Fly fishing mystifies the whole process and endears the fly fishing experience into a spiritual event??
Go Wide: How to Search for a Used Boat Far from Home. The largest striped bass on record weighed 125 pounds and was caught in a seine net in North Carolina in 1891. Close the spawning season would be the most effective and would only delay the fishing by a month or so. And that was one of the faster fish that he unhooked. Regulations in red are new this year. Long ago I gave up meat fishing. 1 fish per day 22”-26” all States. Period . Cohasset harbor and Cunningham’s Bridge in Cohasset only 10 years ago used to be full of pogies and thousands of stripers from time to time chasing them but I never see them anymore. There should be a person at every gate or parking area checking people and there car on the way out to see if people are taking legal fish and only taking one home. Don’t rely on gov for the answer. There are things the single hook guys can do and I believe the mortality rate a fish that come up with what we think. Next man up mentality! I have already had seals take fish off my line. I love the idea of a larger limit, but everywhere, NC to ME. If you want to keep a fish, keep one when you cacth a keeper off a beach, which is 1000x harder to do than in the canal. Honestly I believe that the ASMFC is the problem.
I have lived and grew up on town neck rd. The chesapeake doesn’t have many adult bass during the summer and fall.
Catch and release i say, How about just a slot limit 28-34, save the big breeders. What ASMFC has hailed as their greatest accomplishment should now be considered their greatest fisheries mismanagement. Much earlier than that limit, the history of striped bass and all of the gill netting that decimated the fish since it was such a main food source for the early settlers and folks coming to North America to live, etc.made it a necessity. I’ve seen many spots get pressured harder than others by poachers, but hardly ever see the game warden. I as well, have seen many “south of the boarder people” take cooler full of undersized stipers. A report released today by the Striped Bass Technical Committee (TC) of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) projects that an increase in the minimum size for the coastal striped bass fishery from 28 inches to 35 inches in 2020 would be necessary to have a 50% chance of meeting the fishing mortality target. It was dark, so I didn’t have to see the dead fish float by me when he “let it go”. I also agree with the circle hook mandate, and would support eliminating trebles as well. SIZE LIMITS The fish must be equal to or greater than 28 inches and less than 35 inches total length. I barely see them anywhere. It would make more sense to make striper fishing illegal during the spawning season and open it after all the “cows” have laid their eggs. Ban the Commercial taking of this precious species and that will take the strain off the breed. DEM needs to make their presence known in high volume areas and enforce the existing regulations with prejudice.
Stop commercial fishing! Great wooden plugs that are machine made or hand made cost $20.00+. I am 66 yrs old and a commercial meat striper sea bass and scup fisherman ! Then there would be no black market. Catch and release mortality rates are uncertain. striped bass are overfished and overfishing is occurring. It really grinds my gears. I watched a show on National Geographic which advocated why we should change our thinking and eat bugs and it would be healthy for us and good for the planet. Two fish come aboard no further fishing go home it could make for a short day but that’s life. Exactly.
Allow one bass between 24″ and 28″ release the rest.
DMF has made three changes to its recreational striped bass regulations for 2020: A slot limit has been implemented. Agreed , in my opinion more fish returned handled greater mortality rate, if you want to perserve got to lessen the pressure on the fish, close the season for a yr and eat access. These fish ain’t going extinct and when people describe “the good days” I’m sure it wasn’t exactly back to back 50lbs fish. and all on predictable tides. They are not great to eat and they are beautiful fish. If they can show me scientific evidence that does not include surveys which by the way is not science then I will start listening and believing them. There are other fisheries. NJ did the same thing with Fluke, they increased the minimum size and guaranteed that only females were keepers. Major Problem in the long Island Sound last year was the lack of Blue fish. How about shutting it down for a few years? Twenty years ago I fished day and night for stripers, bluefish, flatties, tataug, cod, hake, haddock, polluck, and we ate everything we kept, including sharks. God and/or our parents put us here.. We have to make the best of it. See Finfish Regulations for how to measure fish. Rhode Island had been considering a different regulation that allowed private fishermen, either on shore or on boats, to keep one striped bass per day between 32 and 40 inches; and allow charter fishermen to keep one striped bass between 30 and 40 inches in length. I hate to catch and release fish that are of edible size because they taste so good, especially when you have a gourmet cook as a son who also loves fishing and eating the fish. Don’t kill the brood stock !!!
We are a recreational boat and follow the regs-but we also do our best to do more to protect the fisheries. 1 tagged fish per day. I won’t lie about it.
This would make for a short day but score when you have commercial guys pulling in anything off the bottom no matter what size and what species they keep it all I never seen a commercial boat throw a popular fish overboard yes still throw a sea robin Maybe or a and unedible specie but if I catch it and want to keep it they’ll keep it all. Seriously…19″ to 21″ in Maryland, and from 20″ to 22″ in Virginia – THAT’s your version of an even playing field , basically ignoring the positive impact of going to a 28″ inch minimum from NC to Maine. These changes created a slot-size limit for striped bass and a lowered daily possession limit for bluefish, in addition to the required use of non-offset circle hooks when angling for both of these species. These so called scientists have no scientific evidence how many fish are caught/ kept or released.
whiskey tango foxtrot ?
It’s simple – 1. In announcing her decision, Director Coit said “It is in the best interest of the striped bass resource, and for the Rhode Island recreational fishing community as a whole, to enact the Addendum VI coastwide measure of a one fish bag limit, slot limit of 28′ to 35″, with a season open year round.”. I have seen people every season keeping buckets of undersized striped bass. Great idea Vince . I am less concerned about the Chesapeake Bay situational limit than I am with the swarms of seals afflicting our Northeast shores, and the effect they are having on fish mortality. Make striped bass a game fish meaning no bait only artificial lures. It is common for adult fish to exceed 10.8 inches and weight 20 pounds.
Its fair and it would work. I couldn’t imagine a less effective regulation, especially when data shows that release mortality exceeds harvest rate. The TC found that a 17% reduction in fishing mortality from 2017 levels would be necessary to have a 50% chance of achieving the fishing mortality target. But there are other problems mortality problems out there that have to be addressed some how… I don’t have an answer, but you guys might have some thoughts….here’s the story:
I agree strongly,make the whole east coast the same size range for a keeper. Or Maybe we should try the same is redfish nothing smaller than 21 nothing larger than 28 inches .
28″ is easy to come by in the canal and on certain days schools of thousands of 30lbers are decimated. Live eels are wicked expensive because of shortages. Beginning this spring, striped bass anglers on the Hudson River won’t be allowed to keep striped bass 40 inches or longer. Slot limits brought back the Drum in the Gulf along Louisana and they can work here too. A bass 48 inches long, and weighing over 50 pounds, is over 20 years old. I was in the Housy last night next to a kid who was obvious new to the game.
Multiple treble hooks are often another fish killer…. I hate seeing the locals catch and kill big cows. *If you are a DENR employee with an I.T.
this time of year there are about 3 spots in CT where you can catch bass. Completely agree to not keeping anything over 35 let the breeders go. 18” minimum AND no striped bass between 22 inches and 27 inches in length. 5 registered tags for cows. It is a good start. I live on the Hudson but mainly fish Cape Cod. All you have to do is look at the charts of the B-2 discards generated by the commercial industry versus the recreational and you will see where the problem lies.
TC, your suggestions don’t pass the smell test. Politicizing a natural resource leads to two things, the demise of that resource, and the demise of that industry based upon that resource. I agree with slot limit. The canal needs to be made catch and release only. 24″- 32″, and should be based on the entire fishery, not just regional. An increase in minimum size to 35 inches would have 50% chance at meeting target. Every state should be the same size limit across the board!! Make all states the same 28-35″ fish one per outing. If the stripers migrate from south to north then why should the lower states have a smaller limit than the north?
Most anglers in that region would never get an occasional fish dinner if the size limit was higher. This type of system works like a charm for speckled seatrout in FL. Greater enforcement is a plus.
If there was a catch and release only five year period it would be predictable that the numbers would be vastly improved. There should be slot limits and the regulations should apply to ALL states that fish for striped bass! A striped bass that is 36 inches long normally is about 12 years old. Thats my honest opinion. Minimum Size : Daily Limit : All Species of Trout and Salmon. Commercial bass fishing is probably a bigger problem. We are here.
In Boston the first public school was apparently built by revenues from the sale of striped bass, so they are part of our national history and must be protected. c. Maybe a catch and release season April 1 to June 1.
Have a tag system give fisherman a number of tag for the year.let say 5 for a example a fishing person has to choose do I take this fish because it only 28 inch or do I want a bigger fish with my tag.if a person fishes tournament they get added tag and expires after tournament it will also rise money for tournament and striper recording for fish taking.Make bigger fines and license remove if not tag.
Aside from the back and forth, how would any regulation be enforced. Slot sz makes best sense during these epic times of big brutes being caught and kept ,or not knowing proper way to land and release,lets all do our share.We owe it to the stripers for shown us the best of times. This will still allow for the killing of big breeders.