For more than 50 years, UnidosUS has united communities and different groups seeking common ground through collaboration, and that share a desire to make our country stronger. UnidosUS is the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. For the purposes of stipends, there are two categories Youth that are minors ages 14-17 and Youth that are adults ages 18-23.

The UnidosUS Affiliate is responsible for minors during the duration of the trip and must collect permission slips for minors to participate. Prominent thought leaders will share their expertise, discuss where we are as a nation, and explain how to use our collective power to create the country we want to see. UnidosUS, Washington D. C. 87K likes. UnidosUS reserves the right to terminate an award if it feels in its sole discretion that the Affiliate has failed to meet the terms of the award letter, including failure to attend the full the Affiliate Leadership Session and other sessions the Affiliate has registered for. Each Affiliate organization can apply for a maximum of one (1) stipend for a senior leader at your organization to attend the All-Inclusive Registration and/or up to (4) Youth (ages 14-23). UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía joined U.S. Representative Steny H. Hoyer for a Facebook Live talk on the current state of the fight for a DREAM Act Now. (Your Affiliate Engagement contact will inform you if you are due to recertify), Highlighting the UnidosUS Affiliate partnership on your website by displaying the UnidosUS Affiliate logo or acknowledging the partnership (guide and resources can be found. Phone: 202-785-1670; 1126 16th St. NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Hitting His Stride: UnidosUS National Association of Latino School Leaders Fellow Isaac Cardona helps integrate diverse families and grow a spirit of progress amid protests and the pandemic in Portland, Oregon. UnidosUS, Washington D. C. 87K likes. Youth that are Adults (18-23): To receive financial support, Affiliates can register 1-4 Youth ages 18-23. The chaperon may not room with Youth under 18 years old. If the chaperon is not planning to participate in the Affiliate Leadership Session (which is exclusively for CEO/Executive Directors, Board Members or Senior Leaders),  AND if the chaperon is over 23, that person should register for the  “Policy and Community Action Session and 2019 UnidosUS Capital Awards” category OR the “Policy and Community Action Session only” category. All receipts, including your registration, must be presented after participating in the Summit and by. We highly encourage that your agency leverage social media by having organizational accounts with these platforms and that you’re connected to @WeAreUnidosUS. ‘We need to get DREAMers legislation DONE!’. While we have long supported only nonviolent protesting, the demonstrations and events in Minnesota and across the country reflect the intense emotions of a growing number of Americans who demand change and the principled leadership our communities and country deserve. The upcoming calendar is currently empty. As a reminder, only CEO/Executive Directors, Board Members or Senior Leaders that register for the “All-Inclusive Registration” may be eligible for a stipend. WASHINGTON, DC—Today UnidosUS (formerly NCLR) President and CEO Janet Murguía issued the following statement about the killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis and its aftermath:Â, “The senseless and brutal killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers is an outrage. For more information on UnidosUS, visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. What registration category should Chaperons choose?
Please note that there is a max of (4) Youth stipend available per Affiliate. Next, UnidosUS will compile a financial award letter for your organization after verifying eligibility and registration. Please read these criteria carefully before completing the stipend request form. UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía joined U.S. Representative Steny H. Hoyer for a Facebook Live talk on the current state of the fight for a DREAM Act Now. At least one adult per each four minors is required, and chaperons must be at least 20 years old.To save on cost, we encourage that youth share rooms. Mileage will be reimbursed at a rate of $0.58/mile and must be accompanied with a map indicating the miles traveled. Indeed, the Dream Act has bipartisan co-sponsors and enough votes to pass easily if brought to a vote today. We are closer than ever to getting legislation that permanently protects DREAMers. To request stipends for your organization, please follow these steps: 1. Mr. Floyd’s murder serves as yet another painful reminder of just how deeply entrenched prejudice and racism are in our nation’s institutions, from the highest levels of government to local law enforcement. UnidosUS stands in solidarity with our African American brothers and sisters in Minneapolis and nationwide, and we urge our community to unite with them in seeking accountability and justice. We will continue to work with African American and other leaders of color towards creating a more inclusive, safe and just nation, which we believe the vast majority of Americans want. For more than 50 years, UnidosUS has united communities and different groups seeking common ground through collaboration, and that share a desire to make our country stronger. For more than 50 years, UnidosUS has united communities and different groups seeking common ground through collaboration, and that share a desire to make our country stronger. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Find us on Twitter and Instagram @WeAreUnidosUS This is an issue that has broad support from both parties. As a reminder, stipends are meant to help off-set costs and not fully cover all expenses. Please be sure to sign into all events and complete the evaluation forms in order to be eligible for the award.

In this time of grief, we express our condolences to Mr. Floyd’s family and all those who knew and loved him. We stand ready to pursue the policy changes that will begin to root out the structural racism and injustice that led to this tragic death and many others.”, 1126 16th St. NW Suite 600 Click here to view past events and photos », Association Management Software Powered by, UnidosUS stipends for Affiliates are meant to offer financial support to offset the costs of attending the Changemaker Summit. The award is contingent upon receiving receipts for airfare or long-distance mileage and/or lodging for the amount reflected in your award letter.

No other hotel receipts will be accepted. 2. The fight has been long and hard, and we still have much to do. The UnidosUS Affiliate is responsible for securing hotel accommodations, and transportation for Youth receiving stipends and must use the. The UnidosUS stipend amount for Youth that are minors factors in that the host organization must invest in a chaperon. We stand ready to pursue the policy changes that will begin to root out the structural racism and injustice that led to this tragic death and many others.”Â, UnidosUS, previously known as NCLR (National Council of La Raza), is the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization. Continue reading →, © 2011-2020 by UnidosUS | About This Blog.

We will continue to work with African American and other leaders of color towards creating a more inclusive, safe and just nation, which we believe the vast majority of Americans want. The UnidosUS Affiliate is also responsible for securing a chaperon that is at least 20 years old or older to supervise groups of 1-4 minors. 3. Having your organization following UnidosUS (@WeAreUnidosUS) on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (As applicable based on the accounts your organizations currently has. Highlighting the UnidosUS Affiliate partnership on your website by displaying the UnidosUS Affiliate logo or acknowledging the partnership (guide and resources can be found here) AND Having your organization following UnidosUS (@WeAreUnidosUS) on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (As applicable based on the accounts your organizations currently has. All requests for stipends must be made after registering here and requests must be submitted by March 13 which is also the registration cancellation deadline. Participants are responsible for all other costs of attending the convening, including local transportation, meals (outside of the Summit), and incidentals. Stipend may only be for the UnidosUS designated hotel. Complete this Online Stipend Request Form. While adults can travel without chaperons, we do encourage that at least one more representative of your agency accompany young adults as they travel to DC. While some bipartisan progress is being made to produce a nother desperately needed COVID-19 relief bill, time is running out. But we are in a better place than we have been in quite some time.
This registration type is not eligible for stipend. Every week that Congress is in session, UnidosUS is committed to bringing you important updates about what’s happening on Capitol Hill. (Because stipends are limited, we encourage you to register right away).

Find us on Twitter and Instagram @WeAreUnidosUS 9/29/2020Affiliate Digest – September 28, 2020, 9/28/2020Affiliate Digest – September 22, 2020. But January is the last chance for Congress to take action before tens of thousands of DREAMers lose their ability to live, work, and contribute to the only country they know.

For more than 50 years, UnidosUS has united communities and different groups seeking common ground through collaboration, and that share a desire to make our country stronger. Through its unique combination of expert research, advocacy, programs, and an Affiliate Network of nearly 300 community-based organizations across the United States and Puerto Rico, UnidosUS simultaneously challenges the social, economic, and political barriers that affect Latinos at the national and local levels. The max award an Affiliate may request is (1) stipend for a senior leader at your organization to attend the All-Inclusive Registration and/or up to (4) Youth. General registration will be free. UnidosUS will be cross-referencing attendance record to verify eligibility. Stipend amount will vary based on region Affiliate is traveling from and ages of the Youth.  issued the following statement about the killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis and its aftermath: “The senseless and brutal killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers is an outrage. UnidosUS is the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. As the election s draw near, representatives are getting ready to head back to their districts to campaign. In this time of grief, we express our condolences to Mr. Floyd’s family and all those who knew and loved him.Â, Mr. Floyd’s murder serves as yet another painful reminder of just how deeply entrenched prejudice and racism are in our nation’s institutions, from the highest levels of government to local law enforcement. UnidosUS stands in solidarity with our African American brothers and sisters in Minneapolis and nationwide, and we urge our community to unite with them in seeking accountability and justice.Â, While we have long supported only nonviolent protesting, the demonstrations and events in Minnesota and across the country reflect the intense emotions of a growing number of Americans who demand change and the principled leadership our communities and country deserve.Â, The complex, hard and necessary work to undo decades of discrimination and prejudice requires unity, leadership, and action. If more minors are traveling, additional chaperons must be secured. The 2020 UnidosUS Annual Conference will be a virtual experience, held online during the week of July 27.