As Stan is pushed into the police car, his grandfather watches the arrest on tv, and expresses his regret at making a deal with the devil. It’s enough to taint the entire save file, and Harrison has to go back to the very beginning, and in an open-world game, that’s a serious time sink. More bodies are found in the woods, and ManBearPig eventually begins attacking groups of people in eating establishments in broad daylight. The boys, i.e., Matt and Trey, must apologize to Al Gore for making him look silly, but Gore proves to be the same lonely, narcissistic individual as he always was.

2020 South Park Digital Studios LLC. Time to Get Cereal - South Park Citizens are in danger and the boys realize that only Al Gore can help. He still continues to believe that this was a shooting and brings Cartman and Kenny, "the two biggest loners", in for questioning. AV Club gave "Time To Get Cereal" a "B" rating saying: "The bits with Gore are a bit frustrating, but this was about as clear of an admission of guilt as you could get, and when you consider that no one was really asking them to make this episode, the fact that they took it upon themselves to do so is an admirable display of responsibility. Randy sees an opportunity for Tegridy in China. Time To Get Cereal is the sixth episode of Season Twenty-Two, and the 293rd overall episode of South Park. At Red Lobster, a man speaks to his wife about Manbearpig. Meanwhile, Cartman calls Stan a cissy. Stan tells the boys that the kid was mauled by a creature, worried it was coming after him. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. Stan pleads with the police, telling them that Al Gore was right all along, and that this time, they all need to admit that they were wrong. They tell him that he was right about Manbearpig and ask him for help, which he refuses. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Time To Get Cereal (Season 22, Episode 06) - Episode Guide, AV Club: South Park attempts to atone for one of its most egregious sins when ManBearPig Returns, South Park © 2020 Comedy Partners. All Rights Reserved. are used to hearing criticism from the perpetually offended. ," even if there was something unsettling about mocking climate change activism. Well, not the devil; South Park’s devil is a rather pleasant fellow, and it’s very nice to see him again. Jimmy and Timmy's project has caught the attention of some very important people. If you enjoyed reading, check out my review of The Scoots, 'Tegridy Farms, Dead Kids, A Boy and A Priest, and The Problem With A Poo. The boys are willing to do almost anything to save the town, and themselves, but it may be just too late. The story begins with another nostalgic callback, Jimbo and Ned, who happen to be the embodiment of senseless environmental destruction, running into ManBearPig. A schoolmate of Stan's named Colin Brooks is found dead in the schoolyard of South Park Elementary School. The episode ends, somewhat surprisingly, on a cliffhanger. It was a metaphor for global warming, and an episode that, though not without its merits, being written in the series’ prime and all, has aged pretty horrendously. So here we are, recognizing that it’s finally “Time to get Cereal,” in one of the best episodes of the season, so far. I wonder who he’s dating these days? "[2], IGN gave "Time To Get Cereal" a "9.1/Editors Choice" rating saying: "Before this episode, it might have seemed like there was nowhere left to go with Al Gore's anti-ManBearPig crusade.

Well now this is the South Park I’ve been waiting for all season! South Park and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Comedy Partners. A Boy and a Priest - The town finds the church doors locked and there's no sign of Butters or the Pastor. At Baskin-Robbins, the cops investigate another attack.

Time to Get Cereal - South Park Citizens are in danger and the boys realize that only Al Gore can help. Suddenly, Ned is attacked by a monster called ManBearPig (a creature first referenced in the episode of the same name) and is carried away in his jaws in front of Jimbo, Randy, and Randy's son, Stan, an incident that Stan relates to his friends. Yates and the police surround the library and order the boys to surrender. But one of the legitimate grievances aimed at the show, is that. You walk four hours through the snow relearning everything, all because your bitch wife went and spent all your hard-earned money on upgrades you didn't want! This includes a lot of food, a song and a video of clips of real-life Al Gore in the past. The Problem with a Poo - Mr. Hankey's offensive behavior puts him in jeopardy of being fired as the Director of the Annual Christmas Pageant. Comedy Central. Thankfully, he gets torn to pieces. - The boys break out of jail and are on the run from the police and ManBearPig. All Rights Reserved. The boys use the game of "Minecraft" as a distraction tokeep their parents from hurting each other. All Rights Reserved. He's playing with fire when he gets in the middle of the school's most talked about couple. Randy celebrates the success of Tegridy Farms while Cartman refuses to get a shot. The boys are willing to do almost anything to save the town, and themselves, but it may be just too late. All Rights Reserved. The creators of South Park are used to hearing criticism from the perpetually offended. South Park and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Comedy Partners. He again tries to leave to play Red Dead Redemption, but is informed of more dead kids at Stark's Pond, which, even though it was outside the school, he still believes was a school shooting. Self-righteous do-gooders might be insufferable, but they’re genuinely trying to do the right thing, and. All Rights Reserved. This year at the traditional Halloween get together, a witch casts a spell that terrorizes the town and ruins Halloween for the boys. Randy celebrates the success of Tegridy Farms while Cartman refuses to get a shot. Script • In his determination to spend as much time at home as possible playing the game, Harrison botches the ManBearPig investigation and arrests the boys, attributing the creature’s kill-streak to school shootings. Cartman is sure the new plant-based diet in the school cafeteria gave him a heart attack. South Park Archives is a FANDOM TV Community. But he’s just as obsessed with Red Dead Redemption 2 as everyone else, and the boys offer him an exchange of information. It's Halloween and Randy is dealing with his daughter's marijuana problem. I am super-duper cereal. Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change. The episode starts on Tegridy Farms where Jimbo and Ned are hunting. Ned, scared, runs away and is captured by ManBearPig, as the others look on in fear. The town of South Park is gentrifying and Kenny thinks it's time to get a job.