Invasion Missions: The Corpus will appear as a "Sideable or Opposing" faction while the Infestedwill always appear as an "Opposing" faction during Invasion missions. Alternate Sabotage Tube Room cache (above). Your search for caches can frusfrate you right till the very end – at the extraction point. Warframe Uranus Sabotage Cache Locations Guide. These locations are before the main flooding room. Alternatively, another cache can be found like this.

Caches can be found here and here. 3RD FREEFALL/LONG LIFT. ICE CAVERN CACHE A bit hard to find, remember to look up! Note: This guide is not 100% complete. There’s one on potentially either side (refer to map) of a Tube Room (no idea what to name it). These locations are AFTER the main flooding room. A cache can be found in the gunk! I have divided this guide into 2 main parts: BEFORE FLOODING and AFTER FLOODING. The problem is, I don't know anything for what to look for. These locations are AFTER the main flooding room. SurvivalMissions: The following lists below do not apply to Survival missions. I’ve decided to screenshot some cache locations as a guide to other players grinding this mission alongside me, with the hopes that you will find this useful. You’re grinding for Lightning Dash. SpyMissions: Special enemy variants have a chance of spawning during Spy missions. You can hear it well enough, but you need to hop down a small hole! Warframe Uranus Sabotage Cache Locations Guide by ironfate9 Nobody likes hunting for caches in the Uranus Underwater Tileset. A cache may be hiding inside this shipwreck thing. I’m bound to have some missing cache locations. I wish you the best of luck running those Sabotage missions! Nobody likes hunting for caches in the Uranus Underwater Tileset.

(Which is obsured by the jet of water, near the blue player triangle.) Hey guys so question- I'm trying to start the quest you are suppose to take before Second Dream which you start by scanning a drone on Uranus. Warframe Uranus Sabotage Cache Locations Guide by ironfate9. Natah is a main Warframe quest involving the mystery behind a strange drone appeared in the Origin System and the Tenno mission is to help The Lotus find out what they are and who sent them.. Requirement: Mastery Rank 3; Unlock the uranus junction; Scan drones in Grineer Sealab on Uranus; Rewards. Sharkwing through a long, long tunnel, and you might find a cache at the end! A cache could be hiding underneath the right room where you inject the toxin to fight the Manic Bombard . It’s huge, there are crates everywhere and the caches may be hiding in the most damning of spots. Easily found with Thief’s Wit/Loot Aura. Caches can also be found in dead end glass rooms in the post-flooding area. I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE IF THE PICTURES AREN’T CLEAR ENOUGH! Check this gif out to see how to get there. Caches may be found in a dead-end room in an L-shaped corridor. There’s a cache in a dead end room that requires a bit of diving (look for the empty opening) from thisgear/engine room . P.S You can scan the sharks – they’re called Lanx. GRINEER BARRACKS. This tunnel was near a moving white Grineer submarine in my playthrough – not sure if it is a permanent feature. A cache can be found in this giant glass tube room. These locations are before the main flooding room. Don’t let the bright, slimy stuff deter you! Gunk room cache, there’s one in the nasty stuff. There’s a room with a cracked glass panel. Sneaky sneaky DE. Some can be found near the bottom of the lift’s landing. It’s VERY easy to miss.

Sharkwing around this S-bend, and keep your eye out for this cache! It’s huge, there are crates everywhere and the caches may be hiding in the most damning of spots. These are generally the easiest to find. Another cache can be found hidden in the ceiling. I’ll add them in when I find more! Exilus Adapter; You can now purchase Exilus Adapter blueprints from Cephalon Simaris A cache may be hiding waaaaay in a corner of the underwater map. Underwater S-bend cache #1 (not the dead end), Underwater S-bend cache #2 (the dead end, you can see this tunnel in the expanded map in the first S-bend video, it’s the one I already passed), Underwater Fan cache, in some underwater tilesets there will be pipes, head into them, you may need to shoot some fans and laser doors on the way through (you can’t destroy the fans, they’ll only stop moving temporarily), then head up into this small dead end room, Saw you patch this in just now, but the Manic Bombard cache, Pokemon Go Excited State Emotion Point Decay Guide, Torchlight 2 Elite Prismatic Bolt Embermage Guide. A cache could be hiding underneath the right area where you raise and destroy the tubes. Not shown are some metal plates that have to be SHOT FIRST to reveal the opening. Cache is here, up against a ledge! Here’s proof that it can be done!

They can be near the top or near the bottom (similar to the one near the entrance). You can break it. Alternately, another cache can be found above the central room. Natah quest. It’s in this Grineer barracks. From this vantage point, go through the right entrance. I would never have found this myself! My screen flickers blue letting me know the drone is around and I'll whip out my scanner but I still can't seem to find the drone. Your email address will not be published. Cracked Glass cache. You need to shoot off the cover to dive in. There’s a cache that is under the stairs near the main flooding room. Alternatively, it can be found like this. “In some underwater tilesets there will be pipes, head into them, you may need to shoot some fans and laser doors on the way through (you can’t destroy the fans, they’ll only stop moving temporarily), then head up into this small dead end room.”. To reach this area, you need to dive through a tunnel.

If so, use it as a potential landmark. There may be another cache slightlyfurther up. Just like the one at the start of the map, several different caches may be found along the lift’s shaft.