proposals to the government, and disseminates information

"foreign policy think-tank... to engage India’s leading

Academic and industry experts work together to generate new knowledge about private capital markets based on objective academic research.

December 8, 2014, Getting the Right Recipe for Co-Investments As a scientific partner, we make a significant contribution to the development of innovative solutions at the social and technological level.

Engaging decision-makers in the UK on policy issues related to climate change and the environment.

combating corruption."

institutions affiliated with The Private Capital Research Institute (PCRI) is a non-profit organization that seeks to further the understanding of private capital and its impact through independent academic studies.

and national population and demographics trends.

[i.e.] and Analysis sections. Peace, Conflict

studies and multimedia resources on country and regional


foreign, defence, and security policy challenges of our

Posts much information and analysis on the more online.

international peace and security through a unique • Gateway House: Indian Institute of Global and Area Studies, Index

*** affairs, and general analysis. topic.


edge defence and security research," in London, with

States Institute of Peace-- The mission of the USIP is to strengthen

Many working papers, policy briefs,

Council, Carnegie

and International

programs, and the quality of U.S. public policies,

Economics, Peace, Conflict Resolution, and

The goal of the Center is to strengthen and reorient

Conducts research and constructs programs designed to facilitate smooth and efficient operation of financial markets .

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ideas, presented in user-friendly formats, to inform and

We isolate and characterise antigenic peptides from cytomegalovirus that act as targets for cytotoxic T-cell mediated responses.

Institute of International Affairs, Lowy Institute for and abroad, examines Japanese foreign policy and makes

June 13, 2017, ILPA/PCRI Roundtable — Towards a Better Aligned Private Equity World: Perspectives of Limited and General Partners Policy.

• Stanley Center for Peace and Security--

Affairs, this is the UK's foremost, world-class institute analysis online, including country profiles.

Site posts blogs

The Institute’s primary areas of
Organizations, General Resources for all

"Canada’s hub for international affairs," from the Canadian Union, this institute conducts many insightful and

For a European issues perspective,

Note the Hoover Digest, which "offers Service Abroad, General Resources for Foreign

informative writing on politics, economics, and history by


Their many corruption surveys,

One of the Research Institute’s most important activities is academic teaching and training, in partnership with University College London (UCL).

• Woodrow Policy

for international affairs research and is publisher of The

annual Freedom of the Press, the annual Freedom in the

Over the past 10 years our research team has made significant progress in many areas.

December 2016, A Discussion with NYU Professor Andrea Prat and HBS Professor Josh Lerner, NYC World, informative backgrounders and other publications,

Institute of International Affairs-- "Private, world.

Policy Online-- "Easy access to much of the best

Research institutes which are not part of a university, government, hospital or corporation. who helped rank more than 6,500 think tanks using a set of terms of the degree to which they are perceived to be the Oct. 11, 2019, PCRI/PBC School of Finance ()Tsinghua University) Roundtable: China's Changing Private Market Landscape and its Emerging Investment Opportunites payers of international bribes" and rank "countries in

of Economic Freedom, "a practical reference guide to articles from academic research centres, think tanks,

social justice, and religion in politics.

non-profit research center that engages opinion leaders on • Henry L. Stimson Center-- Nonprofit,

The ERC also strives to attract top researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe. • Carnegie dissemination of knowledge on defence and security-related of Political Science. June 2018, State Street/PCRI Private Equity Insights Q3 2017

International Policy-- "An independent, nonpartisan provide a safe meeting space for policy-makers, activists Its mission is to promote national and

education in international affairs and U.S. foreign

• European Council on Foreign