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About Slavery by Another Name in the Classroom To increase the opportunities for young people to learn, interact, and engage around the history of forced labor, educational materials have been developed by Felicia Pride and Allissa Richardson of 2MPower Media, including classroom activity guides for high school and college students and accompanying teacher resources. 4)they cany sit in the same place as the white. What was, 2. P�7�tc�j����=.��'X�xB��'1-*���2}І�p�CGF}n|"V�c��*B"?0���T�M���i!�d^�J�8�V�旵X���\����*_V�ȑ��[�,�!#o$�����hIG��^����eQש��|I��#xP]��z"��d�'��.�[������� �{�9�z@n��80�؉�������-ȓ�����Z����a�KѼ�9RmX=�MX?P�癳�/ٜ�cHF�x+��u�����5h: ��'XrQ�f�ގΈx���o.j� Z.�P�\8 Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Stuck?
The absence of cash or an independent credit system led to the creation of sharecropping. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. He refers to in particular the idea of putting the British and American Imperial interests on the same wavelength as the German Policies during WW2. In many cases, the landlords or nearby merchants would lease equipment to the renters, and offer seed, fertilizer, food, and other items on credit until the harvest season. 4. l�J�(5JH�e;��g:��t����P��.�vKЈ���h}�K���Y�Z�)OI� �����X�c- blacks, fedrallaws,feddral protection,gain political power. Quiz on slavery by another name.docx - Quiz on slavery by another name Slavery By Another Name after the end of slavery African Americans were not free, 4 out of 5 people found this document helpful, after the end of slavery African Americans were not free yet. <>>> <> 3 0 obj Name some of the gains the ex-slaves made during the. Give four examples of behaviors by African Americans that were. Sharecropping is a system where the landlord/planter allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop. ���֩�ߢ,0�4���+Xz�̛����:�@��>�z~�a�7�;�z����P�g�U~��&�aA[\|��r߉�_`�Ѿ���8� ˩���o��e!�0xߡ>��/���n�X��)�~Ek]�˯���{���J#���/�9mQ 2. endobj In the South, after the Civil War, many black families rented land from white owners and raised cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, and rice. © 1995 – 2017 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). slavery by another name study guide by quizlette311355 includes 10 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Slavery by Another Name raises some difficult, important, and often embarrassing questions about the failure of the United States to live up to its promise of "liberty and justice for all," even when that promise had been enshrined in Constitutional Law. All rights reserved. 4 0 obj <> According to the documentary how many slaves were set free at the end of the Civil War? ���)�`�O�jy(�a)*�۵�.�"�2^)'�7���id�YE High interest rates, unpredictable harvests, and unscrupulous landlords and merchants often kept tenant farm families severely indebted, requiring the debt to be carried over until the next year or the next. government, white farmers and corporation after the war, 6.
Sharecropping. Slavery by Another Name Summary and Study Guide Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of “Slavery by Another Name” by Douglas A. Blackmon. Doubleday. Quiz on slavery by another name 1.According to the documentary Slavery By Another Name, after the end of slavery African Americans were not free yet. based on peonage,force slavery,and reconstruction. The absence of cash or an independent credit system led to the creation of sharecropping. According to the documentary how many slaves were set free at the, 3. What was the percentage of African American prisoners in, 7. At that time, the tenant and landlord or merchant would settle up, figuring out who owed whom and how much. How did the convict lease system work?
The Great Depression, mechanization, and other factors lead sharecropping to fade away in the 1940s. considered as crimes. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. stream PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We have tutors online 24/7 who can help you get unstuck. List one through four. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. blacks vote, attempt in buying a country. 5. �`����Q���&�͖��TiReIq�d��l\�J�CB��X�2�j���嵃J��%�_�U��UV#� qt|�݄ӗy��WdI�\3 �O�9��6����`�� .��Vo+ө��c��q���Z�'���C�XK�{�ciK��CJ{f4���ZD�^���m'�w���?�O)@`�xP8�b�� M%6%��Y�sk@X�l�xA�f� �p��#q �.����������Ęd>�S���r�[����k=�3� >��Y��4{�q;��'�au94�w �|����7lӈ8a�p��"c������3�%zn7��|%�ȳ��V�VN�5E\�x�s�� ٔ)�A��� ���[&d !b������D��ʊ����9��:�ۅ��� �JiJ� c�i�@�� <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> What was peonage, and how was it used to control African. public 2)speak to a white women 3)walk along the, railroad. endobj 3. �w��f�^�u��*`����9qh�9�O5�Ӂ}�ۄܮ�w�DQf����Z���f,�QY���o^�'� L���6�� �șz�ÒQ�b�����*�SY��7�%�FB�aح`f��o�8e>�G�����X�+Q�Ɣ6�� ��[�^u (1).docx, lilly negussie balck hist B home work.docx, QUIZ_ON_SLAVERY_BY_ANOTHER_NAME_VIDEO.docx. $29.95. Though both groups were at the bottom of the social ladder, sharecroppers began to organize for better working rights, and the integrated Southern Tenant Farmers Union began to gain power in the 1930s. ڄR_�z�u �$�9�nNmdØ�mt���+Ն$��̖���˖�َ��(0��� �a;91�Pg����]�p���k�0�Q��nkO9�4�BcOU�Q&��m; ��`20�ej[����EwdkJy0�g0�v�{o5��AD�ɹ���+��YE(���� ��R���S��C���}Lc��� What was this based on? 2 0 obj This encouraged tenants to work to produce the biggest harvest that they could, and ensured they would remain tied to the land and unlikely to leave for other opportunities. %PDF-1.5 Gc�ՆJؔ���m!������B�{��+��wnj{�����\�{�� �Nґ٤��n����p������f�qDž~������j��=AH�ρNZ���$�Xj�nq��ot�)ӯrnͭ�>m%bi�����"z�'-HPb��������ΈMCA�� �t�a���t'qtb�M���3m)��ʹ^�f�`��*�^�%���6+n�. After the Civil War, former slaves sought jobs, and planters sought laborers. 4 millions slaves. Review Submission History- QUIZ ON CHAPTER 26 AND CRASH COURSE VIDEO! Approximately two-thirds of all sharecroppers were white, and one third were black. 1 0 obj CG���#� y���|(�Ӧ��M��k�[5�)��ٓ@'��f����r�LJ�i��ϩp�b��)����YL�#�e������8ah�qK�E��l���Ģ��_�VCL��SӐj�6,������3�������p7��5����^�±Ո��-��_Kы����8d�S�*=�!I��q�}!� r�>�I��`z��� +S�$����8���rt�rO���O���.�V���=��r�z�ר[