Even under fraudulent UN-MetO-NOAA manipulated data the world is. There is no evidence for the CO2 climate driver proposition in. From 21st the Sub is deemed to apply from the next month and the current month is free. *These are uniquely predicted by WeatherAction and no others using Piers Corbyn's Solar-Lunar-Action-Technique. My 5,000 friends limit has been reached for a long time so new Fb Friends only come as Friends / accounts drop out (or any are deFriended). Almost always the app and prediction is correct. ), forecasts, now recognised world-wide by scientific forecasters and extreme-event analysts have unique skill in predicting most likely periods of extreme thunder and tornado risk and Tropical Storm formation and Rapid development. This is a mobile app made to view on a mobile phone that is almost always being operated with one hand. USA forecasts include LANDFALLING TROPICAL STORMS / HURRICANES. snow / blizzards Scandinavia Dec 22-24 and after, confirmed WeatherAction Long-Range Europe map forecast detailed warnings for, Red R4 period Dec 22-24 and TopRed Dec 25-26, Wet and windy weather Dec 12 Election day confirmed Piers Corbyn's specific bad weather warnings from 100 days ahead. We always go to this app to see if we can remain outside for our outdoor appointments.

This and deluges and floods Dec 13-15 in much of UK eg Wales, plus major hailstorms (South) UK 15th December confirmed our 100 day ahead warnings for that period of WeatherAction. I believe we had chocolate cake and to my dismay one of the candles’ wax melted on my finger and hurt me dearly. Existing subs get extended for overlap on new subs / continue from end new sub. Useful presentations on SLAT and WeatherAction forecasts: WeatherAction Long-Range forecasts are world leaders.

Stand up for the real science fightback with great deals and #StopNewNormal-SaveLives and our top Climate pamphlet. Great Leaflet (first issued Dec2018) 6 point ClimateChallenge to BBC and UN and EXPOSE of the DeepState-Orchestrated/manipulated Protest #ExtinctionRebellion/ #ClimateEmergency http://bit.ly/2r4WgBn, 28 April Man Made Climate Change Does Not Exist DISCUSSION    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlK2_t66wQI  42k views Oct 2019 5 May The Climate Policies we have are not to Control Climate but to Control You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njp1ilDFQsE 35k Oct 2019. In order to tell this story we can’t start at the begging, we must journey back much farther. World Leaders in Long-Range forecasting and backers of #StopNewNormal-SaveLives Campaign.

ALL past forecasts for any service are available via service access boxes. a warmer ocean (which holds 50x more CO2 than the atmosphere) emits CO2 and vice versa. Welcome to WeatherAction! AMAZING FORECAST - third month after start of Solar Cycle 25. ALL 45d (inc 30d) services 6m/12m @3/5 (50%/58%OFF). ", To would-be Facebook friends of Piers Corbyn. FREE extensions of Services Access will be given, Apologies for load delays due to Lockdown, . THAT Wild Jet Stream (Mini-Ice-Age) behaviout was and is regularly predicted by Piers Corbyn's Solar-Lunar approach and is, UK can Leave EU NOW easily & safely by managed WTODeal. Weather apps are a must these days but it’s easier said than done finding a quality build. - so that next month which loads 15th onwards is excluded. Br+Ir ALL-WINTER 20-21 NOW  All winter summary and DEC detail (6 sections) loaded. "2014 (or 2015 or 2016 or 207 or 2018...) World hottest ever"? This marked the advent of the Climate-Change Act - the worlds first law against nature**. http://twitter.com/SteveSGoddard/status/552154210377412608/photo/1pic.twitter.com/txb21edlOC, Delta House, 175-177 Borough High St. London SE1 1HR (+44)(0)2079399946, (+44)(0)7958713320. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio. Do it as a way of Getting great forecasts and backing #IStandWithPiersCorbyn and supporting www.StopNewNormal.net !

30d for that month is also loaded. - so that next 75d month which loads 15th onwards is excluded. He gave IMPORTANT weather - Will it snow? We point out that the world is now cooling not warming and there is no observational evidence in the thousands and millions of years of data that changes in CO2 have any observable effect on weather or climate in the real world. We had @Action4Life_ action against Camden Council's FAKE DEBATE on their deranged #ClimateEmergency 7Oct 7pm.

For more details and to subscribe click, are also available - enquire directly via, WeatherAction forecasts, which have independently proven peer-reviewed significant skill, unlike all others in the field and proven skill in weather bets with William Hill (See. As the the world continues to warm incidence of extreme events such as in recent days will increase. Note end Dec Mediterranean snow - good forecast. ), (Sat 9 Nov *New* Brighton For latest Go to https://windowsontheworld.net), (Sat 16 Nov 12-6pm The Arc, 27 BroadSt Bristol BS1 2HG BiggerPicture) WAS BRILL, Sun24Nov AberdeenBiggerPic BadenPowell CommunityCentre,AB53 4FE POSTPONED to a group of events, (SAT 30 Nov 1.30pm-7pm COLCHESTER, The Bigger Picture, Tollgate Hall (behind Stanway Community Centre), Villa Road, CO3 0RH. (** On this many cite King Cunute but he was in fact showing courtiers that flattery of his powers was nonsense), A few years later as he was becoming less active he said to me in a cafe in St Pancras station - the last time I saw him: "Piers, you must press on, you must stand your ground against this (Climate Change) nonsense. This and deluges and floods Dec 13-15 in much of UK eg Wales, plus major hailstorms (South) UK 15th December confirmed our 100 day ahead warnings for that period of WeatherAction TopRed R5 period Dec 12-14+-1d. Forecasts further ahead - eg up to 12 months ahead are available directly from WeatherAction.com. Br+Ir NOV 125d (6 periods) is in : BI: 4/5m; TheWholeLOT. Thank you to all involved. Piers Corbyn, wwwWeatherAction.com  predicted the late June-early July Eu & BI  Heatwave  13wk Ahead (and warned of more Quakes and volcanoes which came esp July 8-11+-2d), 2. We apologize for any late loadings.

the real world using real data over hundreds of thousands of years. With a business that revolves around being outside, knowing the weather is a huge part of our success and reliability. #StopNewNormal - SAVE LIVES!

not warming. The same / related periods are also used for Extreme Earthquake risk trial forecasts. Some expected in WeatherAction forecasts cold / snow blasts in parts of January mainly in North BI took place / OR got shifted East to Europe by jet Stream pattern shifts. USA-Maps SEPT 30d FULL (6 periods) is LOADED in: 30d/45d, 100d, 4/5m; & TheWholeLOT. IMPORTANT FORECAST - 4th month after start of Solar Cycle 25. detail (6 sections) loaded. - Formidably skilled forecasts for April and May 2016 in BI, Eu and USA. www.WeatherAction.com and #StandUpX, @Action4Life_ / @Action4LifeN activity has costs. "Brilliant+Concise+Clear - Must Have" 24 pages. Great success), (Tue 3 Dec Birmingham Piers Corbyn. was a really great event. NONE of the above were predicted long-range by any other forecasters. Piers Corbyn writing in Reading University Debating Society:  Man-Made Climate Change Does Not Exist, near top of this page) - order via online shop - is a, VIDEO Make #ExtinctionRebellion extinct protest, WestminsterBridge 20Sept and, VIDEO JamesWhale 20 Sept PiersCorbyn +AliceGrant +More GO=>, Piers Corbyn's Presentation** at Glastonbury Symposium 28July 2019 - extended from many before & used as, Reference for Reading Uni Debates booklet =>, Biggest meeting ever of TruthJuice, organisers), FURTHER Meetings in New Year + DETAILS / CHANGES + BOOKING via, - Hysterical claims that July 2019 world / any country temps are "hottest ever / since records began" are FRAUD, SEE the astounding level of admitted "adjustment" (fraud) visit  @Tony_Heller  twitter and link to superb YouTube "Erasing America's hot past" (applies to world also) =>, ClimateEmergency" Hype DISPROVES CO2 "Climate-Change", "warming" is fraud is: major heat extremes are often from geographically large/ wild, swings and shifts THEREFORE we expect uneven averages over world. <= AND for Piers Corbyn + Philip Foster Top Pamphlet - "ManMade Climate Change does not exist" - by post, pic further below. He is the elder brother of former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Forecasts issued can include re-issue of copies of previous without update and appropriately labelled [even if no changes have been (yet) made] - so subscribers know they have not missed a forecast (update). - inc expose of globalists propaganda use of Australia fire - like a new "Reichstag fire", => Piers Corbyn + Mark Windows + Sandi Adams spoke in. The CoronaVirus lockdowns are also used for these for this plan. Br+Ir OCT 100d (4 periods) is in : BI: 100d, 4/5m; Eu EnTrades=100d; TheWholeLOT. 45d forecast means ~15d to 45d ahead and is issued mid of previous month; etc for 75d. AMAZING FORECAST - third month after start of Solar Cycle 25. Contribute to ruanyf/weather-action development by creating an account on GitHub.