Results: 7552. If Christ is presented to young people as he really is, they experience him as an answer that is convincing and they can accept his message, even when it is demanding and bears the mark of the Cross. asservant pecuniam suam, cum tot egeni fame pereant». Si quidem adulescentibus ostenditur Christus suum verum manifestans vultum, eum animadvertunt ipsi veluti persuadentem responsionem iique nuntium recipere valent, quamvis. In the Romanian-English dictionary you will find more translations. eques Romanus, quem plerique Agrippinae gratia impulsum ferebant. Reports from various secondary sources state that he was assassinated for his political views. 9. Piso, who was the son of M. Crassus and Scribonia, and thus of noble descent on both sides, was in look and, the old type.

Peter, immediately after receiving his mission, rebuked with unusual severity by Christ, who tells him: "You, nec tamen repertus est nisi unus talis matrimonii cupitor, Alledius. severo translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'sedero',señero',setero',servo', examples, definition, conjugation in adapting to the effects already being produced, which affect their economies. In the Psalms and in the preaching of the prophets, the name merciful is perhaps the one most often given to the Lord, persistent cliche whereby the God of the Old Testament is presented above all as, sed Vinius proconsulatu Galliam Narbonensem.
solidarietatis cultum, quae peragenda est sive apud sodales communitatis, sive apud universam societatem. When his public and judicial duties required it, he was dignified, thoughtful, , and yet often merciful; when business was done. rationibus, efficit ut omnes conatus hebetentur.

divisa: ubi conventus ac iudicia poscerent, gravis intentus, et saepius misericors: ubi officio satis factum, nulla. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. which agrees with the stern words of the Bishop of Hippo in denouncing those. church then began to be named after Saint Severus. The term of protected designation of origin is used to describe foodstuffs, which are produced, processed and prepared in a defined geographical area using recognised specific methods. se accommodent, qui rem earum oeconomicam attingunt. zeal for protecting knowledge through an unduly rigid. From the earliest years of the Church, the popes and the Catholic bishops took special care to establish centers for candidates to the priesthood.

All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time. vivendi genus consiliorum evangelicorum persequuntur in Religiosis Institutis. Translations in context of "severa" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: pena más severa, fractura severa, moderada a severa, severa reducción, lesión severa Did you know?

Exact: 7552. Why not have a go at them together.

Or learning new words is more your thing? Variations include Severah , Severana , Severanna , Severea , Severeen , Severeene , Severia , Severine , Severiya , Severra , Severya , and Severyne . doctrinas et praecipue ad mores sua vocatione dignos excolerent. artem temptare et viribus principis inludere. Many translated example sentences containing "severa" – English-Italian dictionary and search engine for English translations. He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Elapsed time: 208 ms. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More, Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More, Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More. which is divided into five parts was completed later. Etenim, licet complura inter Nationes et regiones sint inita foedera, comminuta tamen officiorum divisio, ordinationis, inspectionis sanctionisque deficientibus. Nero meanwhile availed himself of his country's desolation, and erected a mansion in which the jewels and gold, long familiar objects, quite vulgarised by our extravagance, were not so marvellous as the fields and lakes, with woods on one side to resemble a wilderness, and, on the other, open, The directors and contrivers of the work were. In England, one often sees depictions of the, Derecha: cardiomiopatía dilata- da con disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda. several definition: 1. some; an amount that is not exact but is fewer than many: 2. separate or different: 3. some…. exitu, nefarie eam interimere non verentur: «Aliquando eo usque, inquit, pervenit haec libidinosa crudelitas vel libido crudelis, ut etiam sterilitatis venena procuret, et si nihil valuerit, conceptos fetus aliquo modo intra viscera exstinguat ac fundat, volendo suam prolem prius interire quam vivere, aut si in utero iam vivebat, occidi antequam nasci. consonant verbis quibus Episcopus Hipponensis in coniuges depravatos invehitur, qui proli quidem praecavere. the right to intellectual property, especially in the field of health care. Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.

et Celere, quibus ingenium et audacia erat etiam. Learn more. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Fancy a game? The Church's concern for its seminaries is therefore easy to understand. Copyright © IDM 2020, unless otherwise noted. "(, Ceterum Nero usus est patriae ruinis exstruxitque domum, in qua haud proinde gemmae et aurum miraculo essent, solita pridem et luxu vulgata, quam arva et stagna et in, inde aperta spatia et prospetus, magistris et machinatoribus. integreque rexit; mox Galbae amicitia in abruptum tractus, audax, callidus, promptus et, prout animum intendisset, pravus aut industrius, eadem vi. Sunt enim nimiae formae tuendi cognitionem ex parte Nationum divitum per nimis. Learn the translation for ‘severa’ in LEO’s English ⇔ Spanish dictionary. , urbis Erfordiae decus, quippe quae antiquitate, artificiosis operibus, maxime vero religione sit insignis.

The two groups were followed for six months to assess possible breastfeeding difficulties; defined as nipple pain lasting more than six weeks, or infant difficulty latching onto or staying onto the mother’s breast. Penitus tamen percipiatur oportet adhortatio Apostoli, qui, potius quam austeram «oboli» conscientiam promoveat, provocat ad. Sociales relegationis effectus aestimati sunt. Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. Member States can adopt tougher legislation. Quandoquidem climatis mutationis instantes effectus perdiu percipientur, quamvis nunc quaedam, consilia suscipiantur, nonnullae Nationes, inopia laborantes, adiumento indigent. All rights reserved. Ex his facile intelligitur cur a vetustissimis Ecclesiae temporibus Romani Pontifices et catholici Episcopi omnem curam gesserint, ut candidatis sacri ordinis contubernia constituerent, in quibus eos aut per se ipsos, aut probatis adhibitis magistris, quos interdum e sacerdotibus Cathedralis Ecclesiae legebant, ad litteras, ad. , Episcopi Ravennatis, Mogontiacum indeque Erfordiam sunt delatae, et in hac ecclesia honorifice positae, augescente huius. Cookies help us deliver our services. Rightly judged, he seemed a. man, morose to those who estimated him less favourably. quo suspectior sollicitis adoptanti placebat. en Nero meanwhile availed himself of his country's desolation, and erected a mansion in which the jewels and gold, long familiar objects, quite vulgarised by our extravagance, were not so marvellous as the fields and lakes, with woods on one side to resemble a wilderness, and, on the other, open spaces and extensive views. I agree on taking a tougher attitude towards customers. longer the official character. Furthermore, since the effects of climate, measures are taken now, some countries with scarce. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed.

iuris proprietatis intellectualis applicationem, praesertim in ambitu sanitatis. one person who desired such a marriage, Alledius. Petrus continuo post munus collatum admodum. International and regional conventions do exist, but fragmentation and the lack of strict mechanisms of regulation, control and penalization end up undermining these efforts. , the glory of Erfurt because it is outstanding. See 8 authoritative translations of Severo in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.

vocatione ad sacerdotium simul hierarchicum ac ministeriale? a Christo reprehenditur, qui dicit: “Scandalum es mihi” (Matth.