The punishment that Sturgeon deliver requires quality and design to withstand the stress.Some really good choices for Sturgeon reels are Shimano Talica, Tiagra or Tyrnos. Leader: One thing that’s really important when selecting leader is this: Will it damage the Sturgeon’s face during battle? Fortunately there are many specific Sturgeon rods to choose from. Sturgeon rods are generally 8 feet long so make sure you don’t get a 6 ft or 10 ft rod. 99 to rent. Spend the extra $3 and get a pack of Owner hooks. Expedition Beluga: Fishing for Beluga Sturgeon, the Queen Caviar Fish - Liam Dale (Masters of Fishing and Angling) 1994 | CC. Some anglers also like to put rotten chicken or pork down as well. Here you will find out all the best for successful fishing.

One option is to get a guide from a local resort. The primary objective of having your tackle adequately setup is to ensure success of landing that dream fish and for the health of the fish. Lake sturgeon fishing is starting to become more and more popular, and for good reason. It’s the law and it’s good for the fish. Expert fly fishing guide too. Sturgeon fishing bait and tackle. This helps calm the fish. Lake sturgeon fishing is starting to become more and more popular, and for good reason. At the end of the day, a sturgeon … Sizes 6/0 to 10/0 will cover you. Fraser River Sturgeon Fishing Charters With Yves Bisson Fish the Fraser River for monster Sturgeon with local expert guide Yves Bisson! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. It likely won’t be designed with Sturgeon in mind. Or $0.00 with a Prime membership. -Pliers to remove hooks from fish. Hooks in sizes 6/0 to 10/0 are also essential. For more info on fishing the Rainy River, go to, For places to stay and guides, go to, It's helpful as a walleye angler to "think outside of the box" as Brett McComas of Target Walleye explains on this video shot last year on the Rainy River. Sturgeon charters are aboard our 20 – 22 ft covered jet boats and include all premium big game fishing tackle. Types of recommended bait include crawfish, fresh water clams, salmon eggs or carcasses, shad and other small fish. Select good saltwater baits including sea worms, eels, crabs, shrimp, strips of squid, and cut-up pieces of fish. Fishing for sturgeon is – or should be – the province of the patient and prepared angler. ... Basically, a no roll sinker combined with a sturgeon rig will get the job done on the tackle end. -Use tackle that is suitable for landing a fish that weighs 100 pounds, or more Lamprey and smelt are other excellent baits for sturgeon, which tend to move to the head of deeper holes and long deep runs to feed. Some of the best freshwater fishing bait include worms, leeches, minnows, crayfish, crickets and grasshoppers.

All our Sturgeon guides are government licensed and provide a trusted professional service! Fish this set up on the bottom much like you would fishing for carp or catfish. Your email address will not be published. ( Log Out /  Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. ( Log Out /  Get your Sturgeon fishing tackle ready and be prepared The peak fishing season for Fraser river White Sturgeon approaches as we head into spring. Vancouver Fly Fishing Report for April 4, 2015. We see fish over 80 inches long. When you’ve got all your Sturgeon tackle in order it will make landing Sturgeon like this much easier and way more fun!
You’ll also need a big snap swivel to secure the weight. One fishing session can last 10–14hrs at a time – often during the night. We only share great BC fishing candy! I like Kodiak brand swivels. Lamprey and smelt are other excellent baits for sturgeon, which tend to move to the head of deeper holes and long deep runs to feed. Other than the fishing from shore comment, I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY!!!! We’ll go over the details below. A larger Sturgeon such as over 6 feet can straighten out a cheaper hook or break it.

Go fat or go home! This is an easy way to use heavy duty sturgeon gear you might not own, be introduced to the right set ups with sturgeon rigs and of course, have the opportunity to fish some of the best sturgeon hot spots on the river. For sturgeon fishing highly aromatic bait and bait are recommended. If you are going to use your own boat and tackle, some ideas. I recommend Sea King brand braided dacron or Bass Pro Shops MagiBraid in 150 or 200 lb. Note, keep in mind the current is way down this year vs last year when considering spots and techniques. -Device, such as a seamstress tape, to measure maximum girth for weight estimation Heavier gear will allow you to pull in the fish quicker, which puts less stress on the sturgeon and ultimately is better for releasing. You’ll also need various tackle, including braided lines and heavy leaders. Keeping in mind that Sturgeon can grow to epic proportions and fight with insane strength you will need a rod that can handle everything a Sturgeon dishes out. Hooking into a giant Sturgeon from the shore will likely mean the fish will ‘spool’ you and then there will be a poor fish swimming around with hundreds of feet of line attached to it’s head. If fresh bait isn’t available, adding scents to the bait will catch the attention of the sturgeon.

It won't be long before we are hooking up with some beasts from the river! Farther up the Columbia River in the Gorge, you can catch sturgeon near Troutdale/Portland and the Dalles from June through September. Owner and head fishing guide @ Silversides Fishing Adventures since 1996. Sturgeon are almost blind so visibility is not a concern especially on the Fraser river. Make sure to flatten out the barb! Line: Modern day Sturgeon anglers use braided line. This is the perfect time to learn all the proper tackle setups and to ensure that you are ready to successfully fight that big fish. … Many species of fish are much less responsive to lures than they are to bait. We don't spam! Vancouver Fishing reports, Fraser river fishing reports, BC fishing blog, Sturgeon fishing report, Salmon fishing report. $2.99 to buy. A sturgeon rig is an 18″ snell with a 5/0 circle hook loaded with a combo of night crawlers and frozen emerald shiners. These fish will test the limits of many reels.

This seems to be the best tide for sturgeon fishing. Do NOT use PowerPro as your leader choice. -A pen or pencil and a pad of paper to record numbers from tagged fish that you catch. We invested in some high end reels over the years and they are still going strong while the cheaper ones have ‘passed on’. These fish fight hard and on walleye gear, the fight often times can last an hour. It’s the only way you’re going to get 250 yards of line on a spool. It’s OK to run heavier leaders than your mainline. Hooks: This is where you make or break, literally. Manufacturers will rate the rods for line weight.