Created and directed by TheatreWorks favorite Hershey Felder, this musical journey follows Jura's escape from Nazi-occupied Austria via the Kindertransport, and her life at a children's home on Willesden Lane in London, where she later survived the London Blitz. Registered Charitable Number: 85980 4833 RR0001, The Segal Centre is thrilled to be offering its first ever audio-described performance in collaboration with, Segal Centre Visual Story (available electronically or in Braille, on-site), Program book (available electronically or in Braille, on-site), For more information about Accessibility at the Segal Centre, please click, Please note that the Segal Centre recognizes and is sensitive to the complexity of identification. border-left:1px solid #c03030; border-right:1px solid #dd9191; She’s dressed in her favorite blouse, she’s Set in Vienna in 1938 and London during the Blitzkrieg, The Pianist of Willesden Lane tells the true story of Mona Golabek’s mother, noted pianist and author Lisa Jura.

Hengehold Trucks is the official trucking provider of TheatreWorks. Created by TheatreWorks favorite Hershey Felder, it celebrates the power of music to transcend even the darkest of times. As cicadas whirred in the background (really! appearance of at-first-empty frames on the screen behind the piano. We are conscious of the dynamic and endlessly evolving nature of language, so if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at, Content includes discussion of the Holocaust and war imagery. Please note that the Segal Centre recognizes and is sensitive to the complexity of identification. When Lisa is swept up in the kindertransport, to protect her from the Nazi regime, everything about her life is upended except her love of music and her pursuit of that dream.

Directed by Hershey Felder (who brought Leonard Bernstein and George Gershwin to life at ArtsEmerson last season), The Pianist of Willesden Lane is about hope, survival and how, through our darkest times, music has the power to help us survive.Showtimes:11/23 at 8pm11/24 at 2pm and 8pm11/25 at 1pm and 5pm11/27 at 7pm11/28 at 7:30pm11/29 at 7:30pm11/30 at 8pm12/1 at 2pm and 8pm12/2 at 1pm and 5pm12/4 at 7:30pm12/5 at 7:30pm12/6 at 7:30pm12/7 at 8pm12/8 at 2pm and 8pm12/9 at 1pm and 5pm12/11 at 7:30pm12/12 at 7:30pm12/13 at 7:30pm12/14 at 8pm12/15 at 2pm and 8pm12/16 at 1pm and 5pm.

Our The Pianist of Willesden Lane listings offer current tour dates, up-to-date ticket availability and the latest ticket prices. We are conscious of the dynamic and endlessly evolving nature of language, so if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

3600 W Bayshore Rd, Ste 201Palo Alto, CA, 94303. Looking for The Pianist of Willesden Lane Tickets? RDK Melanoma Foundation’s 21st Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show “Eclipse 2020”, It’s NYC Must-See Week (in addition to NYC Restaurant Week and NYC Broadway Week). Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre (10/16 - 11/1), Florida State School of Theatre (2/26 - 3/7), Florida State University School of Theatre (11/19 - 11/22). Be a part of our growth – come test out this meaningful pilot project that is part of a wider accessibility and inclusion initiative at the Segal Centre. height:1px; AFFILIATIONS—TheatreWorks Silicon Valley is a member of the League of Resident Theatres (LORT) … TheatreWorks Silicon Valley presents the internationally-acclaimed The Pianist of Willesden Lane. The show will be presented at Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts From January 18th through February 16th, 2020! padding-left:1px; display:block; There she meets a French soldier who will become her husband and eventually whisk her off to a new life in the United States. the story of the children who traveled on the Kindertransport, escaping the “The Pianist of Willesden Lane” will be playing at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts from Jan. 18 – Feb. 16. Intertwined with Debussy's story, Felder for the first time shares his own deeply personal connection to the City of Light. Please note that the performance lasts 90 minutes, followed by a talkback. .spiffyfga{ Upcoming The Pianist of Willesden Lane Tickets, Events Schedule and Tour Dates 2020, The Pianist of Willesden Lane VIP Meet and Greet Packages, Musical / Play Events, Concerts Near me Today, Tonight This Weekend, Summer Please be sure to check out the wonderful article ‘The Pianist of Willesden Lane’: A one-woman musical celebration of humanity by @anupriyadwivedi for The Stanford Daily!

.spiffy4a{ Not only that, you can read complete event details and purchase the best seats to The Pianist of Willesden Lane, complete with our 100% guarantee on all The Pianist of Willesden Lane tickets ordered. Her writing wildly oscillates between the formality derived from her academic life (Neuroscience at the University of Oxford as a Commonwealth Scholar) and an irreverence from her culture soaked lifestyle in London and Zurich. .spiffy1a{ the production uses these large frames to display important family portraits I’m thrilled to finally have international hit maker Hershey Felder back in his hometown for the Montreal premiere of this remarkable production. We are aware of the debate and discussions surrounding the use of Person First Language (PFL). Click to determine portrait/landscape orientation. concerto throughout the performance is a joy.) BroadwayWorld recently spoke with Ms. Golabek from her home in Los Angeles. The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust called the “Kindertransport” a “unique humanitarian rescue programme” which ran during World War II and carried approximately 10,000 children (mainly Jewish) from their homes in Germany and surrounding European states to Great Britain.

When she's not attending theatre premieres in Palo Alto, or buried in GSB work, she also contributes to popular science journals or writes geeky policy memos. Solo performer Mona Golabek, her auburn hair gleaming, tells the riveting story of a young Jewish musician caught up in the Holocaust and the impact of that story on her daughter. January 15–February 9 Mountain View Center for Performing Arts. We prefer not to set specific age-based restrictions but, rather, offer content advisories for each show. Starring celebrated pianist Mona Golabek, this triumphant tour de force recounts the inspiring true story of Golabek's mother, Lisa Jura, a young Jewish musician. This production runs approximately 90 minutes with no intermission.

Calendar. Please note that babes in arms or children under the age of two (2) are not permitted in the theatre unless expressed permission is given by the theatre. TheatreWorks Silicon Valley scored a tremendous theatrical success when it chose to present The Pianist of Willesden Lane, now being performed at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts through February 16.. border-left:1px solid #dd9191;