I feed those live, cancer cells, good bourbon, and the lung nodules, some good home grown smoke. tumors, have spread around my body from an original ‘primary’ site and developed there. They're sad.
I think it's because now there is a link.
Don’t let them see. But I am a qualified cancer patient. I am grateful for everyday I can wake up and put me feet on the floor. Thought you might be interested in trying something new and less energetic than flying etc! It has all the elements of a really good yarn.
June 2nd. The good news is that no one can predict the future. If you follow this itinerary, you will see the main sights as well as some hidden gems. Yes! I was covered in pustulant, painful and sometimes oozing sores, and being in the sun made me feel like I had acid being poured on my face, my fingers were covered in bleeding fissures. The condo board just says, "Business, Is Business!". I just, and quite suddenly, realized, I'm my own doctor. Our friendships were forged gradually, without our really being a, maintaining friendships despite kids' fickle, ds that came well before my mommy years an, usion out-of-state and 6 hours away, I go with a differen, t friend every time.
Last week again, they showed the 3 remaining units. Unremarkable-as they say in the reports.
But over the last month I would think "hmm just maybe....I can entertain healthy."
And that's how me, as a low-grade 'ovie,' dies of cancer. She got in contact with me because she too, had also been diagnosed with stage 4CC. with kind regards Though you are loved and have well meaning people around you, late stage cancer can be very isolating. Maybe when I am 80 or 90?
You are truly inspirational. Thank You, Susan for the kind words. I've been wanting to update the blog for awhile and my friend Emily, by her own cancer situation has prompted me to do it. One forgets sometimes what others go through if you life cruises along without many issues but things can change so fast. My intent through this website is take to take my family, friends and anyone else who might be interested on a little journey explaining how all of that came to be diagnosed.
It's, Palliative care is -- treating the symptoms with full knowledge that the treatment is. That's where they take the right side of the colon and remove it. But don't give up.
If you haven’t already cancelled your BUPA please DO NOT. Smile. I'm trusting my primary care doctor a lot.
It will be flushed once a month and I'm ordering blood tests on that same day. Make them work, and nobody gets a free ride in this body.
And great to see the Corps pulling together in so many ways.
It's a very painful little beast.
Or just look up any medication. One never knows, as we are all different. There are dark places of death that now always walk with you. It would be very easy to get depressed but I’ve got plenty to think about to keep me ticking over. Those little cancer dudes are lazy.
Logically I knew it was good and right.
(think the 2011 version is now out – and FREE) which has a fantastic edit suite in it that is all you need to refine pics quickly.
The way I see it, is that the doctor is reading books telling him how to treat me. In this 7 day highlights of Bavaria blog/itinerary, you will travel from Munich to Salzburg while visiting picturesque towns, palaces and historical sights along the way. I know what your going through.
There are many people I am grateful too also. Now 9 years later I feel like I know too much.
For those of you in your 20's and 30's, and 40's, and 50's. I miss his constant chatter...the silence without him is deafening. Thanks again for an amazing day at your wedding. Getting harder to gain weight, and keep it on. Each day we are on this earth is a gift. I am starting to even entertain the idea of considering myself a "healthy" person. I have had 2 scans since I last posted, the most recent being in December of 2016. He ate a small amount and slept nearly 13 hours.
In this 10 day Italian adventure, you will stroll through Venice, eat gelato in Florence, bike in the Tuscan hills, and explore Roman history and architecture.
Because of my age and the type of cancer I have, I find it hard to find other people to connect with. I said yes. They revealed nothing and after his oxygen levels were brought back to 93, he slept soundly. To hold all that unto yourself can be part of the burden of cancer. The liver mets have expanded, and I'm on borrowed time.
We did discover that the hospital diet immediately after the surgery was sadly lacking, and after using a 5 culture yogurt thing got back to normal almost immediately.
It's been 7 years. . But how can they respond to your thoughts that consist of your worst nightmares that are now reality? Identifying them and ‘chewing the fat’ through here is proving to be particularly cathartic for me and really helping me to, as the cool kids would say ‘keep it real’.
", "No," she said, "if it was GOO, I could get it out. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account.
At that point my medical team is going to decide the next course. It can make your spirit feel like stone and hold it hostage.
The most recent one being this past month. It means so much.
Time and life is precious.
Beautiful and perfect as you are. Fatigue.
They need to relate, they need to talk it out. Some pretty scary ones. Even if you just need to vent. Fighting in a war, maybe being in prison, yeah there are worse things.
Hi Mike and Kady,
Stop using foods with GMO's, pesticides, weed killers, filter your water and eliminate stress.
I've made a decision!
Who the hell are these Doctors and Pharmacists that come up with this crap. I must say in public just what a wonderful day your wedding was. If there is a mistake then it is mine and not that of the individual, my excuse is that the Whole Brain Radiotherapy (more about that later) I have received does now make me very confused at times.
Really enjoying reading your blog. Everyone reacts differently. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Which. Some people have hardly any side effects compared to me and compared to others.
I think men condone the administration of tattoos because they just don't innately 'feel' a woman's desire for "body image."
This will then turn into more of a Blog, otherwise known as a ‘Web Log’ – I didn’t know what it meant either – of mine and Kady’s lives, how we have and are coping with things and what we’re doing to make the most of the situation and live life to the fullest.
I guess you could say I’m a little overwhelmed with everything that’s going on. It’s a bit like comparing oranges and apples.
It’s lovely what you’ve done & hope many people take the time to read it all, very emotional.
To really wrap your head around what these people have lost and now have to deal with is mind boggling. Pleural effusion is not IN the lung, it's in the lining, and gradually increases in size, and reduces your ability to breathe, within the top 5 causes of death for ovarian cancer patients. It's not extra work, it's the things they should have been doing anyways. This is what makes me so angry, because sometimes people listen to these quacks out of fear and desperation and they die, they never had a chance.