The former is especially useful against heroes with evasion items (such as Butterfly or Heaven’s Halberd), while the latter is best chosen against heroes with no way to avoid Sniper’s shots.
is a pun on the Expanding bullet, also known as a dum-dum. He does this by way of his passive skill Take Aim, which significantly increases his attack range by 100 units per level. Copyright © 2019 DOTAFire | All Rights Reserved, Personal guide that shouldn't be taken seriously #2.
Find top Sniper build guides by DotA 2 players. This build is kinda hard to use because it requires you to have a really good farming and doesn't become efficient until you have all the core items. Once they are weak and limping home, he can finish them off with his ultimate ability Assassinate, which deals an immense amount of damage to its target after a short period of time. Agility gain increased from 2.5 to 2.7; 7.02: Level 10 Talent increased from +4 Mana Regen to +5; 7.00: Added Scepter to Sniper: Assassinate is now a ground targeted spell with 400 AoE; Upon cast it locks onto the targets in the area; After the channel period it launches a 2.8× critical strike against all locked on targets Your first skill point should go to Shrapnel, as it can be useful when contesting the initial bounty rune spawns. Shrapnel should be the first priority going up to Level 6, though, for the same reasons mentioned above. Find top Sniper build guides by DotA 2 players. Sniper DOTA 2 Hero.
This makes Sniper great at harassing enemy heroes and scoring creep kills while keeping himself out of harm’s way. Bounty Hunter and Riki excel at this, especially since Sniper has no way to protect himself or otherwise get away without items. With proper positioning, Sniper players can make the hero almost untouchable. Help Support Our Growing Community. It is designed to expand on impact in order to limit penetration and create a wound larger in diameter. At max level, Take Aim even allows Sniper to attack towers without being in their attack range, which makes him incredible at taking objectives and leading high ground sieges. He is undeniably one of the most fragile heroes in all of Dota 2, and is extremely easy to bring down with just a couple of nukes. Due to his extreme vulnerability, positioning is the most important part of playing Sniper. * FirstBlood® is NOT AFFILIATED, AUTHORIZED, LICENSED OR ENDORSED by Dota™, Dota 2™, Steam™, Dota 2™, the Dota logo® and Steam™ are trademarks of Valve Corporation. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. On a side note, 7 shrapnels sounds like pure cancer to play against. Satanic may give you some good life steal but it's a hard item to farm (6150 golds lol) and it doesn't have any speed attack bonus nor mini-bash. He does this by way of his passive skill Take Aim, which significantly increases his attack range by 100 units per level. DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Here comes a brief description of the Sniper's skills, they are quite easy to use (50% are passive) and are the main reason why he's so called an "easy hero" : Yes, you may say : "Why Skull Basher?
He is also a nightmare to teams that try to push high ground without a plan, since his ludicrous range allows him to repel or even kill invaders from a comfortable distance. This build is a personal custom one that I have tested and approved on Dota vanilla and HoN (Heroes of Newerth), it's still as efficient, and perhaps better, on Dota2. The 1,4 stun that will trigger from it will give even more time to trigger another stun. I hope they dont change this. You want to learn how to "Last Hitting". Moreover, he has pitiful stats, particularly in terms of his health pool. Sorry for my grammar errors as i'm not an english native. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Its active ability helps him farm creeps and kill heroes at a much faster pace, and its passive ability gives him the sustain that he needs when going toe-to-toe with melee carries that manage to get close. As mentioned, Sniper is one of the easiest targets in the game, thanks to his small health pool, slow base movement speed, and lack of a natural escape mechanism. Those items do look appealing for the Sniper, but not for the PERMA-BASHER SNIPER. Plus it's not compatible with the life steal effect of Mask of Madness. Sniper's line, "Link ️ What a dum-dum!" is a pun on the Expanding bullet, also known as a dum-dum. Divine Rapier is the ultimate Hail Mary item, as it allows Sniper to decimate the opposition in just a few shots. Daedalus is, in fact, what gives Sniper the late game damage he is so notorious for, and should not be underestimated at any time. Sniper's purpose in fights is mostly to right click and attack enemies without being disabled or killed first. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. As heroes that are good in the mid game start to get their items and levels, they become much greater threat’s to Sniper’s farming momentum. level 2 Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! 100 % Guarantee for your success in pub game or in competitive game. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! This does, of course, leave him more vulnerable to gank attempts, particularly from roaming supports. Dotabuff is continuing to develop new Dota products and would like your feedback to help us shape them! You haven't read this guide. Want to support DOTAFire with an ad-free experience? Combined with his first active skill Shrapnel—which slows and damages enemy units caught in its radius over a long duration—Sniper can kite enemy heroes almost endlessly. Thanks to his range and fast attack animation, Sniper can be played as a solo mid, which gives him the advantage of solo experience gain. Vengeful Spirit can instantly switch places with Nether Swap, while Batrider can blink in and use Flaming Lasso in order to pull him away from his team. This build is a personal custom one that I have tested and approved on Dota vanilla and HoN (Heroes of Newerth), it's still as efficient, and perhaps better, on Dota2. Because of this, Sniper is easy to play, but hard to master. Kardel Sharpeye, the Sniper, is a ranged agility carry known best for his ability to deal damage from an absurd range. Cores would burn BKB's on the team fight in front of tier3s and then sniper would lay down assassinate cover fire from behind tier4s on a six second cooldown. - Rampage The Sniper is a very late game hero, he needs a lots of farming to be efficient. It is a chance-based passive ability, so it stands to reason that the faster Sniper can attack, the more chances he will have of actually having it trigger during an engagement. Leveraging Mask of Madness’ active ability should give you the farming pace to go for your next core items, which include things like Maelstrom and Dragon Lance. Sniper with octarine core and kotl in team can shoot twice, using the vision from first one to aim second. DOTAFire is a community that lives to help every Dota 2 player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Its 10% ration do not worth the cost!" You know, I tried this earlier.GOD DAMN IT BLADE MAIL LOL. If in need of hard DPS items, Monkey King Bar and Daedalus will greatly amplify Sniper’s output. The additional damage from the illusions is also quite good, and can even double as an escape mechanism that confuses enemies. Find constantly updated Sniper guides from the top performances of the week. If you are doing this then what do you need linkens/phase for? ^^source on github, ^^message the owner, deletion ^^link. View statistics, top players and guides for Sniper on Dotabuff Consider drafting picks such as Centaur Warrunner, Axe, and Tusk in order to lock him down and finish him off before he can react. Headshot is taken last due to its dependency on Sniper’s attack speed. Later on, the Dragon Lance can be upgraded to a Hurricane Pike, which grants him a handy escape mechanism that also doubles as a teamfighting weapon. He also has no natural escape mechanism, which means he must rely on mobility items or his teammates’ protection in order to escape gank attempts.