Every time the sun goes down the darkness spreads even further and it starts to look like there is no hope against it. It seems that only one person can end this evil and with the help of others the hard and dangerous work begins. Startingout with a terrific opening scene, armed with the original premise of evil as a tangible psychic force, the story takes the readers on a really dark (pun intended) scary journey. Mmmm...what else? Scary. I, the moon, would like it known – I never follow people home.I simply do not have the time.And neither do I ever shine.For what you often see at night is me reflecting solar light. Really good read.
We’d love your help. – to which he replies that he gets his ideas from the magic wood at the back of his house. James visits his local library at least three times a week to get his weekly pile of poetry books, novels and picture books. I, the moon, would like it known – I never follow people home. THATS the smell!! I've just finished this vulgar little Herbert romp. James Carter lives in Wallingford, Oxfordshire. Refresh and try again. Would you like to see The Dark made into a feature film one day? Tags: darkness fear moon national poetry day 2015 short poems suitable for children.
Viking O'Clock!
And I’m not cheese! The dark and the fog are very similar. Nowadays he takes his melodica (that's Steve) all over the UK to schools / libraries / festivals.
Dirty little book, 35 year old yellowing pages, complete with mildew. James Carter is a prize-winning poet, guitarist and educational writer. Reading (not Reading!) And I’m not cheese! The Dark; SCHOOL LIBRARY! Madness raged as the lights began to fade and humanity was attacked by an ancient, unstoppable evil. For what you often see at night is me reflecting solar light.
James visits Primary schools all over the UK, so catches many trains.
For me, the wonderful highlight of my 1980 reading pursuits!
This is about a horrific mass murder suicide that seems to bind the evil energy of the participants which then starts to spread in the dark, taking more lives and building into a presence of pure evil.
We are running a 'Click & Collect' service and free postal borrowing. Now that I think of it, this is probably why the final scene of "The Blair Witch Pr, When I was growing up, it was always my job to round up extra chairs for large family dinners. It did get a tad slow in parts and the climax of the story (the first not the final part) was somewhat protracted and I would have liked to have seen the main characters more developed (which is kind of odd, cause Herbert is such a master of fleshing out minor characters), but those things are fairly minor detractors from this book. It’s time to turn your attention to something dark and twisty, to a story (or two or three) so engaging, the pages just fly by.
was shortlisted for the CLiPPA 2017.
This Author was recommended to me by another Fabulous Author Mr. Tim O'Rourke & I owe him a huge thank you for that!! From ‘Tales of the Expected’, New and Collected Poems for Children (Faber, 2009), by permission of the author.
Alright so I've read maybe three or four or more books from Herbert now. A post apocalyptic world. fans of H.P. James Carter is a prize-winning poet, and the author of many popular and best-selling poetry books. James Winston Henry Carter (what are you sniggering at?) I think the fog is a better book but they are both worth a read.
Now see here, you stupid old prick.
1092698 and a company limited by guarantee no. For me 5 stars. The ending was so flat and boring. Just not my cup of tea. From ‘Tales of the Expected’, New and Collected Poems for Children (Faber, 2009), by permission of the author. Highly recommended. And what a twist !
But, I can smell it sat at my desk at work. For further details, click COVID-19 in the menu bar above.
Going down into the basement was fine, but for some reason it creeped me out to have that unknown darkness behind me. How gross. James Herbert's The Dark is a creepy horror novel that is unfortunately mired by a lackluster ending. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.
And somewhere in the night, a small girl smiled as her mother burned. Monsters and zombies. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Of the poems in his latest collection the World's Greatest Space Cadet - the poem 'What To Say If You Meet A Ghost' came about when James wondered if you could write a shape poem with a single word; 'Sid' was inspired by a neighbour's cat; 'School Library' was written as a thank you poem to the fabulous Falkland Primary School in Newbury; and 'The Monkey And The Apple' is the true story of what happened one half-term at Whipsnade Zoo. He travels all over the UK to give poetry performances and workshops, and is the author of many best-selling poetry books including Hey Little Bug! The theme for 2015 was ‘light’.
Which is a shame since the author had spent the rest of the novel building and building. Too tidy. Startingout with a terrific opening scene, armed with the original premise of evil as a tangible psychic force, the story takes the readers on a really dark (pun intended) scary journey. A town where the dark spread and killed people. The story goes on to be basically about the battle between good and evil that all people face, just with a more paranormal scary twist. SOLVED. The entire novel builds up the air of desolation and makes the reader feel that there will be no end to the problem in the book, what makes the ending feel cheap is that the problem is resolved within a mere few pages. In true Herbert style this is explained in all its brutal, sadistic glory.
What to Say if You Meet a Ghost ... What Did You Do At School Today? Dismiss. He was an author who did seemed to be able to reinvent himself and his style and still stay quintessentially British. It's pure candy.
I'm loving the digital re-releases of Herbert's books and they mainly stand the test of time. This poem was reproduced on a postcard for National Poetry Day 2015.
In bed. James is and always has been a word nerd - and believes that as a writer, poems are the most fun you can have with words. James Herbert's The Dark is a creepy horror novel that is unfortunately mired by a lackluster ending. Read all poems of James Carter and infos about James Carter. The entire novel builds up the air of desolation and makes the reader feel that there will be no end to the problem in the book, what makes the ending feel cheap is that the problem is resolved within a mere few pages. wherever you go? The novel contains some truly creepy scenes and setpieces. The Dark. Every time I went into the basement to get the chairs, I would have to scramble back up the stairs quickly to ensure that the darkened basement was not behind me for any longer than absolutely necessary. Every time he visits a school, children ask Where do you get your ideas from?
It was unexplained and tidy. He likes doing this a) because it's great fun and b) it seems to frighten the teachers a bit. Don't read before going to sleep like I did. The Dark is my fourth favourite James Herbert novel after The Rats, Lair and The Fog. and I'm a Little Alien.. His collection of poems Zim Zam Zoom!was shortlisted for the CLiPPA 2017.James Carter lives in Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
This was quite possible one of Herbert's best books, the one that really showcased what he was capable of.
James Herbert's books are some of the creepiest I've ever read, and not because of the dangerous entity featured but because of the way the society within the story reacts to the threat.
Got me scared a couple of Times real good plus one nasty nightmare:D Nice take on zombies. I have nothing but praise for James Herbert and nothing but sadness at his passing.
Several years later, James played guitar in his first school band, Villain, but they were booed off at their first concert during their first song!