Eligibility. The visa process will be conducted by local U.S. Embassies and Consulates in conjunction with local partners and World Learning.

The cost of international and domestic travel, program related ground transportation, cultural activities, and all the other programmatic and logistical arrangements will be covered. Through this two-way exchange for emerging leaders, participants will exchange ideas and best practices, while also improving leadership skills and developing sustainable and enduring linkages with professional counterparts. Candidates must be from India, Pakistan, or Nepal.

It will begin with an orientation in Washington, DC that focuses on the structure of the U.S. government, the legislative process, and the role of civil society. Ilhom is the Co-Director of Global Entrepreneurship Week Tajikistan, and is heavily engaged with Techstars startup development programs in Tajikistan. Funded by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by World Learning, the Professional Fellows Program for Governance and Society, South and Central Asia works to promote mutual understanding and establish networks among mid-level professionals in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and the United States, while also promoting increased knowledge of the legislative process and principles of good governance. Strong potential to play an increasingly important role in society; Interest in participating in the program and sharing the experience with colleagues and the public; and. For organizations, this opportunity is shared with sole purpose of promoting “Access to Information” for all and should not be associated with any other purposes. Candidates must be from India, Pakistan, or Nepal. Applications are open for the U.S. Department of States Professional Fellows for Governance and Society – Spring 2020.The program brings young professionals from India, Pakistan, and Nepal to the U.S. to exchange ideas, strategies, and best practices in legislative process and policymaking. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.

Fall 2019 Applications for the Professional Fellows Program for Governance and Society are now open.. Participants then return to Washington, DC for the concluding Professional Fellows Congress, which includes workshops, dialogues, meetings with U.S. Government officials, and a program debrief.

They will also engage in civic life through enrichment activities such as meeting with key stakeholders, dialogues, and site visits and participate in the Professional Fellows Congress with other 200+ Fellows from 48 countries. All rights reserved  | Developed by Kautuk Bhatnagar, Gain an understanding of the U.S. legislative and political process.

good governance (e.g. Following the U.S. program, American Fellows will travel to India, Pakistan, and Nepal to participate in workshops, consultations, and provide support to follow-on projects in the winter of 2020 (tentative dates). The program includes the following components: For more information, see FAQ or visit U.S. Department of States Professional Fellows. ACYPL designs and implements two Professional Fellows Programs (PFP) around the theme of Governance and Society for international participants from Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. Program Description The Professional Fellows for Governance and Society, South and Central Asia program brings young professionals from India, Pakistan, and Nepal to the U.S. to exchange ideas, strategies, and best practices in legislative process and policymaking. Through professional fellowships, the participants will be matched with a U.S. organization or government office providing them with the opportunity to increase their understanding of the U.S. legislative process while engaging in civic life through enrichment activities, such as meetings with key stakeholders, dialogues, and site visits. Participant selection and pre-departure orientation in India, Pakistan, or Nepal; A one-month U.S. experiential program for participants from India, Pakistan, and Nepal that includes fellowships, interactive seminars, site visits, synthesis discussions, and designing follow-on projects (multiple cohorts), In-country seminars and support of follow-on activities for participants from India, Pakistan, and Nepal, including workshops and consultations by American experts (multiple cohorts). Such experience can have been attained through their work in government, civic education organizations, citizen advocacy groups, political campaigns, political parties, or election monitoring organizations. South and Central Asia Fellows Program Fellowship Porgram US Fellowship Program.

A small stipend will also be provided during the participants’ time in the United States to cover basic living expenses. You must be a YSEALI … The visa process will be conducted by local U.S. Embassies and Consulates in conjunction with local partners and World Learning. Written and oral English proficiency is required as the participants will need to converse about complex political and global issues with U.S. peers and experts. Governance and Society (designed for emerging policymakers, … The program brings young professionals from India, Pakistan, and Nepal to the U.S. to exchange ideas, strategies, and best practices in legislative process and policymaking. Fall 2019 Applications for the Professional Fellows Program for Governance and Society are now open. Applications are open for the U.S. Department of States Professional Fellows for Governance and Society – Spring 2020.

Accommodations will be provided which will include double-person hotel rooms and homestays with American families and peers. Public Affairs Section • U.S. Consulate General, Mumbai, India Kpenseme Sophy Emmanuel from Nigeria is OD Young Person of the Month for October 2020! A small stipend will be provided during the participants’ time in the United States to cover basic living expenses. The Professional Fellows for Governance and Society, South and Central Asia program brings young professionals from India, Pakistan, and Nepal to the U.S. to exchange ideas, strategies, and best practices in legislative process and policymaking.

Following is a four-week fellowship in several US cities, which includes professional fellowships, seminars, homestays, and civic engagement.

The application for the Fall 2020 Professional Fellows Program and YSEALI PFP is now closed. The Professional Fellows for Governance and Society, South and Central Asia program brings young professionals from India, Pakistan, and Nepal to the U.S. to exchange ideas, strategies, and best practices in legislative process and policymaking.

We also aim for gender balance. The last date to apply for the program is Nov 8, 2019. Preference will be given to applicants with relevant professional achievements who have not previously visited the United States. The following are themes and topics related to legislation and governance that may be included in the program: Apply online through the given link.