Explore more than 49 'Rosa Parks' resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on 'Rosa Parks Powerpoint' ... Personalise your resources with Twinkl Create! This is a great resource to use during Black History Month.This Rosa Parks comprehension activity is differentiated for students working at different levels in your class. Inclusion Supportive materials for children with individualised needs. She made changes to try and make life fair for black and white people in America. Rosa Parks was a black woman, who played an important part in the American Civil Rights movement.
KS2 Rosa Parks Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity Use as a class presentation or as a resource for students to write a report.
Rosa Parks, born in 1913, is considered one of the key figures of the American civil rights movement.
Her bus protest inspired the Montgomery bus boycott and helped to gain improved rights for black citizens.
Great to … Use this acrostic poem template as a writing exercise to accompany your lesson on Rosa Parks - an activist who made her stand during the Civil Rights movement by refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. Inclusion Supportive materials for children with individualised needs.
You can have them fill out this mind map with things they would like to know about Rosa Park or questions they would like answered. Teach your students all about Rosa Parks with this lovely reading comprehension activity. Introduce your students to Rosa Parks, an important person in U.S. history. By the end of the lesson how many of their questions have been answered? Use this lovely timeline to display the key events in the life of Rosa Parks. This mind map is a great resource for your students to use during your Rosa Park's Day or Black History Month lessons.
Explore more than 37 'Rosa Parks' resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on 'Rosa Parks Powerpoint' ... Personalise your resources with Twinkl Create! Adnodd map meddwl defnyddiol i’w ddefnyddio gyda’r dysgywyr wrth ddysgu am Rosa Parks neu wrth gyflawni gwaith ar Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon. Originals Our original digital story books and teaching materials. rosa parks rosa parks powerpoint martin luther king black history month nelson mandela racism How does this resource excite and engage children's learning? Explore more than 49 'Rosa Parks' resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on 'Rosa Parks Powerpoint' ... Personalise your resources with Twinkl Create!
Defnyddiwch y map meddwl fel man cychwyn i’r gwaith/thema gan annog y dysgwyr i ofyn cwestiynau, cofnodi yr hyn y maent eisoes yn gwybod am Rosa Parks a’r hyn yr hoffent ddysgu amdani. rosa parks rosa parks powerpoint martin luther king black history month nelson mandela racism How does this resource excite and engage children's learning? Defnyddiwch y map meddwl fel man cychwyn i’r gwaith/thema gan annog y dysgwyr i ofyn cwestiynau, cofnodi yr hyn y maent eisoes yn gwybod am Rosa Parks a’r hyn yr hoffent ddysgu amdani.
A collection of resources to teach KS2 students all about Rosa Parks and how her refusing to give up her seat on a bus changed the rules for American society. This fact file is a great way to teach your children about Rosa Parks with a choice of three differentiated sheets of comprehension questions to answer.Tags in this resource: rosa-parks-1.png Use as a class presentation or as a resource for students to write a report. Twinkl » Key Stage 1 - Year 1, Year 2 » Topics » Black History » Rosa Parks What do members download after viewing this? Our informational PowerPoint includes facts about Parks's life and her role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This KS1-appropriate reading comprehension covers key biographical information on the life and work of Rosa Parks. Originals Our original digital story books and teaching materials. Teach your students all about Rosa Parks with this lovely reading comprehension activity. This mind map is a great resource for your students to use during your Rosa Park's Day or Black History Month lessons. Twinkl » Twinkl Ireland resources » English Medium Schools » 5th/6th Class » SESE » History » Politics, Conflict and Society » Revolution and Change in America Use this acrostic poem template as a writing exercise to accompany your lesson on Rosa Parks - an activist who made her stand during the Civil Rights movement by refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white man.
Adnodd map meddwl defnyddiol i’w ddefnyddio gyda’r dysgywyr wrth ddysgu am Rosa Parks neu wrth gyflawni gwaith ar Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon. Our informational PowerPoint includes facts about Parks's life and her role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Great to use during Black History Month or Women's History Month. Originals Our original digital story books and teaching materials. This is a great resource to use during Black History Month.This Rosa Parks comprehension activity is differentiated for students working at different levels in your class.
Introduce your students to Rosa Parks, an important person in U.S. history. Are there any that haven't been? Inclusion Supportive materials for children with individualised needs.
This mind map is a great resource for your students to use during your Rosa Park's Day or Black History Month lessons.