On SlideShare. Genomics is the molecular characterization of whole genomes. Functional genomics: • Aims to collect and use data from sequencing for decribing gene and protein functions • functions of genes and non-gene sequences in genomes • Gena and protein interactions • Genotype- … 9 ... 33 | P a g e Because protein structure is closely linked with protein function, the structural genomics has the potential to inform knowledge of protein function. Structural genomics 1. 3. 6 Actions. Shares.
0 From Embeds. By: Vaibhav Kumar Maurya 2.
15 Likes. Functional genomics • Structural genomics - deals with genome structures with a focus on the study of genome mapping and assembly as well as genome annotation and comparison. Structural genomics: • Aims to determine structure of every protein encoded by the genome. 3.
• The high throughput analysis of all expressed genes is also termed … Downloads. 0 Number of Embeds. It characterizes the physical nature of whole genome.
338 Comments. Functional genomics • It is largely experiment based with a focus on gene functions at the whole genome level using high throughput approaches. It describes the 3D structure of every protein encoded by a given genome. 0. It includes the genetic mapping, physical mapping and sequencing of whole genomes. Approaches in functional genomics Approach Functional annotation method Homology searching Comparison to related sequences with known function Protein structure determination (structural genomics) Comparison to molecules with related structure and known function Comparative genomics Functional annotation by domain conservation, conserved phylogeny or conserved genomic …
• Identify novel protein folds and 3- D structures for better understanding the functions of proteins.