The man was the best. Ronald Reagan served as Governor of California twice, from 1967 until 1975. What Reagan did when he tripled our national debt, spending more money than all of the 39 presidents that came before him COMBINED, was set a precedent for ALL future presidents to spend like drunken sailors in a whorehouse with a stolen credit card. Reagan took the helm of the country after years of American strife, including high-profile assassinations, civil-rights struggles and Watergate.
6. At the beginning of his career as President, the influence of the Soviet Union was on the rise and Ronald Reagan came up with a rather controversial way of dealing with that influence and the Cold War in general. Using the best private email service in Reagan’s name is one way to pay tribute to that legacy, as is learning from his lengthy list of accomplishments. Reagan appointed numerous federal judges to the bench who went on to issue landmark decisions regarding constitutional law, including late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, regarded as a champion of conservative ideals. Inflation … His free-market, small-government, pro-liberty conservatism helped to revitalize the GOP and his influence resonates today as conservative candidates still invoke Reagan as their standard-bearer. He developed a strategy known as the Reagan Doctrine and with this one the United States supported the anti-communist forces in Soviet-backed communist governments. In his two terms as President, Reagan cut the budgets of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (by 40%), the Department of Commerce (by 32%), the Department of Agriculture (by 24%), the Department of Education (by 19%), and the Department of Transportation (by 18%).
Ending the Cold War: The Cold War had raged since World War II and communism ‘s quest for world domination remained an existential threat to the United States when President Reagan took office. Reagan and his economic advisors adopted a policy nicknamed Reaganomics which was basically supply-side economics. Click Here to Become a Fan: Your email address will not be published. My parents attended his inauguration and still talk about it to this day.
Peace through Strength: The military was diminished during the Carter years, but Reagan reversed that by rebuilding the armed forces. Tax reform: Not only did he cut tax rates, but the Tax Reform Act of 1986 simplified the income-tax code by eliminating many tax shelters, reducing the number of deductions and tax brackets. 9. Attempts to increase interest rates to help combat this only led to higher unemployment and recession. The best thing Reagan did as president was to win the Cold War without it turning hot. })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); President with Largest Electoral College Victory, highest number of electoral votes won by a non-incumbent presidential candidate and became the 40th President of the, Top 10 Major Accomplishments of Rosa Parks, TOP 10 Major Accomplishments of Harry S. Truman, Top 10 Major Accomplishments of John F. Kennedy, Top 10 Major Accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson, Top 10 Major Accomplishments Of George Washington. This proved to be successful, as the Soviet Union’s influence weakened in few regions and contributed to the ending of the Cold War. "https:" : "http:") + '//'; 8. 2. 5.
We’ve covered this topic before, but the Reagan administration’s response to the AIDS epidemic was unforgivably neglectful. Throughout Reagan’s eight years in office, the nation saw more than 16-million new jobs created. Reagan led the nation through a period of international turbulence and rapid changes in American infrastructure and ideals. He navigated those challenges successfully, bringing the country out on the other side — and solidifying his legacy as a great American leader.
With his reforms and campaigns, President Reagan managed to improve the economy and to move things forward to the end of the Cold War. Liberty for all is an ideal born from selfless integrity. He also included stronger law enforcement with mandatory minimum sentencing. In 1987 they both signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), which meant that nuclear and conventional missiles are going to be eliminated – more than 2.000 weapons were destroyed. Nuclear weapons cuts: Even as massive demonstrations were held in Europe against Reagan’s hawkish stance on nuclear arms, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty he signed with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons. They believed that the drugs are a threat to the society, especially to children and teenagers, so they came up with the ‘Just Say No’ campaign. zergnet.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? 7. With the centennial of Ronald Reagan’s birth this Feb. 6, it is fitting to recall the achievements of one of the greatest Presidents in the history of this nation: 1. Man can go to the moon but can't figure out how to keep greatness. Blogs are great Keep sending. He also championed the causes of the pro-life and family-values movements that sought to counter the societal upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s. The Cold War was the most dangerous time (thus far) in all human history, and the …
We cannot give effectively without possessing personal strength. Read below to find more about his accomplishments. Ronald Reagan came up with Reaganomics, a set of reforms created for improving the economy of the States, which at the time experienced slow economic growth and high unemployment rate.
President Obama take note: Under Reaganomics, 16 million new jobs were created.
I don't know what happened to the American people over the years. Though he only spent eight years in the White House, President Ronald Reagan’s mark on the office and the country have persisted for decades. Reagan told the 13.000 air traffic controllers to return to work in 48 hours or they;re going to lose their job. zergnet.type = 'text/javascript'; zergnet.async = true; Ironically enough, one of the unions that threw their support behind the Reagan campaign was the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization, more leisurely known as PATCO. Reagan faced down international threats of communism with a fortitude that many say ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.Strategic Defense Initiative: The president revolutionized the idea of national defense with a program that united military tactics and technology to counteract nuclear war threats. The first one was that the strike violated the federal law with which government unions aren’t allowed to strike and second, it had natural security implications.
Reagan inherited a misery index (the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates) of 19.99%, and when he left office it had dropped to 9.72%. Our secure private email service will keep your information and personal communications safe. Reagan’s dream of tax returns fitting on a postcard has been nullified as Congress has regressed and continued to make the tax code more complex, necessitating a new push for reform. The successful use of Patriot missile batteries in the first Gulf War proved the critics wrong, and the missile defense system that ensued has lessened the threat of ballistic missiles. The president’s “trickle-down economics” system is credited with revolutionizing the nation’s economic outlook. Revitalizing the GOP and the conservative movement: The Republican Party was at its nadir after Watergate, but Reagan was able to form a winning coalition of fiscal conservatives, family-values voters, blue-collar Reagan Democrats and neo-conservative intellectuals and set the stage for future GOP electoral gains.
GET A REAGAN.COM EMAIL TODAY. Reaganomics: Reagan’s mix of across-the-board tax cuts, deregulation, and domestic spending restraint helped fuel an economic boom that lasted two decades. His Peace Through Strength philosophy was manifested by his reviving the B-1 bomber that Carter canceled, starting production of the MX missile, and pushing NATO to deploy Pershing missiles in West Germany. Reagan became president during a time of double-digit inflation. You can also follow Human Events on FACEBOOK. Reagan won by receiving the highest number of electoral votes won by a non-incumbent presidential candidate and became the 40th President of the United States. He never cut the budgets for the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, Justice, or State. Ending the Cold War at long last, battering inflation and unemployment, maintaining the U.S. as a military superpower, and giving voice to family values and infectious optimism are just a few of one of our greatest President's accomplishments. Get a Reagan Email Address Today. Although some of his strategies were seen as controversial, it’s is still true that Reagan was very influential politician at the time who did a lot for his country. Those efforts were critical in the ultimate collapse of the Soviet empire and essentially ended the Cold War. var znscr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Morning in America: It was basically a slogan for Reagan’s 1984 reelection bid, but Morning in America symbolized a new beginning for the country. The GDP growth went from -0.3% to 4.1% during his career and that’s not the only successful thing Reagan achieved. He also laid the framework with Gorbachev for the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which reduced both countries’ arsenals of nuclear weapons. Ronald Reagan together with his wife, the First Lady Nancy Reagan lead anti – drug campaign during his time as President. The president championed the ideals ingrained in the founding of America, such as patriotism and family values, igniting unprecedented pride in the country.A New Optimism: Reagan took the helm of the country after years of American strife, including high-profile assassinations, civil-rights. In 1984, Reagan again won as a presidential candidate with winning in 49 out of 50 states. 10. His acting career lasted for more than 25 years during which Reagan appears in more 50 films.
Ronald Reagan is the 40th President of the United States and he served as the 33rd Governor of California as well. Those efforts ensured that America remained a military superpower. Taking on PATCO: Early in his administration, members of the federal air traffic controllers union (PATCO) went on strike, violating a federal regulation. His official spokesman laughed at the thousands of Americans who were dying of AIDS. 4. Carry on Ronald Reagan's tradition of support for personal freedom and conservative values by signing up for your own email address. Ronald Reagan and the Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev held four summit conference between 1985 and 1988. That year, he also won 525 electoral votes and received 59% of the popular vote, making his victory the largest electoral college victory ever. In 1980 Ronald Reagan ran for President against his Democratic opponent, the President Jimmy Carter.
I say that's ironic because it was our then-president's involvement in a PATCO labor dispute that effectively served as the death knell for unions in this country. Here’s a rundown of the high points of Reagan’s tenure. Carry on Ronald Reagan's tradition of support for personal freedom and conservative values by signing up for your own email address. Reagan’s jaunty optimism and an economic boom was a much-needed tonic for a country that had experienced the malaise of the Carter years and the traumas of Watergate and Vietnam. This treaty contributed to the end of the Cold War and made the relations between USA and the Soviet Union less intense. His successful leadership re-established faith in the office of the presidency and in the country’s future. He was relentless in pushing his Strategic Defense Initiative and gave aid to rebels battling Soviet-backed Marxists from Nicaragua to Angola.
He navigated those challenges successfully, bringing the country out on the other side — and solidifying his legacy as a great … This website is great for research thank you to the people that had the time to do this.