Goddess of the Chill Moon (涼月天 Ryōgetsuten).

Meanwhile, Seilah's attire consists of a very revealing blue-colored leopard-printed kimono, bearing the decorative marks on her shoulders. Même Mirajane ne peut même plus tenir sa transformation en Sitri suite à cette attaque dévastatrice. Well, here was a detailed description of Seilah. La marque de sa guilde se situe au milieu de son ventre. Sunday VS Magazine : Shuuketsu ! Ces pouvoirs ne sont pas limités au contrôle de corps, elle peut également manipuler des objets comme dans son combat contre Mirajane ou elle se bat avec des livres en suspension. [27] After brutally slashing away at Mirajane's body, Seilah is then surprised when the Mage grabs hold of her leg, and feels herself weakening. En conclusion de leur conversation, Kyôka propose à Seila de s'approcher, lui disant que cela fait longtemps qu'elle n'a pas pris soin d'elle. Seilah uses the Macro to try to kill Erza. Seila se sent un peu coupable de l'échec de sa mission. Elle à une sorte de ceinture verte avec un nœud orange nouée autour de sa taille. However, after the initial collapse of Tartaros following its defeat at the hands of Fairy Tail, Seilah reformed the guild, both with its remaining original members, and new members, in order to bring down Fairy Tail. Seilah's appearance is that of a woman, with large breasts and her most noticeable feature being the two large gold-looking horns protruding from the sides of her head and pointing upwards.

Upon her head is a white band which separates her hair, framing her bangs from her hair below the band. Le bas de son kimono s'arrête au dessus des cuisses et se fend sur les côtés. Elfman lui demande ce qui est arrivé à Yuri.

Lisana couvre sa sœur, lui disant que Seila est capable de contrôler les gens, et qu'elle a utilisé cette capacité pour les vaincre. Etherious Form: Seilah, like the rest of her race, has shown the ability to enter an Etherious Form, however in a rather unconventional way: she must first turn her Macro upon herself and order her own limits away. Seila comprend alors qu'elle s'est sentie fatiguée car Mirajane a pris possession de son pouvoir.

Mirajane s'interroge alors sur la nature de la malédiction de Seila, et Lisana lui précise qu'elle pense qu'il s'agit du sort qu'elle a utilisé pour contrôler Elfman. Shocked, Elfman claims he cannot do such a thing but Seilah replies that he can and will as her Macro is absolute. However, before she can do so, a mutilated Ezel appears in the tank next to Seilah and demands that she revive him, which she refuses to do as she is in the middle of a battle. Seila trouve qu'elle en a trop dit et le lui fait remarquer. Une fois en forme Etherias, elle devient toujours plus pudique. Soon after, Seilah happens upon the reunion of Mirajane and Lisanna, whereupon she hears Lisanna describe their ordeal. While she retains her usual cool and collected demeanor, the mere thought of Fairy Tail makes the Demon's blood boil. Bien plus tard, accompagnée de Kyôka, Seila contrôle le Président avec sa Macro puisque Keith est vaincu, à l'arrivé d'Erza, de Minerva et des Exceeds, Seila utilise sa magie sur tous le groupes (elle contrôle toujours le Président) ,et sors de l'ombre avec Kyôka et fais face à Erza et aux autres. Sur place, Lisana et Elfman de Fairy Tail ont été dépêchés par leur guilde pour essayer d'obtenir des informations des anciens conseillers quant aux motivations de Tartaros.

MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world! En fait, quand elle a capturé Lisana, elle a pris le contrôle d'Elfman, son marché est le suivant : il doit déposer à l'auberge de Fairy Tail une lacrima de lumière ultra concentrée en éther, un pouvoir destructeur qu'elle estime 500 fois supérieur à celui de Jupiter. Having her powers increased considerably, she was about to emerge victorious but Mirajane managed to take her down.

She also has a sense of pride as well as arrogance, shown when she planned to get revenge on Mirajane for ruining her reputation and shaming her in front of Kyôka. Seilah is an Etherious of the Dark Guild Tartarus and its team: the Nine Demon Gates. " Face was a absolute failure, but it has served as a rough draft to the prologue of a new story we shall write. [8] She is also extremely loyal to, and bordering on infatuated with, Kyôka, referring to her with the honorific suffix "-sama,"[9] and engaging in implied sexual behaviors with her. Seila lui demande si les trois anciens conseillers scellant Face ont été identifiés : deux sont déjà morts, le troisième se trouve être Gerald qu'Erza finira bien par trahir. She is also extremely affectionate and loyal to (and bordering on infatuated with) Kyôka, referring to her with the honorific suffix "-sama", and engaging in implied sexual behaviors with her. Seilah is the nineteenth boss fight in Fairy Tail 2020.

Later she was shown controlling the former president of the council's corpse with her curse to activate the ' faces' before Mirajane once again took her down and absorbed her soul and curse power.

Tied around her neck is a small white-colored strap. Worn upon her forehead is a small circular symbol with a small dot on the inside and surrounded by several dots around the top. Going forth, she strikes Mirajane faster than she can react before releasing an intense magical blast from her palm that not only obliterates what's left of Hell's Core, but greatly harms Mirajane, Lamy and Lisanna, as well as forcing the former to exit her recently-entered Sitri. Il ne reste donc plus qu'à faire parler Erza, ce que Kyôka peut faire, bien qu'elle admette volontiers que la malédiction de Seila apporterait les mêmes résultats, dans une démarche moins amusante. [22] Upon hearing that the cards contain all the Mages of Fairy Tail, Seilah goes wide-eyed in shock and blames herself for Tartaros' current predicament. [33][34] Her powers aren't solely limited to bodies, however, as Seilah has also demonstrated the ability to manipulate and suspend objects with her hands, as shown in her fight with Mirajane Strauss in her basic Satan Soul, where Seilah assaulted her with multitude of books, that levitated around her person. Being that Seilah naturally speaks about books her spells are custom made to fit her character outline and design. Elle fonce alors sur Mirajane et lui porte un puissant coup, qui l'envoie valser à plusieurs mètres, rencontrant même sur son chemin Lamy et Lisana.

Elle fait alors exploser Fairy Tail à l'aide d'Elfman, mais cependant il s'avère que Kanna ait réussi à sauver tout le monde.

A Satan Soul form that allows the user to take over the appearance, abilities and powers of the Etherious Seilah. Seilah lays unconscious until the clones of Lamy attack; she awakens and then sneaks away in the ensuing chaos. However, as Kyôka begins to give them orders, Franmalth discovers many sources of Magic Power approaching Cube, prompting Seilah to display under Cube, where she notices Fairy Tail's three Exceeds approaching Cube while holding cards. Seila est une démone qui semble être attirée par les livres et toutes sortes d'histoires. "In a Demon's story... there's no such thing as mercy. She has also displayed a cold and ruthless side to her as shown when she told Elfman that "mercy doesn't exist in the story of Demons" while forcing him to strangle Lisanna with her Curse. Oct 22, 2018 - Macro Curse: Tartaros: Nine Demon Gates. Je n'ai aucun souvenir de cette information ! Seilah was enraged to see that a mere human could match her power and started attacking more fiercely. Worn upon her forehead is a small circular symbol with a small dot on the inside and surrounded by several dots around the top. Seila a de longs cheveux noirs. — Seilah to other Tartaros members.

Seilah's appearance is that of a woman, with large breasts and her most noticeable feature being the two large gold-looking horns protruding from the sides of her head and pointing upwards.
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Seila a de longs cheveux noirs.
Mais Seila lui répond qu'elle est en plein combat, maintenant. Approaching the woman, who is relaxing on a sofa, Seilah inquires as to whether they have discovered the identities of those linked to Face: when Kyôka replies that thanks to Crawford Seam they have, Seilah states that they can finally stop their pointless killings. Elle a également deux grandes cornes jaunes qui dépassent de sa chevelure et un bandeau de couleur blanche. Upon the arrival of Silver and Kyôka, but noting the absence of two of their members, the group moves to show the humans the power of the underworld as brought forth by the Nine Demon Gates.