Close cooperation and frequent consultation must occur among the clinician, nurse and microbiologist for optimal services to both the patient and physician. (600) Microbiology Specimen Collection & Transport, West Tennessee Healthcare Integrated Laboratory • Physician’s Laboratory Handbook 1 of 2 Policy #: 600 (PLH-600-04) Effective Date: 9/30/2004 Reviewed Date: 4/1/2014 Subject: MICROBIOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND TRANSPORT Approved by: Laboratory Executive Director, Ed Hughes (electronic signature) Approved by: Laboratory Medical Director, Mark P. Burton, MD (electronic signature) Approved by: Affiliate Lab Medical Director, Chris Giampapa, MD (electronic signature) Approved by: Affiliate Lab Medical Director, Paul J. Sims, MD (electronic signature) Approved by: Affiliate Lab Medical Director, F.E. While not a function of specimen collection, the laboratory should be given sufficient clinical information and exact source of the specimen to guide the microbiologist in selection of suitable media and appropriate techniques for optimal recovery of pathogens.

3. Medical Center Laboratory • Physician’s Laboratory Handbook| PLH 600, Magazine: (600) Microbiology Specimen Collection & Transport. The collection of CSF is an invasive procedure and should only be performed by experienced personnel under aseptic conditions.

Respiratory Virus PCR : This panel covers these analytes: Influenza A (includes H1N1/2009), Influenza B, Parainfluenza 1, 2, 3, and 4, Respiratory Syncytial virus A and b, Adenovirus, Human Metapneumovirus, Human Rhinovirus/Enterovirus (not distinguished), Coronavirus, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Mycoplasma … Specimen Collection and Transportation of Microbiology Specimens Date & Time Viewed: 12/14/2010 at 11:54:42 AM Page 3 of 25 01/25/2010 Version 2 i. Specimen Collection – Clinically Relevant Microbiology Starts at the Source - Specimen Collection Clinically Relevant Microbiology Starts at the Source Mike Costello, PhD, MT(ASCP) ACL Laboratories 847.349.7403 | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view

Transport the specimen to the Microbiology laboratory (6004 BT) immediately. 1.


View and Download PowerPoint Presentations on Specimen Collection PPT. 5. COLLECTION AND TRANSPORT OF SPECIMENSJITENDRA KUMAR PANDEYMGM medical college ,mumbaiPG,MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY 3yr 2. Last Revised May 28, 2018 Microbiology Laboratory Specimen Collection Manual NOTE: Because microbiology involves culturing and isolation of various pathogens, the proper specimen collection, media transport, and timely delivery to the laboratory are all essential to quality results.

Williamson, MD (electronic signature) MICROBIOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND TRANSPORT Specimen collection and transportation are critical considerations because the quality of the test result is often affected by the nature of the specimen and its condition on arrival in the laboratory. Are you sure you want to delete your template.

2. Specific instructions for the handling of a variety of specimens will be given in subsequent pages. 6.

The following are general considerations regarding the collection of material for culture. If bacterial meningitis is suspected, CSF is the best clinical specimen to use for isolation, identification, and … Provisions for prompt delivery of the specimen to the microbiology laboratory must be made if the results of analysis are to be valid. Specimen Collection In Microbiology Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology Dr.T.V.Rao MD 1 2. laboratory.

Collection and transport 1. Specimen collection and transportation are critical considerations because the quality of the test. 4.

result is often affected by the nature of the specimen and its condition on arrival in the. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of, find free presentations research about Specimen Collection PPT

If a specimen is to be collected through intact skin, cleanse the skin first.

NABH Standards for Hospital • The programme is made to fulfill major objectives of the AAC.7 Clause C on Policies and procedures guidecollection, identification, handling safe transportation, processing and disposal Dr.T.V.Rao MD 2 If it is not possible for the specimen to be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours of its collection, a small amount of the faecal specimen (together with mucus, blood and epithelial threads, if present) should be collected on two or three swabs and placed in a container with transport medium (Cary–Blair, Stuart or Amies) or 33 mmol/l of glycerol–phosphate buffer. Whenever possible, specimens should be obtained before antimicrobial agents have been administered.

Collection and transport of CSF . Likewise the limitations and potentials of the microbiology laboratory must be appreciated and it must be remembered that a negative report does not necessarily invalidate the diagnosis.

The material should be collected where the suspected organisms is most likely to be found, with as little external contamination as possible.

Another factor contributing to the successful isolation of the causative agent is the stage of the disease at which the specimen is collected for culture. II. Specimens should be of sufficient quantity to permit complete examination and should be placed in sterile containers or specific transport containers to promote survival of pathogenic bacteria, eliminate leakage of specimen, and allow safe handling during transport and processing.