Its clear that you only read words instead of narrative.

My first thought was that this came from Deb Petterson, the gossip columnist who was somehow promoted to the editorial page last week. In 2006, the Dems won a handful of Senate seats by razor-thin margins, and all those seats (FL, VA, MO, and MT) are up this year. He cares for his flock, and is not afraid to discipline certain members who break the rules if they necessitate it. The Post, in it's usual anti-Catholic way, uses the language 'threaten' and shows a dark, eerie picture (shown below) of the Archbishop when dealing with him, to give the reader nothing but nasty feelings when they hear his name. Now that Godwin’s Law gets called all the time, is the new game going with Stalin instead?

Is this the same St Louis that threatened to jail anyone who spoke out against Obama during the 2008 and 2010 elections (with the real threat of rape and assault up to manslaughter encouraged)? The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported this week that the McCloskeys have a history of filing lawsuits against neighbors and community members dating back to the late 1980s, when they moved into the area. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey made headlines late last month after video footage surfaced of them pointing guns at an informal Black Lives Matter protest that passed through their neighborhood en route to the home of Mayor Lyda Krewson (D).

I'm sorry, Mr. Zabielski, but 'faithful' people do NOT openly mock their superiors, do NOT go against their proper authorities, and are NOT people who try to get their own way. St. Louis "Post Disgrace" (Part II: More anti-Catholicism...) January 4, 2005. BruceC, The author does use a Stalin quote, but does not compare anyone to him. Good God, if you’re going to compare me to Stalin, at least have the spine to put your name to it.

Dan Riehl believes he has identified the author of this unsigned editorial, but in checking the staff listings, I don’t see that guy’s name. "I just held my ground, protecting my house, and I'm sitting here on television tonight instead of dead or putting out the smoldering embers of my home.". UPDATE II (Smitty): welcome, Instpundit readers! Some residents of north St. Louis are sick and tired of front-porch views of crumbling, derelict houses. Hmm. And no, I don’t know how writing reports about the happenings at the latest fine arts charity gala qualifies one to write for the editorial page. The Post Dispatch’s editorial/news division has been contracting for years – like a slug flung into a bucket of salt. Seriously, though: Claire McCaskill is up for reelection.

Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Racial gap in U.S. jobless rate narrows for first time in five months, What to watch today: Stocks set to open lower after Trump's positive coronavirus test, Trump calls treatment of St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters 'a disgrace'. As Da TechGuy would say, ride right through ’em, they’re demoralised as hell! There is a great misunderstanding among many Catholics. BIRM. "And now I understand somebody local, they want to prosecute these people. Trump calls treatment of St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters 'a disgrace' President Trump on Tuesday defended a St. Louis couple … Or, I guess, the NY Times. "These people were standing there, never used it, and they were legal, the weapons," Trump said.
From an article in today's St. Louis Post-Dispatch, titled "Burke Warns St. Stanislaus Board": "St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke has threatened each of the six members of the board of St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish with the canon law penalty of interdict. They offer primers to overcome your deficiency. Not so. The CBO and the Harvard School of Public Health researchers who did the study in The New England Journal were dealing with statistics.

Probably peer reviewed, so you know it’s true. They’re going to regret going all stats-anal like that. I think that punk Mink has moved on. Seriously, though, that editorial is the sort of thing you’d expect to see on The People’s Cube. The World’s Worst Excuse for a Daily Newspaper today published an editorial of unimaginable wretchedness, comparing Republicans to Stalin — yes, Stalin — for their opposition to ObamaCare.

"They were going to be beat up badly if they were lucky, OK, if they were lucky," Trump asserted in an interview at the White House with the conservative outlet Townhall. 'I'm sticking up for what is right. Oh, please. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch made a serious error in judgment Sunday in its online coverage of the fatal shooting of North County Police Cooperative Officer … “The real savings must be measured by people who don’t die and people who don’t get sick. […], I’m not sure if he’s still there  (I haven’t read the PD in years) but this sounds a lot like the writing of Eric Mink (A.K.A Minko the Pinko), ” NHS [UK] doctors are prematurely ending the lives of thousands  [130,00 a year] of elderly hospital patients because they are difficult to manage or to free up beds, a senior consultant claimed yesterday.”. Related item here…. saying the truth, but a radically distorted and disordered version of it) and, for some odd reason or another, trying to smash Archbishop Burke's reputation.

...'I consider it a badge of honor,' said board member Zabielski.

A great number of Catholics think that Jesus' earthly body is a democracy—that you can 'vote out' a bishop or a pastor—but that is not how it works.

"How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog. 17,000 versus 700,000.

Of course, that could never happen here could it? At least in the real world.

", ‘An Extensive Criminal History’: Suspect Arrested in Ambush of LA Deputies, Good-Bye, Zimbabwe, U.S.A.: Ben Shapiro Explains Why He’s Leaving California, LOL: Trashy Ex-Gawker Link-Bait Peddler Libels Black Professor, Gets Sued, FMJRA 2.0: Mexican Radio : The Other McCain, Late Night Double Scoop Rule Five Sunday: Babes In Choppers, All-American Girl for the Restoration of Values, The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. President Trump on Tuesday defended a St. Louis couple who went viral after they stood outside their home brandishing weapons as a group of protesters marched past them. They’ll never ‘get’ it, as this incident shows. At any rate, you can call 314-340-8000 and let the editors of The World’s Worst Excuse for a Daily Newspaper know that you don’t like being compared to a mass-murdering dictator.

Just when you think journalism can’t hit a new low, it takes a cue from Amanda Marcotte, forgets to update its rabies shots, and goes wild-eyed beast on the nice people of America. The Catholic Church in the U.S. is bending over backwards to apologize for the past misdeeds of a small percentage of priests—very few of whom were pedophiles—and moving on to tackle greater issues, such as the faith of it's people and the holiness of its priests. The Other McCain is Powered by WordPress | Google+, Dan Riehl believes he has identified the author of this unsigned editorial, Tony Messenger is indeed editorial page editor of the, MUSIC BREAK: You Make Me Want To Walk Like A Camel » American Glob.

Read more: Once again, your vaunted claims to accuracy fall short. The McCloskeys — who have a history of suing their neighbors, family members, employers and others over a wide spectrum of disputes, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch found — … Because if you are, admit it. This will without doubt be the basis of the counterattack on your article, and the central point will be lost in the noise. Republicans, according to this perverse analogy, are the moral equivalent of a genocidal mass murderer because a study by the New England Journal of Medicine found that a certain number of non-insured people would die if ObamaCare isn’t fully implemented: So you’re OK with people suffering needlessly? Local authorities executed a search warrant at the home on Friday night. St. Louis Post-Disgrace Posted on | July 27, 2012 | 19 Comments The World’s Worst Excuse for a Daily Newspaper today published an editorial of unimaginable wretchedness , comparing Republicans to Stalin — yes, Stalin — for their opposition to ObamaCare. From an article in today's St. Louis Post-Dispatch, titled "Burke Warns St. Stanislaus Board": ...The penalty of interdict would be issued by Burke, not by the Vatican, but its effect for the board members would be in place throughout the Catholic world, not just in the archdiocese of St. Louis. Another lesson from Stalin’s notebook.

All content copyright Jeff Geerling. Don’t hide behind “we can’t afford it.”.

Louis Post-Disgrace”.

The more than 100 percent turnover rate in Gardner's office means a combined 470 years of experience prosecuting crimes in St. Louis has fled elsewhere, according to a Post … The couple reportedly filed suits over small issues, including accusing neighbors of breaking neighborhood rules by allowing an unmarried gay couple to live there and over a synagogue setting up beehives on their property to harvest honey for Rosh Hashanah celebrations. McCloskey told Fox there was a "rumor" he and his wife were going to be indicted over the incident.

And what do 'pedophiles' have to do with any of this? Read latest St. Louis City and County news from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch &

And you’re OK with killing 17,000 people a year? Pedophiles in this church are transferred from diocese to diocese while good, faithful people are excommunicated.'. "They were going to be beat up badly, and the house was going to be totally ransacked and probably burned down like they tried to burn down churches," the president continued. You know, when they put it that way, 17000 doesn’t seem like such a big number.

(So slim is the news hole, the newsroom itself has fired all its receptionists, leaving editors to pull phone duty.) How silly; the whole point of the inaptly named perversion called Obama “care” seems to be an attempt at imposing “social” justice through the “medical” system. St. Louis "Post Disgrace" (Part II: More anti-Catholicism...), An Appeal that Will Never Make the News - from St. Stanislaus Parishoners, Archbishop Raymond Burke to Leave St. Louis - Named Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura [UPDATED x3]. BWAHAHAHAHA! Human beings.To quote that eminent expert on mass deaths, Josef Stalin, ‘When one man dies it is a tragedy, when thousands die it’s statistics.’And you’re OK with killing 17,000 people a year?”. UPDATE: Apologies to Dan Riehl who, as usual, was right: Tony Messenger is indeed editorial page editor of the Post-Disgrace. The McCloskeys, who are white, have defended their actions and argued they were standing their ground. Short of saying, “you are like Stalin,” how much more of a direct comparison could he make?