Subscribe In the 20th century, the Muslim world created a vision of religious nationalism.

27 Amazingly Powerful Quotes From Black Writers. There are certain standards, like the protection of minorities and the improvement in their lives that have to be improved now. ~, Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together. Jews and homosexuals are the outstanding creative minorities in contemporary urban culture. ~, A lot of different flowers make a bouquet. ~, When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become a wiser, more inclusive, and better organization. Inclusion is making the mix work. Minority rights quotes - religious, linguistic or gender and sexual minorities; and also the collective rights accorded to minority groups. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened. They have always had to wage a political and legal battle to win them. Votes: 0, The struggle for freedom is not the struggle of the many against the few, but of minorities, sometimes of a minority of but one man gainst the majority. In vital matters, however, such as the choice of a mate or a profession, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves. Votes: 0, We cannot discuss the state of our minorities until we first have a sense of what we are, who we are, what our goals are, and what we take life to be. Tags: Democracy has turned out to be not majority rule but rule by well-organized and well-connected minority groups who steal from the majority. Votes: 3, Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better. Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). “Reflections on the Revolution in France: And on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event.

— Ayn Rand Votes: 0, patriarchal academic hierarchies in science and technology are now overspecialized and abstract, perhaps because they have systematically excluded women, as well as minorities, with challenging, alternative views. The moment a mere numerical superiority by either states or voters in this country proceeds to ignore the needs and desires of the minority, and for their own selfish purpose or advancement, hamper or oppress that minority, or debar them in any way from equal privileges and equal rights—that moment will mark the failure of our constitutional system. Votes: 0, Look at all the minorities around here! Racism remains in the eyes of history ... merely another instance of the persecution of minorities for the advantage of those in power. The minor longs to be at age, then to be a man of business, then to make up an estate, then to arrive at honors, then to retire. Racisme Quotes Showing 1-7 of 7 “Être raciste, cela ne signifie pas être un démon ou un monstre, c'est surtout être le produit de sa société. Votes: 0, The Democratic vote consists of minorities and educated whites. Votes: 0, I think that most minorities have experienced some form of racial abuse. He only got 36% of the working-class white people. The fact that these minorities were invented by the pollster did not diminish the hostility. The trail-blazers in human, scientific and religious freedom have always been in a minority. You notice that all the minorities are going to be voting for Barack Obama because he's a minority. Diane Holloway, Lee Harvey Oswald, Bob Cheney (2008). All we demanded was our right to twinkle. Creative, that is, in the truest sense: they are creators of sensibilities. Majorities, of course, are often mistaken. My non-violence bids me dedicate myself to the service of the minorities. Don't forget to confirm subscription in your email. people, outnumber, comprises, State, oppressive, forces, submitted, meekly. Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization. Earlier this month, more than 30 religious leaders and scholars wrote Secretary of State John Kerry asking for a meeting to discuss what's happening to Christians and other minorities. Votes: 0, Shows like 'Seinfeld' and 'Friends,' they have, like, one or two damn characters throughout the whole series that are minorities. Votes: 0, Rent-to-own provides a vital service to millions of Americans. The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. Votes: 0, When the power, prestige, and financial support of government is placed behind a particular religious belief, the indirect coercive pressure upon religious minorities to conform to the prevailing officially approved religion is plain. Votes: 2, I think the real problem for American religion are those minority of fundamentalists who try to identify political policies with religion. The term is now being adopted by radicals, hippies, and minority peoples. Without diversity, life would be very boring. Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant, but when they've been fixed, then they are happy and sedate. To the very end Trotsky remained a blind, pitiless (even when pitiable) giant, defending the right of the minority vanguard of the proletariat -- the Party -- to exercise its dictatorship over ‘the backward layers of the proletariat’ -- i.e., those who disagreed with the self-designated vanguard. - Soren Kierkegaard. Perhaps only some young women, perhaps only a minority of all women, will be able to effect such changes through consciousness alone, through the strength of understanding, which, if transformed into wisdom, always means the performance of necessary actions. We have not always seen that. Why aren't they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban? “The History of Freedom (and other Essays)”, p.30, Jazzybee Verlag, Ayn Rand (1964). Can you imagine in 2016 there is a discussion about #OscarsSoWhite? Chief Justice Roberts has expressly said that the Constitution and the government should be colorblind, he sees no difference between government action that discriminates against minorities and one that benefits minorities. The people in Arab countries are now speaking out and asking many questions about human rights, minorities, religion, democracy, "the other," and so on. marvelous and awful, good and evil. Feisal Abdul Rauf. At the same time, they want to continue to defend the rights of individuals.

Votes: 0, Majorities and minorities cannot rightfully be taken at all into account in deciding questions of justice. The test of liberty is the position and security of minorities. The two pioneering forces of modern sensibility are Jewish moral seriousness and homosexual aestheticism and irony. Votes: 0, I will not perform in this city as long as the blatant targeting of black culture and minorities congregating is acceptable common practice, Votes: 0, The Turkish road is not my model because I am critical of the way you are dealing with freedom of expression, of how you are dealing with the treatment of minorities, and your economic vision. Visible minority quotes - as a way to single out newer immigrant minorities from both Aboriginal Canadians and other "older" minorities distinguishable by language (French vs. Votes: 2, As minorities and other immigrant groups become more important to our economy, the inner city is a crucible that gives us an early look at phenomena that are going to be spreading more broadly in the economy over time. If companies can refuse to provide coverage for women, what other objections to the Affordable Care Act will we see based on 'religious grounds'? Anyone in his right mind knows that this will not happen in the United States. ~, What divides us pales in comparison to what unites us. The loved and the rich need no protection: they have many friends and few enemies. When you use the term minority or minorities in reference to people, you're telling them that they're less than somebody else. It is always the minorities that hold the key of progess; it is always through those who are unafraid to be different that advance comes to human society. Members of various minorities including criminals, atheists, homosexuals, flag burners, illegal immigrants (including terrorists), convicts, and pornographers. — Anthony Robbins

Votes: 0, Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities. And that is my definition of democracy, the right to be in a minority and not be suppressed. powerless, while, conforms, majority, then, irresistible, when, clogs, whole. Votes: 2, I fully recognize and appreciate the many substantial contributions of black Americans and other minorities to the creation and preservation and development of our great nation.
So from now on acts of terror, only hit white people, because hate crimes against them are permitted, and the media will play it up. Tags: Quotlr helps you to improve your life, to achieve inner peace and happiness by reading motivational quotes. Votes: 2, Jews and homosexuals are the outstanding creative minorities in contemporary urban culture. A third of our kids don't finish high school, 50 percent of minorities don't finish high school. This is why the silencing of minorities is necessarily dangerous. I think the real problem for American religion are those minority of fundamentalists who try to identify political policies with religion. China officially recognizes 55 ethnic minority groups within China in addition Edmund Burke (1790).

Such leaders have too many incentives to promote polarizing attitudes and actions that are counterproductive for minorities and disastrous for the country. By making college more affordable for all and more accessible for minority students, the first new higher education authorizing legislation in a decade will help strengthen our nation and America's middle class, and spur a new age of innovation and ingenuity in our country.

By the minority, surely. How can we ever be friends?

No democracy can long survive which does not accept as fundamental to its very existence the recognition of the rights of minorities. All advertisements and films and songs are addressed to sexuals, to their rash whims and finicky tastes. Tags:

Democrats, become, acceptable, once, comfortable, status, farmer, tell, you. ~, Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim.
The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority. "Biography/ Personal Quotes". In the 20th century, the Muslim world created a vision of religious nationalism.