※ミッション名の(S)はアークウイングが必要なSubmersibleタイプ, ジャンクションで困ったら… アスレチック NARAMON, 敵勢力 UNAIRU オロキン It is by and far the worst defense in the game, the second being the ice world map, where enemies also spawn across the enormous map, and hide instead of making their way to their objective. BANSHEE フラグメント センティエント I believe I will find on forums some peoples with the same problem as me,or ? ペリン・シークエンス Use https://rwarframe.github.io/#flair to set user flair and text. 近接ビルドの勧め, Help クブロウ おすすめ武器 I usually do it if I want to farm Axi and stay till wave 20 even if everyone leaves at 5. NYX キャバット

ケレス 火星 MADURAI It's extremely slow, not just because of the size of the map and the enemies hiding, but because it's layout is crap for the purpose of the map. Enemies get stuck across the map constantly and in fact hunker down and hide; it's pretty much as though they are doing it purposely and care not for their own objective, which is to destroy the pod. WUKONG 近接武器が育っておらず確保対象をダウンさせるのが難しい場合は潜入と救出という手段もある。, MODが育っているならばフレームの設計図集めも兼ねてボスステージを周回するのもあり。, フレームで地上、アークウイングで水中攻略というマップが多く、多少なりともアークウイングが育っていると楽。 Vox Solaris GAUSS センティエント I got to 20 waves easily with a friend and we just left because it was BORING. Instead of a random number between 6 and 45 per opened relic, you get a random number between 25 or 45, 25 being the lowest possible. スティール・メリディアン 2 people goto the exit after opening 1 relic, because they either don't know that its a AABC rotation for drops, or they really only had time or wanted to do 1 relic. ニュー・ロカ, コンクレーブ オストロン Looks at map...yeah...still not worth it on THAT map. グリニア エントラティ If they cared, they would know that no one plays this map and everyone hates it. 水星 ネクラロイド, 星系マップ コーパス -FrutyX-, November 29, 2017 in Missions & Levels. ZENURIK If the defense target is destroyed, the mission automatically fails. 近接武器のみでミッションをクリアする課題で確保を回すと比較的楽だが、 RHINO Need to play it more now, thanks! オロキン

LIMBO I got to 20 waves easily with a friend and we just left because it was BORING.

Every 5 waves choose to stay and fight or extract from the mission. EXCALIBUR Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. No one wants to play it, and if they do, only for the first 5 waves.

This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. 「近接武器でクリア」は、アーセナルでプライマリ・セカンダリを外し、 モア Probably has been said somewhere in here before.. Sadly, as it is, its the only NEO fissure defense, ever, that ever pops up. 冥王星 VAUBAN 天王星 木星 地球

If someone picks your relic reward, you get. Honestly, all of these "open 1 relic per run" missions first off, should go away. 作戦補給班 Unless you magically have the updated MissionDecks, we (those who edit the wiki) have no way of knowing the true percentages. ルドプレックス Also with how UNRELIABLE it is to actually farm SPECIFIC relics, blowing through the current amounts demanded just to get traces (and not miss a chance at someone else's drop) is statistically a PITA. バルパファイラ, フォーカス The map that everyone hates, apparently even the person who designed it. 感染体 レベリアン, Tips INAROS REVENANT I doubt DE are going to change the mission node just because of my feedback , but still ,keep that in mind please , I wouldn't talk about this map much,but it seems a NEO Void fissure mission likes this map very often (another reason) . I also tried other tier 3 defenses but got mods as a rewards on B or C, so my guess is that only Stephano has the 100% dropchance. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe.

Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. A Fissure spawns somewhere in the Solar System, it's location generates the tile set it uses. ソラリス連合 HILDRYN ミッション攻略 By stephano: グ: 海底研究所: 24-29 ... warframe ash atlas banshee baruuk chroma ember equinox excalibur frost gara garuda gauss grendel harrow hildryn hydroid inaros ivara khora limbo loki mag mesa mirage nekros nezha nidus nova nyx oberon octavia protea revenant No idea why, but a mission as trivially mindless as that is welcome for guaranteed Axi relics.


GRENDEL MIRAGE Note: since Prime Unvaulting, the Rewards tables have changed. TITANIA OCTAVIA セファロン・スーダ

STALKER Thats because Stephano used to be an interception node, it was the lowest level one that gave the same relics as Xini. Cookies help us deliver our Services. レッド・ベール

感染体 NEKROS WISP SARYN PROTEA So to end this,I think this map is very uncomfortable for a defense type mission and it should stay only as an interception / mobile defense ,but that's everything. プレデサイト XAKU (No more non-endless types, those are a waste of time.).

So it might be a good place to farm relics for people that like to play alone. アークウイングから地上への移動モーションで地形にハマりやすく、特に坂の部分にめり込む事が多い。/unstuckを試そう。 また、地上からアークウイングへの移行時に何故かしゃがみ状態になっている判定を受ける事があり、水中ダッシュが使用出来なくなる。 MESA アビリティ影響項目表 The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Shawzin, シンジケート [一覧] アビリティ影響項目表 OBERON センチネル ベントキッド

25 runs is the minimum to have a basic understanding on percent distribution (based on personal runs of Lith A1 and Sorties).

If you take a look at the defense rewards (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Defense/Rewards) there is no way a defense mission should have 100% Axi Relic dropchance on rotation B and C - but Stephano on Uranus seems to have it.

無所属, コーデックス Defend an important target against waves of enemy units. So that's about 60 if you opened 10. DE changed it to defense probably because it was incredibly easy to hold all 4 points with only 2 players. DE changed it to defense probably because it was incredibly easy to hold all 4 points with only 2 players. I've personally watched this defense come up no less than 5 times in a 16 hour period. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Defense/Rewards. Because it's poop.) その他 NOVA A Fissure spawns somewhere in the Solar System, it's location generates the tile set it uses. I did four quick runs (20 waves each) and got four relics (two Neo, two Axi) every time. EMBER wikiwikiサンプル Because it's poop. コメントページ一覧 Seems to be a bug, but a pleasant one. FROST While the defense is about the same time as 4 rounds of Xini (Interception) you can solo Stephano pretty easy. TRINITY

(This way we aren't stuck with Stephano 24/7, like we currently are. テンプレート ダイモス Many but many times we agreed with even random guys I never seen that this map is bad as a defense , I am trying to  say I am not alone who feels the same as me. I like that map. コンクレーブ This has been known for a while. Stephano uses the interception drop table, so it uses the same table as Xini and Berehynia. 各ページのナビゲーション, 2ボタン必殺・Marked For De-ASH (Marked For Death移植3番増強ASH).

フレームMOD解説 アービターズ・オブ・ヘクシス BARUUK MAG Enemies are stuck on multiple places or it seems they just "wander" somewhere (not sure how to explain it,but everytime we must find them). エリス (This way we aren't stuck with Stephano 24/7, like we currently are. Also it seems it is very slow,I keep thinking why,well one reason is enemies getting stuck as said before,but it is propably also about the map size. Seriously, that's absurd and torturous to the player. Press J to jump to the feed. I can tell you how sick everyone is for being in a survival fissure for 60 minutes brawling out level 100 mobs and only getting 6 goddamned traces per relic. —In-Game Description GARUDA

CHROMA Thats because Stephano used to be an interception node, it was the lowest level one that gave the same relics as Xini. Further, 4 runs is not a sufficient test pool for "hey, this has 100% drop rate!". HYDROID ASH タグ管理 IVARA Which means our drop system is designed to maintain a balance.

フォボス 奇妙な物

That's right - Warframe is free! おすすめフレームビルド セドナ, Warframe