you don't have to get them all unlocked on day 1. Oh good, so just throw myself off the edge a bunch. Y’all can tell me how bad I am now lol.

Should just add to the sense of accomplishment lol. Cookies help us deliver our Services.

Really freaking annoying. It honestly frustrates me to no end because I feel so demoralized for losing against them. It's … It wouldn’t have been hard to simply turn down the difficulty a bit if an inexperienced player was losing over and over again. So relax dude. Artificial intelligence, abbreviated as AI, in the Super Smash Bros. series refers to the intelligence of any computer-controlled character in the single-player and Versus Modes. Corrin is from fire emblem. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. There's nothing to get ashamed of about losing a few times, and you don't have to get them all unlocked on day 1. I completely agree.

I'm just a casual player and some of the character unlocks are brutal. I know I’m going to get flooded with comments saying git gud, and I will admit that I’m not very good at smash in general. In Versus Mode, players can preset the AI of a computer player with a level setting.
I must’ve tried atleast 20 times lol. I had to unlock Corrin while playing with a sideways JoyCon in undocked mode... And I did it somehow lol. Stack team gank squads and the spirit effects on top of that and I can't keep track on anything. I’ve gotten almost everyone in the roster but I can never beat Isabelle no matter what. Wolf has kicked my ass about fifteen times, olimar let his guard down after attempt ten, Honestly I agree. hope this helps anyone else struggling. Smash Ultimate is no different. Putting my geezer hat on here but when I was coming up the challenge of unlocking characters and stuff was half the fun and I’m far more skilled at a lot of games because of it. I'm glad I paid $60 to not have fun in this game I wanted to solely play with friends. i went to a character that i hadn’t played before (lower gsp) and I actually had a somewhat fair fight and managed to win. I agree that it's too hard, especially when you get into the high 40's and above of unlocked characters. Who the hell is corrin and why is (s)he so annoying to unlock?! I’ve been closing the game and reopening it to instantly retry wolf and he’s decimate everyone I throw at him. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It really is, I hate being chain grabbed by challengers. It is a pain. You can unlock every character easily by using Mario's up-B whenever you are below them. Personally I just use a metal bowser pre-equipped with the sub-gun. Also I won’t write opinion next time if that makes y’all happy. I've tried playing World of Light on hard and despite being able to handle lvl 8 CPU in normal Smash mode, the CPU's in this mode just wipe the floor with me, it's like they counter almost everything I throw at them a frame before I actually use a move. I paid 60€ for the game, I'd like to be able to play the characters I want without taking hours to get them to approach as challengers and then kick my ass lol.

edit: i’ve been told the challengers difficulty is effected by your offline gsp. But the CPU difficulty for unlocking characters in ultimate seems absurdly hard to me, especially considering how many young kids and new players will be buying this game. roughest part is, i have to literally play on kirby until i unlock yoshi (my favorite) who should available from day one. This sounds salty but when you play the game for over two hours and are only able to unlock 1 or 2 new characters it feels really discouraging. I too am also having a hard time unlocking the characters as I feel like they are a huge step in difficulty as compared to previous Smash games. Also, it's worth mentioning that even people who play this game for a living have been losing to these CPUs. Literally the most advertised aspect of sma5h is how many characters there are, so when you can’t even unlock them it feels like you aren’t even playing the full game. I’m not going to call you bad. That's all I used and I'm terrible at this game. Welcome to Reddit's finest Smash Bros community! According to someone from a similar GameFAQs thread, "They took feedback from top players like Renai and aMSa when making the AI in this game, so that's why at the higher levels they go all Virtua Fighter and simulate the playstyles of real people. Press J to jump to the feed. I am new to smash myself so I decided to spend quite some hours just practising and getting the basics down. I’m just saying use it as an opportunity to hone your skill. 3. use hyper smash attack/special attack buff spirits 4. git gud If I suck at the game and can still clear the board on normal, it shouldn't be a problem for most other people. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I have almost 50 characters and MegaMan and his dumb fucking map homie keep shredding me. I agree there should be some challenge to unlocking characters but to make a noob player face some master cpu by default is just infuriating. They decrease in difficulty after you lose a few times. If you picked hard mode and then complained about it being too hard, that's your own fault. This sounds salty but when you play the game for over two hours and are only able to … That's the AI's weakness, get below them and use up attacks. But the CPU difficulty for unlocking characters in ultimate seems absurdly hard to me, especially considering how many young kids and new players will be buying this game. Got it on first try. I feel the same way. ", I lost when trying to unlock wario like 5 times lol. I feel like this is mitigated a lot by having the ability to rechallenge fighters, you only need to win the battle once to unlock them forever. Edit: The adventure mode is a good alternative way to unlock some characters, I mostly just wanted to explain one personal struggle I had with the game. I can't wait to see how much they could've potentially been improved from that, especially in teams. Mind you it's not hard to get to him, but i shouldn't have to work towards him, I got flawlessed by olimar and wolf. I was impressed with myself, too. They are a lot smarter than in previous games. Even then after still losing to new challengers I lowered the difficulty, however it seems that these challengers aren’t effected by CPU Difficulty? You shouldn't have to go through spirit mode or find other ways to make it easier... this is not the part of the game that should be hard; this is one of the biggest draws of the game. In Adventure Mode, All-Star Mode, and Classic Mode, players can still set it to some degree with the modes' difficulty setting. I did that with Little Mac. Smash 4 CPUs also demonstrated a bit of human behavior, such as in Team Battles where if you grabbed someone and didn't throw, your CPU teammate would mostly attempt to use their strongest attack on them.