The index works properly only for comparing scientists or journals in the same field, since citation conventions differ widely among different fields. The methods of philosophy involve the interpretive strategies often associated with humanistic inquiry: close reading of classical and contemporary texts, logical and ethical analysis, and historical contextualization. A frequent 'Reviews and Rejoinders' section features book review essays with replies from the authors. The philosophy of education is enjoying a resurgence of interest internationally, in line with the growing attention worldwide to education's seminal importance in shaping societies, economies and people's lives. Columbus, OH 43210 In doing so, it diagnoses the unforeseen consequences arising from a centralized, technocratic implementation of the concept, and calls for a radical ... Jack P. Cunningham, Steven Puttick
Philosophy also teaches about unifying each pupil and the teacher as one body to ensure harmony. The latest h-index of Studies in Philosophy and Education is 26. Not logged in Exploring the predicates of education from theoretical, practical and historical perspectives, this book revalorizes the central role of the humanities in the ethical and aesthetic formation of the individual. These skills are of immense value in a variety of careers. The journal concerns in philosophical, theoretical, practical, psychological, and conceptual issues in science education and education in general. Have you ever submitted your manuscript to Studies in Philosophy and Education? The philosophy of education is Janus-faced, looking both inward to the parent discipline of philosophy and outward to educational practice. Discussing Plato’s views on knowledge, recollection, dialogue, and epiphany, this ambitious volume offers a systematic analysis of the ways that Platonic approaches to education can help students navigate today’s increasingly complex moral environment. Interests: The role of the democratic classroom in the education process and the importance of maintaining a process-oriented curriculum; democratic community and decision making, child development and early childhood education, Tatiana Suspitsyna, PhD, (Univ. The h-index can simultaneously measure the quality and quantity of scientific output. Special issue on Questioning Safe Space in Education. You can contact IAP through Skype. January 2011, issue 1; Volume 29 January - November 2010. Reading Plato's Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry: Exploring Socrates' Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement, Exploring Materiality in Childhood: Body, Relations and Space, Self and Wisdom in Arts-Based Contemplative Inquiry in Education: Narrative, Aesthetic and the Dialogical Presence of Thomas Merton, A Platonic Theory of Moral Education: Cultivating Virtue in Contemporary Democratic Classrooms, Virtues as Integral to Science Education: Understanding the Intellectual, Moral, and Civic Value of Science and Scientific Inquiry, A Democratic Theory of Educational Accountability: From Test-Based Assessment to Interpersonal Responsibility, Robert Grosseteste and Theories of Education: The Ordered Human, Philosophy for Children in Confucian Societies: In Theory and Practice, Semiotic Subjectivity in Education and Counseling: Learning with the Unconscious, The Importance of Philosophy in Teacher Education: Mapping the Decline and its Consequences, Epistemology and the Predicates of Education: Building Upon a Process Theory of Learning. of North Carolina), Professor

Some experience with philosophy or history is recommended. November 19, 2020. Interests: Philosophy of education; political philosophy; ethics; civic education; justice; race, Bryan R. Warnick, PhD, (Univ. The SiPoSE is published three times a year in April, August, and December. It is important for students of history to understand the intellectual movements and ideas that have influenced educational processes and for students of philosophy to understand how philosophical questions and areas of inquiry have emerged within specific social and cultural contexts over time. The PhD specializing in Philosophy and History of Education is for scholars who enjoy reading books, debating ideas, discovering artifacts, creating historical narratives and formulating compelling visions of new educational possibilities. The Importance of Philosophy in Teacher Education maps the gradual decline of philosophy as a central, integrated part of educational studies. This index can be widely applied to the productivity and impact of a scholarly journal, individual researcher or a group of scientists, such as a department or university or country. Historians of education study: the history of ideas as it informs educational processes and policy; the rise of mass schooling and higher education in the West and across the globe; the role of education in the construction of difference based upon race, class, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality; and historical perspectives on contemporary educational issues and debates.
Studies in the Philosophy of Education. RSS PRODUCT FEED Please send inquiries or proposals for this series to one of the following: Emilie Coin: [email protected] – Editor, UK, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, Elsbeth Wright: [email protected] – Editor, North & South America, Vilija Stephens: [email protected] – Editor, Australia & New Zealand, Katie Peace: [email protected] – Publisher, Asia, Reading Plato's Dialogues to Enhance Learning and Inquiry Exploring Socrates' Use of Protreptic for Student Engagement, Exploring Materiality in Childhood Body, Relations and Space, Self and Wisdom in Arts-Based Contemplative Inquiry in Education Narrative, Aesthetic and the Dialogical Presence of Thomas Merton, A Platonic Theory of Moral Education Cultivating Virtue in Contemporary Democratic Classrooms, Virtues as Integral to Science Education Understanding the Intellectual, Moral, and Civic Value of Science and Scientific Inquiry, Confucian Philosophy for Contemporary Education, A Democratic Theory of Educational Accountability From Test-Based Assessment to Interpersonal Responsibility, Robert Grosseteste and Theories of Education The Ordered Human, Philosophy for Children in Confucian Societies In Theory and Practice, Semiotic Subjectivity in Education and Counseling Learning with the Unconscious, The Importance of Philosophy in Teacher Education Mapping the Decline and its Consequences, Epistemology and the Predicates of Education Building Upon a Process Theory of Learning. If you have Skype installed, then click this link: The Emotional Reasons for Educational Reform, Politics and Power in the "Information Age", Insights into Theory, Praxis, and Policy in an Age of Utopia-Gone-Wrong, African American Male Series: Guiding the Next Generation Through Mentoring, Teaching and Counseling, Contemporary Perspectives on Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings and Multimodality, Contemporary Perspectives on Social and Emotional Learning, Contemporary Perspectives on Spirituality in Education, Critical Perspectives on Democratic Citizenship in Education, Instructional Technology Guidebooks for Educators and Parents, Marxist, Socialist, and Communist Studies in Education, The Handbook of Research in Middle Level Education, Transformative Pedagogies in Teacher Education, Evidence-based Practices and Research-Informed Outcomes, Navigating the Double Bind in K-12 Education, Innovative Psychometric Modeling and Methods, Maximizing the Policy-Relevance of Research for School Improvement, Out-of-School-Time STEM Programs for Females, Implications for Research and Practice Volume II: Short-Term Programs, The Impact of PDS Partnerships in Challenging Times, What to Do When Things Go Wrong, How to Learn from Mistakes, and Why You Should Prepare for the Worst. The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given author/journal has published h papers that have each been cited at least h times. F: 704.752.9113, STAY CONNECTED: MAILING LIST Box 79049 © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Studies in Philosophy and Education is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on philosophical, theoretical, normative and conceptual problems and issues in educational research, policy and practice. Charlotte, NC 28271-7047 Product pricing will be adjusted to match the corresponding currency.

University. 12 hours); research apprenticeship (9 hours)Other requirements: Pre-candidacy residency; post-candidacy residencyAcademic opportunities: Graduate associateships, scholarships, university fellowships, Bruce Arnold, PhD, (Louisiana State University), Assistant Professor Interests: Politics of education as related to school governance, democratic practice and educational policy; changing relations between school and community, Michael Glassman, PhD, (The City University of New York), Professor

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Single-authored, multi-authored, and edited volumes will all be considered for publication in the Studies in the Philosophy of Education series. People also search for: As a result of the significant disruption that is being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we are very aware that many researchers will have difficulty in meeting the timelines associated with our peer review process during normal times.

The roots of science and more specifically in my case, psychology, are in philosophy. H-index intends to address the main disadvantages of other bibliometric indicators, such as total number of papers or total number of citations.

By using this site you agree to the use of cookies. The PhD specializing in Philosophy and History of Education is for scholars who enjoy reading books, debating ideas, discovering artifacts, creating historical narratives and formulating compelling visions of new educational possibilities.

Most people would not associate Confucian philosophy with contemporary education. It is well known that an educational philosophy reflects a social philosophy. Information Age combines the rigor you expect with the freedom you need to develop your philosophical project. Through the philosophy of education, teachers can understand how to deal with the students and unite them as one. Without adopting any one philosophical or theoretical school or cultural tradition, the journal promotes exchange and collaboration among philosophers, philosophers of education, educational and social science researchers, and educational policy makers throughout the world. Studies in Philosophy and Education is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on philosophical, theoretical, normative and conceptual problems and issues in educational research, policy and practice. The acceptance rate of Studies in Philosophy and Education is still under calculation. Launch Skype manually and connect to george.f.johnson. T: 704.752.9125 of Michigan), Associate Professor Some experience with philosophy or history is recommended. INFORMATION AGE PUBLISHING The department emphasizes an analytic approach to philosophical questions, thereby training students to understand and evaluate arguments and to think and write precisely and clearly. More generally, philosophers of education make connections among the different ideas circulating in the past and present intellectual worlds.