder about that. Always keep WONDERing!

This is how they got their names. The name probably comes from Maiesta, the Roman goddess of honor and reverence. These formed part of preparations for the coming of Spring in the northern hemisphere.

We are IN the end of days NOW! July and August were named after two major figures of the ancient Roman world – the statesman Julius Caesar (on the left above, slightly damaged!) See also Greek and Roman Mythology. Also, since we do not list a publish date for our Wonders of the Day, you may put the date you accessed this page for information. Basically, winter was a “dead” month when the government and military wasn’t active so they only had names for the time period we think of as March through December.

Thanks for stopping by! :), Great question, Wonder Friend! The institution of two additional months, Ianuarius and Februarius, at the beginning of the year was attributed to Numa, the second king of Rome. The Roman calendar originally began in March, and the months of January and February were added later, after a calendar reform. The month was named after a Latin word “Octo” which means “eight.” A suffix “ber” was added to the added to the adjective “octo” to form the word October. September, October, November and December are named after Roman numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10 – they were originally the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth months of the Roman year! Calendar Name Origins - Names of Months.

2014–2020 © National Center for Families Learning,, © National Center for Families Learning (NCFL). Flowers begin to bloom and leaves start growing on trees! SOCIAL STUDIES — History. We love your enthusiasm for WONDERing and learning! Janus, the god of beginning and endings, is often shown as having two faces. Collect old calendars from your friends and neighbors and use them to make. The names are related mainly to our four seasons of the year. London WC1B 3DG We hope this helps! IS THIS A PROFIT COMPANY? Further reading: Explainer: the seasonal calendars of Indigenous Australia.

Life (and the world) IS confusing, but we do love to Wonder about it! Welcome to Wonderopolis! How do you feel about being born that month? The name probably comes from Maiesta, the Roman goddess of honor and reverence. Yeah, it's awesome.

October was the eighth month in the 10-month ancient Roman calendar. Great question, FloresMG24! The writers could mention up to 42 generations of other people yet I can only go back to 4 generations of my own ancesters. We sent you SMS, for complete subscription please reply. I was trying to put somethings together but I can only go by numbers. Quintilis "July", 6. The names of our months are therefore derived from the Roman gods, leaders, festivals, and numbers.