Did he do stuff like this at your old school? She then has a call, informing her that Stan has been shot. The day's looking brighter.

No matter where you go, no matter what you do, I will always be here! Token swears he doesn't care about Black Panther, leading Cartman to believe he did see it, and he didn't like it.

There can't be.

Another school shooting occurs in the background, and Mackey goes out to sort it out. Cartman tries to copy Token's answers and Token reluctantly allows him to. My dad said those Child Protective Services people are pretty serious. Games. Full Episodes.

Your chores are listed on their respective doors! You are not alone. I mean, what do you think this is?! Jessica Pinkerton • Love Story • Mala Vista Middle School, South Park: The Complete Twenty-Second Season. Cartman pretends to have had an epiphany that everyone should live in harmony and peace since Kyle's speech, then gets everyone to sing a song about how the different races should live together in peace. Move it!

You're both drunk pieces of shit!

The episode supposedly inspired the infamous "National Kick a Ginger Day" in 2008. You gonna cry some more in class, wimp?! Cartman is taken to the doctor, who turns out to be prejudiced himself and soon insults him, even suggesting that Mrs. Cartman have him put down, which she considers.

Episodios en Español. What, is that supposed to be some kind of joke? It's a deadly combination that can lead to prison time and children being taken away from their home. Jesus, this is a long drive.

Forum. I'm not-, [a giant reptilian bird's head smashes through the roof and second floor of the school and the kids clear out as the head looks around], White Trash In Trouble • There are related clues (shown below). With all his jokes about Cartman being poor. Child Protective Services is about to talk to them in the soft room.

These kids all seem kind of mean. Sharon runs up to the boys, distressed, and takes Stan away, saying they will sort the whole mess out, leaving Cartman to wonder what's wrong. Clue: "South Park" kid "South Park" kid is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times. It was like a... little mystery person... flying around. And you know, guys, there's an important lesson I think we've all learned.

You think you're funny?

Well it sure is good to have you back, Kenny. At night, the three sneak into Cartman's room and use skin bleach to make his skin pale, dye his hair red, and put Henna tattoos of freckles on his face. However, he asks that before he dies, he say something private to Cartman. Menu. It's a whole new beginning for you and me! The event was started out on facebook with a target date of November 20 and attracted many members from Canada and the United States. In the Marsh garden, Sharon comes to speak to Randy. Then he disappeared like always. We can do this the easy way, or we can do it hard! After the shooting, the parents are all outside. Being from a low-income household isn't funny!

[2], The fact that Kyle has red hair introduced some difficulties during production. What holds this episode back is that certain scenes, it’s gone much farther over the line in previous episodes, and for the most part, “Dead Kids” shows that South Park can still stand right on the edge of basic human decency, and produce something that you can’t help but laugh at. "Daywalker" Kyle is chosen as the first.

Boys' room and girls' room! That's a joke. His mom is so poor she cuts coupons out to be institutionalized! There's nothing in there but Dr Pepper, right? Mr. Adams •

He once had a girlfriend whose mother had red hair, and ended the relationship to avoid having redheaded children, and even admitted to harboring what he described as racial prejudice against gingers. Sharon flips out, angry that he doesn't care, and runs up to her bedroom. South Park.

Parker and Stone did a lot of research to ensure that there was some truth to the whole story, rather than it being purely fictional. Tegridy Farms. Cartman writes a letter asking them to visit South Park, claiming that Scott is dying from cancer. We just - no, we just like to have fun here. [6], "Ginger Kids (Season 9, Episode 11) - Full Episode Player", "'South Park's Trey Parker to become a dad for first time", "Police called in to school over 'kick a ginger kid day, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ginger_Kids&oldid=981232259, Short description is different from Wikidata, Television episode articles with short description for single episodes, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 October 2020, at 02:32. ___ Cartman, character in “South Park” July 23, 2020.

I wish I could be put in a kewl foster home like Kenny's familyyy. It aired on September 26, 2018.[1]. Whatever Kyel! Sick and tired of being ridiculed for his fake red hair, light skin and freckles, he rallies all the ginger kids everywhere to fight against the persecution and rise up to become the master race they are intended to be, or so he thinks. There's gotta be something we can do. Cartman states a "half-ginger" is much worse than one with no such trait.

The 136th episode of the series overall, it first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on November 9, 2005. But at least Randy can always be counted on to bring the laughs no matter how bleak the storyline. The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker. A false police report can carry up to a two-month prison term, son. Dead Kids (Season 22, Episode 01) - Episode Guide, AV Club: South Park addresses mass shooting fatigue in an intriguing-but-uneven premiere, https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Kids?oldid=411112.

His mom is so poor she only understands hand-OUTS. "I'm Not the Poorest Kid in School", South Park: The Complete Fifteenth Season. Eventually, Stan and Kyle are the only ones left. You have to keep believing that! Cartman: Alright, let's hear it for Kyle!

Very good, we'll take them from here. Now please look at the camera and say "I'm white trash and I'm in trouble.".

Dead Kids is the first episode of Season Twenty-Two, and the 288th overall episode of South Park.

How poor are we?! Like gross yearly income after taxes? Token tells him that this has nothing to do with it, as he hasn't seen Black Panther, leading Cartman to be shocked and to believe he is trying to cover it up. Yeah. I'm not (he's not) the poor kid at school! After the sudden on-set of the disease Gingervitis, Cartman rallies all other ginger kids to rise up and assume their role as the master race. Sponsored by Schlitz.

Let's hear it for Jacob Hallery, guys! It aired on September 26, 2018.

The father of the Ginger kids informs Kyle that marrying an Asian woman ensures that the recessive gene is not passed down, and mentions a friend who is marrying an Asian woman for that reason. But you can't just turn all your frustrations on a little kid who can't defend himself! Is this like the shower room at Penn State?!" Stan initially believes she is talking about his test scores, but later realizes she means the school shooting. Karen McCormick • Over dinner at the Marsh house, Sharon asks Stan to tell Randy what happened at school.

Then again there COULD be a giant reptilian bird in charge of everything.

This episode is currently unavailable on South Park Studios. You think being poor is a joke?! What the?

Now thinking only of self-preservation, he realizes that if his own cult were to learn of his true physical identity he too would die with every other non-"ginger kid" of the town. Goddamn, I've gotta sleep in a room with six other people?! member storms in. As the kids mill around, Cartman comes around the corner and moves from person to person as he speaks. The mother and father will probably be released from jail on Monday, but I guess the kids are gonna be taken away for good. I mean, we would tell your parents to shop at nicer places, but... your mom is so poor she can't even pay attention. Mr. and Mrs. Weatherhead •

About. Okay now, are you only giving these kids Dr Pepper to drink? An hour before dawn, the boys decide to sneak into Cartman's room and change him back to his original appearance.

Pretty much went through everybody. But then they came up with the idea that it might be allowed if the character were an animated nine (formerly eight) year-old boy living in the mountain town of South Park, Colorado. Come on! [5] A school spokesperson declared the incidents "deplorable acts" and stated that the entire institution was warned that students who continued such discrimination would also be punished. Where did he take you after he saved you, Karen?

More. Initially peaceful, Cartman's movement quickly becomes violent and Nazi-esque in tone, arguing that Gingers are a "great race", though when he tries to name a successful "ginger", the gingers are forced to simply declare themselves as being like "Ron Howard… and others." It's time for the Punishment Room! Cartman complains to the teacher that Token changed his answers after Cartman copied him to make Cartman fail, but she does not hear him.

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. We can't let Kenny be sent away forever. 'Cause I'm not (He's not, he's not) the poor kid at school! Linda Stotch and Harriet Biggle come to the Marsh house to get Sharon, informing her that another shooting has happened at the school. Randy seems bored of it.

Mom, how are you going to start bringing more money into this household?

Ginger Kids. Greeley Colorado's the place to be!

Do you understand, or do you need the punishment room?! Amen. The Book of Mormon. [1] It caused controversy after its ironic premise was misunderstood by people who acted violently against redheads. The three drive there and Sharon runs in first. Who's the poorest kid in school now?! This is an intentional reference to Parker doing the same thing in real life. Greeley • The shower room at Penn State?! It's like a Penn State homecoming party! Nothing dude, it's cool, it's cool. Wait a minute, I'm white trash and I'm in trouble? All that matters is no one thinks I'm a tool!

You've already been here awhile, Kenny, so you have to introduce me to your friends, okay? Cartman then believes Token is trying to hide the fact that he has seen Black Panther so he won't get in trouble, then leaves. You really think you got something?! And it also says here that Penn State prefers to be losing at halftime? The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker.

Randy goes to see if she is ok. Sharon is upset and angry that there was a school shooting and no one seems to care. In the Marsh Kitchen, Randy is crying at the table and being comforted by Gerald and Stephen after seeing his wife's outburst in front of the parents. As a result, Cartman's speech causes a new-found prejudice towards Ginger kids in the school. This is not the way we've told you to tidy up! But the children in this home live in a world of neglect.