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Except when the executive branch writes an agreement with a foreign entity that is designed to circumvent you.
What on Earth have they accomplished?'
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from Texas
S. 2800: National Aeronautics and Space Administration ... S. 2930: Public Water Supply Invasive Species ... S. 3003: Financial Institution Customer Protection Act ... S.Res. Compare to all Each dot is a member of the Senate positioned according to our ideology score (left to right) and our leadership score (leaders are toward the top).
View Enacted Bills ».
Senate Republicans "Then leadership voted to fund Obamacare.
At age 44, Cruz could easily serve 30 years in the Senate before considering retirement.
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View Cruz’s Profile ».
We’ll be in touch.
(96th percentile). But the trust and cooperation of colleagues can only be earned if they know you’ll stick around. Compare to all
We hope to enable educators to build lesson plans centered around any bill or vote in Congress, even those as recent as yesterday. All Senators (6th percentile); Only Democratic and Republican Members of Congress who cosponsored more than 10 bills and resolutions are included in this statistic.
We’re looking for feedback from educators about how GovTrack can be used and improved for your classroom.
Ted Cruz, Stay in the Senate The public humiliation of the Senate over the last six years has left it devoid of power and with a leadership unable to restore its Constitutional role.
(19th percentile);
GovTrack.us is an independent website tracking the status of legislation in the United States Congress and helping you participate in government.
Most bills and resolutions languish in committee without any action.
Cruz held a leadership position on 0 committees and 2 subcommittees, as either a chair (majority party) or ranking member (minority party), at the end of the session. Senate Republicans By leaving the Senate to establishmentarians (Mitch McConnell), former Democrats (Richard Shelby), octogenarians (Chuck Grassley), and incumbents unable to garner majority support in a primary (Thad Cochran, Lamar Alexander), Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul are abandoning the urgent work they are in prime positions to carry out, that of restoring the Senate to its proper role. Getting support from committee leaders on relevant committees is a crucial step in moving legislation forward.
A Bill Clinton-appointed judge dismissed a case that, at its core, was a private effort to punish and deter free speech because it embarrassed the left.
MSNBC Live with Kendis Gibson and Lindsey Reiser. And starting in 2019 we’ll be tracking Congress’s oversight investigations of the executive branch. Why should someone campaign for nearly two years and spend millions of dollars for the privilege of being neutered daily? Today’s announcement by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) that he will be a candidate for president in 2016 exposes a fundamental weakness in the conservative movement.
We’re looking to learn more about who uses GovTrack and what features you find helpful or think could be improved. (53rd percentile).
Compare to all As the recruiters at the National Republican Senatorial Committee and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee can attest, more and more the best candidates pass on the “opportunity” to run for a Senate seat.
For the crime of winning the 2016 election, the elites have pinned all manner of crimes on Trump, hoping something will stick.
Senate Republicans Compare to all Over the last year or two, certain Americans have delighted in screenwriter Craig Mazin’s candid recollections of his time as Texas senator Ted Cruz’s freshman-year roommate.
Freshmen/Sophomores: Freshmen and sophomores are Members of Congress whose first term (in the same chamber at the end of 2019) was the 116th Congress (freshmen) or 115th (sophomores). Cruz’s bills and resolutions had 231 cosponsors in 2019.
subcommittees, as either a chair (majority party) or ranking member (minority party), at the end of the session. Cruz introduced 7 bills in 2019 that got past committee and to the floor for consideration.
A higher score
Compare to all The powers of incumbency along with the dogged work ethic Cruz showed in his first election would make him a formidable candidate even in the worst of cycles. 188: A resolution encouraging a swift ... S.Res. His choice is a missed opportunity for conservatives, and we should hope he and his fellow presidential aspirants in the Senate recognize the folly in abandoning that body to its current fate.
Companion bills are those that are identified as “identical” by Congress’s Congressional Research Service.
Very few bills ever become law.
Help us develop the tools to bring real-time legislative data into the classroom. (28th percentile). (73rd percentile). Follow @govtrack on Twitter for posts about legislative activity and other information we’re tracking, and some commentary. The truth of the matter is Republican leadership are the most effective Democrat leaders we've ever seen. Newly discovered texts in the Justice Department’s inspector general report reveal that an FBI agent investigating the Donald Trump campaign promised in August 2016 to prevent Trump from being elected. Well, you still have a say in treaties and foreign policy.
We present these statistics for you to understand the quantitative aspects of Cruz’s legislative career and make your own judgements based on what activities you think are important.
Then Republican leadership and -- and leadership joined with Harry Reid and the Democrats to do that. All Senators Senate Republicans
All Senators If you teach United States government and would like to speak with us about bringing legislative data into your classroom, please reach out!
Senate Republicans
All Senators Those bills were: S. 918: Eliminate From Regulators Opportunities to ...; S. 919: Space Frontier Act of 2019; S. 1441: Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act ...; S. 1635: A bill to designate the ...; S. 2800: National Aeronautics and Space Administration ...; S.Res.
Compare to all
(74th percentile); (81st percentile); 189: A resolution condemning all forms ... S. 918: Eliminate From Regulators Opportunities to ... S. 1441: Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act ... S. 1701: Stop Higher Education Espionage and ... S.J.Res. And this may very well work out well for Cruz, though it's worth remembering that in the modern primary era, there's never been a Republican nominee who was actively hated by his own party's establishment. The Speaker’s Votes: Missed votes are not computed for the Speaker of the House. Cosponsorship shows a willingness to work with others to advance policy goals. Now what?
Those bills were: S. 567: A bill clarifying that it ...; S. 919: Space Frontier Act of 2019; S. 2800: National Aeronautics and Space Administration ...; S. 2930: Public Water Supply Invasive Species ...; S. 3003: Financial Institution Customer Protection Act ...; S.Res.
All Senators The attorney general plans to review the “genesis and the conduct” of the FBI’s investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. This is part of a new project to develop better tools for bringing real-time legislative data into the classroom. 188: A resolution encouraging a swift ...; S.Res. As a member of the Republican Party, Ted Cruz is a United States Senator representing the state of Texas, and a 2016 candidate for US President.