Your Pro Wrestling Superstar purchase entitles you to the following benefits: Buy Pro Wrestling Superstar for Windows Now! Dana White (UFC president) has NO history with pro wrestling thus nothing to do with this game. 1) Strong Style[Hard-hitting & aggressive]2) Cruiserweight / Lucha Libre[High-flying & creative]3) Family-Friendly[Most Indy companies today fit this bill]4) Rated-R[Late 90s - 2000s Xtreme Feds / perhaps even 80s Mid-South]5) Sports[Emphasis on pro-wrestling as a "sport" with legacy, tradition & sportsmanship IE: Original NWA or modern-day ROH]6) Entertainment[Showmanship, theatrical flair & circus-like jamboree settings]_________________________________________________________________________TIERS of PLAY:The color scheme in the Territory Advancement Table indicates the Four Tiers of Play.

The Wrestling Promoter Card Game Utica, NY Tabletop Games $31,342.

It will probably be around $15 USD and sold on Steam. As the Notorious B.I.G. Guys like Tito Ortiz and Rocky Marciano could not compete for you, but can appear as trouble-shooting enforcers and special referees (as they historically have). Hulk Hogan didn’t commit murder (that we know of)… but Orville Brown DID get into a career-ending car wreck. (Pro Wrestling Superstar player since 2009) I have had more fun with Pro-Wrestling Superstar than any pro-wrestling game before or since.

The Fourth Tier (and rarest to achieve: levels 17-20) is the pinnacle of Performance Art. For the wrestler, see Booker T A booker, as the term is used in wrestling, is a person who puts matches together and determines basics about their content, such as relative overall length, who the eventual victor will be, and many of the moves which will be made during the match; in other words, the match's "plotline." These are general descriptions of how play experiences changes as Franchises gain levels.In the first tier (levels 1-4), individual Territories are effectively apprentice Franchises.

There's no set release date right now, but I have about 30 or so features to still add, then I'll open things up to a few testers to fix and tweak things. Membership to the Pro Wrestling Superstar A-Show. But there is only one true WORLD CHAMPION and he is shared freely amongst the community for booking purposes. * Every Territory owner can assign their own top champions and represent them as such. It's about time we get an good alternative to Total Extreme Wrestling. So Snooki, Muhammed Ali or Lawrence Taylor would be able to compete in at least one match for your company (because they all have) - but Obama, P-Diddy or Donald Trump could not (but they could appear as speech givers, mini-concert performers or ringside seconds like they did in real life). Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. A number of games are found over the internet like WWE series, TNA and so on.

An unsupported version of PWS is available.
It also helps determine Talent Trees and other specifications as the Game progresses. You attract the biggest stars and sign the biggest checks. Please Login or Register. Click here to remove banner ads from this forum.

Be the Booker Forum is where they big boys play TEW2020, TEW2016, Total Extreme Wrestling, EWR, Extreme Warfare Revenge, Journey of Wrestling, TNM7, Fire Pro Wrestling, Fire Pro Wrestling World Fire Promoter, WWE2K20, WWE GM Mode, Promotion Wars, Pro Wrestling Tycoon, FedSimulator, Open Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Superstar and many other wrestling games.

No-name Backyard Feds to Construction-Paper advertising 15 fans into a local armory are good examples of First Tier play.

I'm looking for a good, free (or at least free trial) pro wrestling simulator.

Their promotional radius will contain Cities & Mid-level Arenas, and Casual Fans become more aware of their product. * No topic is forbidden, no actions taboo.

Looking for a few new players for our April 1st Draft.

These tables (which I will not reveal in their entirety here) will include such things as:"Management Dispute""Major Injury""Book/movie/dvd/merchandise tops chart" etc...Everything is designed in a way to inspire & motivate your creative writing skills, but also to help simulate the chaos & uncertainty that can arise when undertaking LIVE projects of this nature. In the second tier (levels 5-10), Franchises come into their own. Sadly no - I can't sell with real life characters, so the default data will use fantasy characters. Grading criteria & common modifiers include:Stipulation MatchesGimmick MatchesGuest AppearencesMusical AdditionsLighting & Set DesignCelebritiesContinuing StorylinesIn addition, every card has a chance of incurring a role on the Random Events charts (which are kept securely under lock and key behind the Gamemasters Screen). The third tier (levels 11-16) finds Franchises achieving a level of power that sets them high above the ordinary poplace.

_________________________________________________________________________SALARY CAPSalary cap rules are simple: Level 1 Franchises start with $25k to spend how they see fit building their roster.

Dana White (UFC president) has NO history with pro wrestling thus nothing to do with this game.

©2020 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Fandom Games.

Reputation is at its highest (and most perilous), celebrity endorsements (and cross-over appearances) become common-place and merchandise is moving at the fastest ratio. Welcome Guest. NJPW, Ted Turner's WCW and perhaps vintage-era NWA could fit this bill. Real-world WWE is the only known example of this Tier.

Since October of 2003, Pro Wrestling Superstar has provided promoters with numerous hours of enjoyment. Male-on-women violence, profanity, drug use and sexual deviancy is all permitted (not exactly *encouraged*) as long as there remains that historical precedent to rest on. The PWS A-Show is a private Facebook group where members have access to: Input into future features and bug fixes for PWS.

But he can host a show or two for you.

Every level you advance you receive $7500 towards your salary cap. Below is a small sampling of what players think of Pro Wrestling Superstar: Pro wrestling legend and "King of Old School" Steve Corino plays Pro Wrestling Superstar (click the tweet below to open it): Check out the testimonials from other players in the awesome Pro Wrestling Superstar community: There are two ways to get Pro Wrestling Superstar: Get the latest version at the Pro Wrestling Superstar Store!

So a level 5 Franchise has a total salary cap of $32,500. B.B. All Other Wrestling Games And Wrestling Booking Simulators, Pro Wrestling Sim [Wrestling Booking Game]. Be the Booker Forum is where they big boys play TEW2020, TEW2016, Total Extreme Wrestling, EWR, Extreme Warfare Revenge, Journey of Wrestling, TNM7, Fire Pro Wrestling, Fire Pro Wrestling World Fire Promoter, WWE2K20, WWE GM Mode, Promotion Wars, Pro Wrestling Tycoon, FedSimulator, Open Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Superstar and many other wrestling games. once said: "mo money mo problems".

These Random Events can impact your Franchise in both positive and negative ways, and increase in frequency the higher your level. Wrestling games are mostly played and loving game among the teenagers. Hire the best wrestlers, and carefully plan feuds and wrestling matches to help boost the ratings of your TV shows, and your wrestling PPV events. * Every Territory owner can assign their own top …

6 backers Pledge amount $ ... Booker Man "Book It!"

Results from the Random Effects table may add/ or detract from your overall Salary Cap.