I was in a war and they were killing my family, my friends and my colleagues. Hij zat al een celstraf uit van 22 jaar, kwam vrij en moest in 2018 weer de cel in. In a hotel. [6] Nel video Velásquez dice: "Ciao, guerrieri. The Colombian Attorney General's Office had opened an investigation against him after he repeatedly threatened Colombian presidential candidate Gustavo Petro and his followers. Galán was destijds een van Escobars grootste vijanden. The Similarities and Differences Between 'Narcos' and 'Narcos: Mexico' Are Clear as Day in Season 2, El Chapo Will Be Featured on 'Narcos: Mexico' Amid His High-Profile Trial, The Bachelor Deaths That Shook 'Bachelor' Nation. Popeye was released from prison on Aug. 26, 2014 — having served 23 years — on probation. Ad ucciderlo, un cancro all’esofago. [5] He also admitted to arranging over 3,000 killings. The book served as the main source of inspiration behind Surviving Escobar: Alias JJ, a 2017 TV series commissioned by Caracol Televisión. [6] He also helped to plant the plane bombing that killed 110 people.
He said he could hear her high heels coming towards the phone and then the shooting. [4], Velásquez was identified as one of the foremost hitmen of the Medellín cartel. Due to its unprecedented popularity, the show became available on Netflix in 2017. Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez (April 15, 1962 – February 6, 2020), also known by the alias "Popeye" alias “”jj”” was a Colombian hitman[1] who was part of the criminal structure of the Medellín Cartel until his surrender to the Colombian justice system in 1992. Popeye ammise in un'intervista: «Pablo mi guardò e mi disse che sapeva quello che c'era tra me e la sua amante, e sapeva anche che lei era una spia. Februar 2020 in Bogotá) war ein kolumbianischer Auftragsmörder, der auch unter dem Namen Popeye bekannt war. [2], Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez was born in the municipality of Yarumal, and Antioquia, Colombia. That's why they released me," he said on Twitter. [7], From 1992 until 2014, Velásquez served out a prison sentence on charges of terrorism, drug trafficking, extortion, conspiracy for terrorist purposes and murder.
I found them beheaded and with hands and limbs cut off," he told The Sun. [4], Velásquez entered the School of NCOs of the Colombian Navy, and eventually transferring to the General Santander National Police Academy, where he spent one semester. Sto qui nelle strade della mia amata Medellín, provando la mia fantastica Pietro Beretta 9mm. General Santander National Police Academy, "El ex jefe de sicarios de Pablo Escobar seguirá en prisión al menos hasta 2016 (Spanish). [14], Aside from being a controversial figure, Velásquez was a YouTube personality who uploaded videos. ", "Polémica de "Popeye" al mostrar video donde dispara un arma en calles de Medellín", "Video de Popeye en Instagram disparando arma", "Pablo Escobar's hired killer 'robbed in Colombia, "Por problemas de salud, alias Popeye fue trasladado a cárcel La Picota", "Popeye padece cáncer terminal de esófago", Pablo Escobar's former hitman "Popeye" has died at 57, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jhon_Jairo_Velásquez&oldid=980541277, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 03:10. Although most Narcos characters are based on real life figures — take Javier Peña, Pablo Escobar, or Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela — there's no character named after Popeye. Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez (April 15, 1962 – February 6, 2020), also known by the alias "Popeye" alias “”jj”” was a Colombian hitman who was part of the criminal structure of the Medellín Cartel until his surrender to the Colombian justice system in 1992. At age of 52, he was released on August 26, 2014 after 23 years and 3 months in prison. [citation needed] He was admitted to the Colombian National Army; later he joined the cadet school of the national police, only to leave days later, having school of apprentices of the Colombian Navy where he earned his distinctive nickname "Popeye" because of his physical resemblance to the character, which would later be removed by plastic surgery. Zo was Popeye bijvoorbeeld betrokken bij een aanslag op een vliegtuig die aan 110 mensen het leven kostte. [9][10], Nel dicembre del 2016 denunciò che due uomini in motocicletta lo avvicinarono mentre guidava la sua macchina e gli rubarono i suoi occhiali di lusso, due braccialetti d'oro e un cellulare.
"It was a birthday party. Ucciso dal cancro Popeye, lo storico sicario di Pablo Escobar coinvolto in tremila omicidi. And in December 2017, authorities found Velásquez at a luxurious birthday party of drug trafficker Juan Carlos Mesa Vallejo, also known as "Tom.". In un colloquio, secondo Popeye, Escobar gli disse «'O tu o lei', non esitai nemmeno un istante ...». Not shame, not sadness, not happiness, it was simply like a day at the office carrying out Don Pablo’s orders," Popeye told The Daily Mail in 2016. Alias JJ, ¿otra serie de apología al narcotráfico? On August 22, 2014, he received probation for having served three-fifths of his sentence. He hung up the phone and shot Wendy fatally twice in the forehead, in a fit of rage. Disse anche che era già la seconda volta che accadeva. The drug cartel is thought to be responsible for the homicide of at least 3,500 people, including Rodrigo Lara, the Colombian Minister of Justice between 1983 and 1984; presidential candidate Jaime Pardo Leal; police commander Waldemar Franklin Quintero, and many others. Velásquez had been hospitalized there since December 31, where he received treatment for stomach cancer. How 'Popeye' became Pablo Escobar's favourite hitman . [8] He had received a sentence of thirty years, the maximum provided for under Colombian penal law.
Secondo Velásquez, uccise la sua fidanzata, dopo che Escobar scoprì che era un'informatrice per la polizia. Nel 2008 fu condannato a ventitré anni e tre mesi per altri processi giudiziari. Velásquez had been hospitalized there since December 31, where he received treatment for stomach cancer. [5], Importanti furono le polemiche a seguito della sua liberazione dalla prigione. Whenever I took a life, I didn’t feel anything. [15] He was working on a TV series based on his own life and his involvement in the Medellín Cartel, and starred in season 3 of the Netflix series Narcos. He has confessed to killing upwards of 300 people in Colombia during his time working for Escobar's cartel. Essendo stato segnalato diverse volte come leader dei sicari del Cartello di Medellín da parte dei mass-media colombiani, si è potuto chiarire subito la sua posizione; Popeye confessò circa 257 omicidi, tra cui il sequestro dell'allora candidato all'alcaldía di Bogotá, Andrew Pastrana Arango (che sarebbe diventato presidente della repubblica), il sequestro di Francisco Santi (che sarebbe diventato vicepresidente della Repubblica), il sequestro e assassinio del procurador Carlo Mauro Buchi, la complicità negli omicidi del governatore di Antioquia Antonio Roldán Betancourt (durante una missione fallita dallo stesso Popeye e da John Jairo Arias Tascón, alias "Pinina" per assassinare il colonnello della polizia del dipartimento Valdemar Franklin Quintero), e del candidato presidenziale Luis Carlo Galán, e nell'organizzazione dell'attentato terrorista nel Volo Avianca 203. Sobreviviendo a Pablo Escobar : "Popeye," El Sicario, 23 años y 3 meses de carcel, http://www.noticiasrcn.com/nacional-pais/capturado-alias-tom-maximo-cabecilla-oficina-envigado, https://noticias.caracoltv.com/medellin/fiscalia-pide-que-se-revoque-la-libertad-condicional-de-popeye, http://www.vanguardia.com/colombia/418326-fiscalia-investiga-nexos-de-alias-popeye-con-banda-delincuencial-la-oficina, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jhon_Jairo_Velásquez&oldid=115386615, Errori del modulo citazione - citazioni che usano parametri non supportati, Voci biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. I'm waiting". He confessed to 257 personal killings, the kidnapping of then-candidate for mayor of Bogotá, Andrés Pastrana Arango (who would later become the President of the Republic), the kidnapping of Francisco Santos (who would later become vice president), kidnapping and murder of Colombian politician Carlos Mauro Hoyos, complicity in the murder of the governor of Antioquia, Antonio Roldán Betancur, in a failed mission entrusted to Velásquez and John Jairo Arias Tascón, alias "Pinina", to kill a police colonel, and the killing of politician and Presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento.