She has held a number of positions - and was one of the Labour Party candidates for the European elections in 2014 in the London region and is a candidate again in the 2019 European elections.

Entdecke deine Kreativität, still deinen Wissensdurst oder probiere etwas Neues aus: Packe selbst an und schaffe mit den Händen, beweg dich und lüfte Kopf und Körper durch oder vertiefe ein spannendes Thema deiner Wahl. Hier tanken wir auf, werden ermutigt und lassen uns neu von der Begeisterung über Gott und das Leben anstecken. After having the strength to overcome his addictions, he rebuilt his life stronger than ever. Clara Rufai is the founder of the ‘SHINE Philosophy’, based on the belief that as people designed with intention and purpose, every individual carries a light of greatness inside them. The Leap and Shine Conference is brought to you by THE SHINE ZONE and its founder, Clara Rufai.

Dr. Grant is a Board member of the Build A Bridge Foundation of Georgia, and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter, where she currently serves as Chaplin.

Creating intention-based connectivity, allows us to cultivate honest and engaged dialogues, an intrinsic building block for quality interrelatedness.

We offer several sponsorship opportunities. She is the 2017 PR Times Africa Magazine Woman of the Year, the 2016 African Achievers Award Recipient for Literature, recipient of the Deep River Books Merit Award, and 2015 Garden City Advancement Award. We specialize in building artist portfolios from within the Entertainment and Music industry.

is the former mayor of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. A unique 2-day event of thought-provoking talks, enlightenment, new knowledge, inspiration, and networking, which will empower you to step into your SHINE ZONE.

is a leading personal and leadership development expert, author, speaker, coach, and consultant. Nimm unbedingt mit uns Kontakt auf!

Volunteers: Vergünstigung für Mitarbeiter/innen. LEAP AND SHINE CONFERENCE will host its first annual award in a grand gala dinner on 22 February 2020, which will honour 20 Shine-Stars in selected categories.

Sie ist international als Referentin tätig und sitzt im Hauptvorstand der «Deutschen Evangelischen Allianz».

We've got top-notch opportunities for YOU and your business! He helps speakers, coaches and influencers to move forwards gain credibility and authority and get results using PR.

This will cover your cost for attendance in 2021, along with your lunches while on-site with us. is a transdisciplinary scholar and trained Adizes facilitator. Friday, October 23 - Sunday, October 25, 2020. We provide a range of services which build International brand awareness. You’ll get PERKS as an Ambassador + 1 free ticket & MORE. Wir lassen uns von seinem Plan für die Welt berühren und lernen, darin unseren Platz zu finden. Please follow us on facebook and instagram if you’re not doing so already. The Leap and Shine Conference is an initiative founded by Clara Rufai, The Shine Strategist which provides a global learning platform offering Creative, Interactive, Transformational opportunities by bringing together global Thought-leaders and Influencers for paradigm-shifting, life-defining discussions with the aim to inspire, equip and empower individuals to break free from their prisons of limitation and take a ‘LEAP’ into their ‘SHINE ZONE’. After-glow reception for the Ambassadors. Clara uses her work and various platforms to empower people to (S)tart (H)arness (I)dentify (N)etwork and (E)xpress their Brilliance.

Meet The Global Thought Leaders Speaking at the 2020 Leap and Shine Conference. SHINE Legacy Awards on 22 February 2020 - London, UK. I, n 2018, she was a speaker at the 8th Edition of the African Achievers Awards, hosted at the UK Westminster Parliament in London.

An award-winning specialist in equality diversity and Human Resource who was first elected to the Council in 2010. Hope to see you then!

UJR Entertainment Network, is the UK's only Alternative Music & Talk, Online radio Network, which broadcasts across the Globe 24 Hours-a-Day.

Stella began her Professional career in 1999 as Financial Portfolio Manager at a global company, Owens Corning USA.

She is also the gender equality representative for the Party of European Socialists. Als Hauptleiterin der Shine Konferenz wird Steffi ihr brennendes Herz für unseren «unstoppable» Gott mit uns teilen. As Head of Business Relations in NLNG, she manages communication and stakeholder engagement for corporate business growth, economic diplomacy, and fostering positive business environment through regulatory compliance. The Juice Doctor) is a Nutritional Therapist, Natural Health Researcher, Innovator & Manufacturer of Botanical Health Products, Social Entrepreneur, Humanitarian, CEO and Founder of GO Juice Detox / Mi Healthcare & Vivo Nutrients.

15.00 – 20.00 Uhr Workshops, Kafi Lounge, Shine Lounge Refunds will be issued tomorrow. known as THE SHINE STRATEGIST is a Globally Awarded Iconic Woman, Corporate Lawyer, Compliance Manager, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Mentor and much more. Join us and hear from our inspiring leaders about their diverse success stories that will motivate and empower you to change your perception and spur your journey. Parkarena It has become a lighthouse for the women of Austin. Stella has won many awards in recent years, including, a sought after Motivational Speaker.

Die Shine Conference ist ein Ort der Erfrischung und Wertschätzung. She is also the Founder of the Global Movement, As a powerhouse possibility creator and transformation instigator, Vaneese teaches and empowers today’s women leaders through her proprietary success fundamentals of Branding Out Loud Daily (, is a two-time NCAA All-American Athlete, Author, Coach Motivational Speaker who has presented for several National & International Organisations including the Caribbean Sports Ministry, as well as other major corporations within the United States.

She is the Creator of the, In 2015, Dr. Grant was consecrated a "Bishop" in the Lord’s Church by the Impact Fellowship International and The Promise Land Ministries, based in Washington DC, and holds a membership with the, Perfecting Covenant Prevailing Connection. Yewande guides leaders and teams to develop collaborative thinking, consensus building and compassionate leadership. Create on-site awareness for your brand.

The secret in his book "Values, Vision, and Versatility" has played a significant role in the guidance and transformation of who he is today.

He has taken the resilience from his past trauma and turned that into an inspirational determination to help others. Alex Okoroji is an Actress, Writer, TV Personality, Talk Radio Host, Speaker, Author, Global Influencer, Reinvention Strategist and Communication Consultant who helps experts around the world create bigger impact with their brands, message, content, product or service. We are lucky enough to have Global Experts speaking on our stage at this year's conference. However, we understand this is a financially trying season for many individuals and organizations alike. Shine is a gathering place, a launch pad, a watering hole of sorts for dreamers to come together, remind one another of their value, freedom and purpose.

Barbara-Reinhart-Strasse 24

She works in partnership with leaders who have a mandate for transformational change. Esther Austin Global is a PR, Publishing and Media platform, supporting clients to get their brand in front of the right audience. Sie will noch mehr sehen, dass wir Frauen unsere Bestimmung in Gott erkennen, gemeinsam mutig vorwärts gehen und uns mit Gott zusammen als Lösung für diese Welt brauchen lassen.