Here we have tried to provide brief information about different types of particle boards available in the market. Particle boards are gaining popularity as they provide luxurious look as plywood but are in low cost. When a thin laminate sheet is attached to the surface of a plain particle board, it becomes a laminated particle board. Three-layer particle boards have smooth outer layers that are suitable for painting. As the name implies, this board uses cement as a bonding agent and has high resistant to moisture, fire and rot. It is a flat and dense board which can be veneered or plastic laminated but not painted. United States Department of Agriculture: Wood Particleboard and Flakeboard. Cement content is 60% while the wooden particles such as wooden shavings, sawdust and wooden chips make up 20% of the composition. Particle board--also called chip board and flake board--is an engineered wood product that is made by binding together wood chips or flakes with an adhesive binder under pressure. Veneered particle boards have more resistance to warping, as they are properly sealed. The cost of interior décor can be optimized by selecting suitable material for a particular purpose. Difference between Magnitude and Intensity of Earthquake! Single layer particle board Single layer particle board consists of wood particles of same sizes which are pressed together. Ltd. Your email address will not be published. Suggested Read: MDF vs. Plywood vs. The Top 4 Sustainable Flooring Materials for Your Home!

Graded-density particle boards are similar to three-layer particle boards. Tips for Choosing the “Natural Stone Flooring” for Your Home! Particleboard or chipboard is manufactured by mixing particles or flakes of wood or jute-stick together with a resin and forming the mixture into a sheet. According to “Wood Production, Wood Technology, and Biotechnological Impacts,” they have higher moisture resistance than other types of particle boards and are used in the construction industry to form roofing and wall coverings in high-humidity areas. The lamination enhances beauty and increases durability of particle board. The raw material is fed into a disc chipper with between four and sixteen radially arranged blades. Remaining 20% is water. Single layer particle board consists of wood particles of same sizes which are pressed together. CBPB boards are versatile, durable and thick and can be used in rough external conditions. Melamine particle boards are very durable and have resistant to scratches. See disclaimer. These boards are not as dense as single-layer boards and tend to split easily. She possesses excellent critical thinking skills to identify and offer solutions to engineering problems. Melamine particle board is made by fixing a decor paper infused with melamine on the surface of the particle board under high heat and pressure.

koskiwall_11mm_pohjamaalattu_tuotekuva_web1.jpg Particle board is made by compressing wood chips with glue. Single-layer particle boards are used commonly for interior applications. Particle boards are used for making all kinds of furniture such as dressing units, table tops. How to Resolve the Problems by Using Special Cements Under Challenging Site Conditions! Modular Kitchen Products & Design Catalogue. It is also known as low-density fiberboard or chipboard. All of the different particles are then bonded together and finished using a resin binder. They are generally used in the production of fire resistant furniture, false ceiling, internal and external walls and permanent shuttering for concrete floors and walls. High moisture resistance makes them suitable for constructing false ceilings, walls and permanent coverings for concrete floors and walls for buildings located in areas with high humidity. Track Order  |   Customer Support  |  About Us, Sell on McCoy Mart  |  Bulk Orders  |  Stories. Copyright 2019 GharPedia. They are also used for making fire-resistant furniture products, Suggested Read: What is a Particle Board & Its Different Types. Particle boards are also used as underlayment or base for wood flooring, parquet flooring or carpets. Particle boards are used for interior decorative paneling, laminated veneers, shelving, stair treads, furniture, countertops, doors, floor decking, underlayment in recreational vehicles and mobile homes, roof sheathing and exterior siding. Pay Rent or EMI for House | What is Beneficial? Although it won't bow or warp like plywood, it can swell and become unstable when exposed to water. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. In flat-pressed particle board, the chips are mainly parallel to the surface.

Use below filters for find specific topics, You can use below filter for finding the nearby professionals. Suggested Read: What is Laminated Plywood – It’s Types and Design, Your email address will not be published. Due to presence of cement, this type of particle board is resistant against moisture, fire, termites and rotting. They have application in various fields such as wall claddings, wall paneling, modular kitchen, wardrobes, and office furniture. Particle boards are used as coverings for hardwood floors. They are available in various colours and textures to impart decorative look to the interior of your house. Single layer particle boards are suitable for interior applications. Cement-bonded particle boards are manufactured with a magnesium-based cement or OPC (ordinary Portland cement) to form a board that has great fire- and sound-resistant properties. Melamine particle board resists scratches. However, unlike a three-layer particle board, the transition between the coarse surface to the finer ones is gradual. This wood composite is very important to home and commercial engineers for structural purposes. They are also used as ceiling tiles in many types of buildings. The amount of resin in the outer layer is more than in the inner layer.

Whether you’re studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. Particle Board, Cement-bonded particle board has magnesium-based cement or portland cement as the bonding agent. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. They provide the aesthetics of a natural wood in low budget cost.

The chips from disk chippers are more uniform in shape and size than from other types of wood chippers. Locate : Plywood Suppliers and Manufacturers in India. Veneered particle board appears like a natural wooden board.

Different Types Of Particle Board The different types of particleboards are mentioned below: Laminated Particle Board: This type of particleboard is formed when the thin layer of the laminate is attached with the plain surface of the particleboard. This is a water-resistant type of particle board but is not waterproof. The cost of interior design and furniture is now almost equal to the cost of construction of the home due to changing life style. Graded-density particle boards are used in cabinet construction and for furniture components. This type of particle board is used to make cabinets and wooden furniture. Required fields are marked *, C-55, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I,New Delhi - 110020 (India), Copyright © 2020 McCoy Mart, all rights reserved, Looking for Modular Kitchens?