Overall 6.1/10 . (Reusable in 7 turns), eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'summonerswar_co-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',159,'0','0']));Niche PvP – Violent / Will (SPD / HP% / HP%), Niche uses in PvP. Undine (x4) - Icasha (x5) Navigator: Type: Support Obtainable from: Scroll of Light & Darkness: Awakened bonus: Strengthen skill: Power-up [Light Drop] 10.
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Niche use with monsters like Camules, the Dark Elemental & Ramagos, the Wind Warbear in Guild Wars Offense . Increases the Defense of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 40%. 6.1/10. On Critical Hit, this attack will increase the chances of the target to land a Glancing Hit. Attacks the enemy with a quick burst of Lightning. Delphoi is used both in PVP a Additionally, this attack will heal an ally with the lowest HP by 25%. She has a good skillset but pretty situational, her first skill with buff removal included is a great tool for dealing against units like Theomars (Ifrit Water) to remove his Endure Buff and been able to kill him before he gets another turn.
You can also rate and review every monster in the game and see which ones are rated the best! (Reusable in 4 turns), Skill 3: Absolute Defense: Removes up to 2 harmful effects on the ally target and makes the target Invincible for 3 turns. High 15. A monster with 15,000 HP will have its bar reach the end since that's the maximum among all monsters. Increases the Defense of ally monsters with Water attribute by 40%.
Home > Monsters > Water Undine (Mikene) Water Undine (Mikene) 0.
Attacks an enemy with a small lightning, decreasing its Attack Speed for 2 turns if the attack lands as a Critical Hit.
Icasha (Light Undine) is a good support monster in Summoners War featured in the Light Hall of Heroes of April 2017. Attack: 527.
Attacks the enemy with a quick flash of Light.
Inflicts damage on an enemy with a strong shock and puts the target's skill on cool down.
In-depth stats about Tilasha could be retrieved on SWARFARM Tilasha (Dark Undine) Further Informations Tilasha Skills and Multipliers Skills Power Ups Buffs and Debuffs Evolution Stats PVP/PVE Ratings User Comments Summary. The second skill can be useful against units with annoying passive skills like Theomars and Perna (Fire Phoenix) and talking about the third skill it can be very annoying for the enemy if you bring her during a Guild War attack or in arena attack, especially if you cast the 3 turns invincible buff on a selected unit of the opposite and weaker sign of the nuker in defense, for example in a run against a Jultan (dark werewolf), if you use this skill on herself you will probably [...], Tilasha (Dark Undine) is a good support monster with revive skill in Summoners War. Additionally, this attack will heal an ally with the lowest HP by 25%.
eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'summonerswar_co-box-4','ezslot_2',157,'0','0']));Skill 1: Light Drop (Strengthened) [410%ATK]: Attacks an enemy with a small ray of light, removing a beneficial effect on the target if the attack lands as a Critical Hit. High 20.
Mid HP: 9225. Legende: HP - Lebenspunkte, Atk - Attacke, DEF - Verteidigung, SPD - Geschwindigkeit, Acc - Genauigkeit, C.R. Inflicts damage on an enemy with a strong shock and puts the target's skill on cool down. Removes up to 2 harmful effects on the ally target and makes the target Invincible for 3 turns. Attacks the enemy with a quick flash of Light.
Summoners War Sky Arena Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Undine (Feuer) Deutsch.
Moreover in Raid Battles Delphoi has a good leaderskill (40% Defense to wind monsters) if you use also other wind monsters, like Feng Yan, [...], Icasha (Light Undine) is a good support monster in Summoners War featured in the Light Hall of Heroes of April 2017.
Attacks an enemy with a small piece of darkness. 7.1/10. Awakened Strengthened Skill: [Ice Drop] Good For Fusion, Starting DB10.
By closing this alert, scrolling this page, clicking on a link or continuing navigation in any other way, you consent to the use of cookies. The second skill can be useful against units with annoying passive skills like Theomars and Perna (Fire Phoenix) and talking about the third skill it can be very annoying for the enemy if you bring her during a Guild War attack or in arena attack, especially if you cast the 3 turns invincible buff on a selected unit of the opposite and weaker sign of the nuker in defense, for example in a run against a Jultan (dark werewolf), if you use this skill on herself you will probably see jultan losing 3 turns trying to put her down, unless the defense team has a buff removal unit.
Additionally, all allies recover 25% of their HP.
Good Revive
Overall 6.5/10 . (Reusable in 4 turns), eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'summonerswar_co-banner-1','ezslot_3',158,'0','0']));Skill 3: Revive: Revives a dead ally with 40% HP and grants immunity for 1 turn. High base defense English; Bearbeiten. Youtube Videos Skills Power Ups Buffs and Debuffs Evolution Stats PVP/PVE Ratings (Reusable in 4 turns), Removes all harmful effects on all allies, also granting Immunity for 2 turns and recovering 30% of their HP.
Embed code. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Delphoi (Wind Undine) is a great support monster in Summoners War. [...], Delphoi (Wind Undine) is a great support monster in Summoners War. (Reusable in 7 turns). At SummonersWar.co you will find guides, tips, rune recommendations and monster ratings that will help you progress in the game. Additionally, this attack will heal an ally with the lowest HP by 25%. Pairs well with monsters like Halphas, the Light Lich, Dispells beneficial effects
Guild War Defense - /10. By closing this alert, scrolling this page, clicking on a link or continuing navigation in any other way, you consent to the use of cookies, © 2016 Summoners War Monsters is a fan site not affiliated with Com2Us.
3 min read Base Form . I agree with all the subjects, skill descriptions and uses, even with the rune builds. Damage Mid game - Fatal/Blade(Atk%/Crit R%/Hp%), Damage Late game - Violent/Blade or Violent/Revenge : SPD/CD%/HP%, with an eye on accuracy and critical rate substats, Icasha Skills and Multipliers e.g. 0/10. Attacks the enemy with a cloud of Darkness. 0/10. Attacks all enemies with a burst of water pillar and increase their chance of Glancing Hits for 2 turns with a 50% chance. Attacks all enemies with a dark pillar and decrease the Attack Bar by 30% with a 50% chance.
Comments Rating 7.08/10 (2 reviews) Pros. Mid 5. Undine (x4) - Mikene (x5) Navigator: Type: Support Obtainable from: Mystical Scroll, Mystical Summon, Temple of Wishes, Water Scroll, Legendary Scroll, Monster Fusion: Awakened bonus: Power-up [Ice Drop] 10. How to get Fire Undine in Summoners War You can obtain Undine from Mystical Scroll, Mystical Summon (Crystals), Legendary Scroll, Fire Scroll, Temple of Wishes How many Devilmon to max skill-up Atenai? Defense: 593.
Attacks an enemy with a small ray of light, removing a beneficial effect on the target if the attack lands as a Critical Hit. The Monster Guide of Monsters: 3, 4, and 5* Mons, Homunculus (Support) Best Skill Tree Paths, Trial of Ascension (ToA) In-depth Guide – Units, Runes and Stats, Team Composition. Feuertropfen: Greift den Feind mit einer kleinen Feuersbrunst an. - Kritischer Schaden. https://summonerswar.fandom.com/de/wiki/Undine_(Feuer)?oldid=6506, Erwachen Boni: Fertigkeit verbessern: Feuertropfen. Cooldown reset, Low base HP User Comments, Rating by users: 4.14 / 5 based on 45 reviews, © 2016 Summoners War Monsters is a fan site not affiliated with Com2Us. Tags: Revivers.
Stats reflect 6-star max, with each bar reflecting how that particular stat compares to the minimum and maximum that can be found among all monsters.
Increases the Defense of ally monsters with Light attribute by 40%. High 20. (Reusable in 4 turns), Removes up to 2 harmful effects on the ally target and makes the target Invincible for 3 turns. High 15.
eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'summonerswar_co-banner-1','ezslot_1',158,'0','0']));Skill 2: Mind Shock [500%ATK]: Inflicts damage on an enemy with a strong shock and puts the target’s skill on cool down. Mid HP: 12510.
Defense: 747.
Undine (Feuer) Typ: Rückhalt Erwacht zu: Atenai: Erwachen Boni: Fertigkeit verbessern: Feuertropfen Erhalten von: ?
Attack: 790.
Delphoi is used both in PVP and PVE: she is great in arena defense and lately she has been used often in Raid battles as a wind tank support monster, since her base defense is great … (Reusable in 5 turns). e.g. High 15.
Stats reflect 6-star max, with each bar reflecting how that particular stat compares to the minimum and maximum that can be found among all monsters. Long cooldown on 3rd Skill TOU LINK SRLS Capitale 2000 euro, CF 02484300997, P.IVA 02484300997, REA GE - 489695, PEC.
Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Copyright © 2017 - 2020 Com2Us. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'summonerswar_co-box-4','ezslot_2',157,'0','0']));Skill 2: Aqua Frenzy [280%ATK]: Attacks all enemies with a burst of water pillar and increase their chance of Glancing Hits for 2 turns with a 50% chance. Niche uses.
Undine is a group of monsters in Summoners War that consists of 5 natural 4 star monsters. ToA - /10. Attacks an enemy with a small piece of ice, freezing the target if the attack lands as a Critical Hit.
Good revive Fun toy when paired with Camules and Ramagos. 6.5/10 . Monsters: Fire Undine Atenai, Water Undine Mikene, Wind Undine Delphoi, Light Undine Icasha, Dark Undine Tilasha HP zugefügt werden, auf die Verteilung der Lebenspunkte hat die Blockade KEINE Auswirkungen!
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In TOA you can reserve her 1 spot especially in mono-boss floors where you can focus on a single-target.
Skill Up Info Worth skilling up but isn’t necessary to fulfill i (Reusable in 6 turns). Attacks an enemy with a small ray of light, removing a beneficial effect on the target if the attack lands as a Critical Hit. The Monster Guide of Monsters: 3, 4, and 5* Mons, Homunculus (Support) Best Skill Tree Paths, Trial of Ascension (ToA) In-depth Guide – Units, Runes and Stats, Team Composition. 0/10. Pairs well with monsters like Halphas, the Light Lich. Light & Dark Scroll.
Defense: 615. Great review.
Fertigkeiten Leader Fertigkeit: Erhöht die Verteidigung verbündeter Monster mit Feuerattribut um 40%.
eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'summonerswar_co-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',164,'0','0'])); Leader Skill: Increases the Defense of ally monsters with Light attribute by 40%.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'summonerswar_co-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',156,'0','0'])); Skill 1: Light Drop [410%ATK]: Attacks the enemy with a quick flash of Light. 0/10. Anmerkung zu "Leben teilen": Ist ein Monster durch Fertigkeiten nicht regeneriebar (blockiert), so können ihm mit dem Skill keine 15% der max.
Water Undine Mikeneis a Summoners War Sky Arena Monster. (Reusable in 7 turns), You can obtain Undine from High 20. Klassischer Editor Versionen Kommentare Teilen. 7/10.
Cons. (Reusable in 7 turns), Early DB10 – Violent / Energy (SPD / HP% / HP%), eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'summonerswar_co-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',159,'0','0']));Updated 2017.11.29.
Raid - /10.