On the drive down to the store, Stan mentions watching movies online is more convenient and that no one rents movies anymore. When the boys are cornered by the zombies, Chef is revealed to have been turned offscreen. It's disturbingly realistic. The first season used to have ear-splitting synth music play at dramatic moments. The pedophilic scout master replacing Big Gay Al in "Cripple Fight" is played surprisingly seriously in general, but this moment when the boys try to tell Big Gay Al himself about it is particularly dark: The ending of "Asspen" is also a little... troubling, to say the least. The sight of Kyle being the middle of a human sandwich is jarring at best. Seeing the remains of the people everybody was forced to kill and eat in "Cartman's Mom Is Still A Dirty Slut" could definitely give some kids nightmares. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list. In "Ginger Kids", when the ginger kids swarmed and kidnapped all the non-ginger kids, it was pretty horrific. They use actual photographs of various muscular structures. The boys similarly get sidetracked from the big conspiracy by random ads which slowly turn Stan and Kyle against each other. The entire "Black Friday" trilogy ended up leading to the launch of the video game.
The guy's gone from being a bully to a full-blown fascist. Cartman actually seems scared when he sees that his mother's been captured by Scott. At the Monster Mash, Randy takes control of Stan's iPad and, in a Frankenstein-esque way, terrorizes the town, angry that no one came to the Blockbuster. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Practically all of New York is in Times Square to watch the HBC series ".
Garrison doesn't even know what Member Berries are. "Truth and Advertising": Leslie and Jimmy continue to converse and Jimmy is slowly beginning to fall for her wiles. Stan tries to call Kyle, but it seems that Randy has taken all the phones along with the car keys. First, the title character tells kids that they should sue one another in court in order to get rid of sexual harassment. In "Lil' Crime Stoppers", the boys continually want to solve crimes in South Park. Said mummy quickly becomes horribly toxic towards Butters, attacking the town because, "Season Finale"'s subplot starts off when Jason White is, Another additional flavor of meta horror is that this subplot is based on real cases of, President Garrison reveals that he intends to do nothing about the. Barbrady shooting David, one of the kids. Again, he's incredibly nonchalant about his murder. It's not entirely clear whether Tweak has no idea or thinks what's sprinkled in there is a harmless special ingredient, but can you imagine kids drinking that coffee? In "The Poor Kid", the police remark on how it's supposed to feel safe. The consequences of everyone's internet history being revealed turns the quiet town of Fort Collins into a firey hellhole filled with nothing but chaos, and the local troll is burned alive by one of his victims for insulting his daughter. The child actor who voices Nelson is heartbreaking in the role. Cartman calls ICE on the Broflovskis and gets them sent to a detainment camp quickly and easily.
Given what's revealed immediately beforehand, it might be the same chili Cartman gave him back then! In the next episode, we see the aftermath. In "Hellen Keller: The Musical", Cartman's blindfolded and has headphones put over his ears in an attempt to understand how it'd feel to be Hellen Keller to get inspiration for lyrics, every time he closes his eyes, he sees horrible stuff, like a body being opened up, a rotting corpse, war, an atomic bomb going off, a rat eating a dead rat, a man on fire. In his crazy drive for revenge, he hospitalizes Butters and a whole gang of older boys with a series of stereotypical bully attack moves (wedgies, Indian burns, noogies, etc.
I made you eat your parents!". Not. Meanwhile, Shelly burns down the Blockbuster. It's jarring as hell. We get to hear an armed psychopath burst in, shoot a faculty member, then kill Gordon while forcing the confused and terrified 8-year-old boy to fellate the barrel of his gun. He also becomes haunted by both the decaying corpses of Winnie the Pooh and the cows he killed, and over the phone we hear him apparently being raped by Harvey Weinstein. PC Principal in "Stunning and Brave". You'd expect there to be a school shooter, instead it's just PC Principal trying to get Leslie to shut up again. Randy explains that he saw it for sale the week before for $10,000, even listing the supposed pros of owning the business.
On Wednesday, it is Halloween and Cartman and Kenny run into Butters, who is dressed as Were-prechaun and Jimmy who is Gangnam style. One of the students, an actual. SkankHunt42, a troll who terrorizes women. Stan and Shelly are confused as to why their father is the owner of Blockbuster, looking at their presents which are t-shirts that read "MY DAD IS THE OWNER OF BLOCKBUSTER! First, we have the horrible fate of Miss Claridge the preschool teacher. I call it: Mr. and Mrs. Tenorman chili." "Naughty Ninjas": The police are called in to the school, bringing with them near military-grade equipment. Sharon agrees. After some failed word manipulation, he pulls out a gun and explains about the adaptability of Ads. In "The Passion of the Jew", Kyle has an EXTREMELY DETAILED nightmare where Jesus is crucified. Instead, Stan has to pitch in and help his father with a new business venture. It turns out he's been, The scene where Cartman threatens his mother at gunpoint. Randy is freaked out however, and stops eating them . This was never touched upon again!. Cartman rants that Stan has ruined their plans, saying that people wouldn't know who they were. People vomiting up their intestines in "It Hits the Fan". It gets worse from there: Butters (now in a neck brace which he wears for the rest of the season) is forced to publicly execute the physical embodiment of reality, even though he was the one who made everyone realize what the poor kid had to go through for them. Butters' Grandma as seen in "Butterballs". The terrorist attack in "Imaginationland Episode I", referencing. Very likely the dead bodies were those people that were originally buried when the episode began. detained children being adopted out after their parents are deported. Also counts as. "The Jeffersons" has a creepy atmosphere, but the worst part has to be the end when parts of the face of Mr. Jefferson fell off, starting with the nose. “Randy Being Randy” is always of my strongest parts of the show at this point. Cartman is more fucked up than anyone thought. It makes you shudder, doesn't it? That and Cartman came really close to succeeding in his plan to wipe out all non-gingers. The fish itself. Thankfully it turns out to just be, Butters inadvertently awakens a mummy and becomes cursed to have the mummy essentially fall in love with him. From "Where My Country Gone? Randy blows up the backyards of several homes in South Park whose inhabitants were. When he finally does, there's a huge puddle of blood underneath him. which also reveals that the elderly made a deal years ago for Manbearpig to wreak havoc years later in return for fancy cars and ice cream.