Pokemon GO Glossary | Pokemon GO Wiki - GamePress The WHOLE POINT of the site is to help people who are new to the game to understand it better, so anything that doesn’t do that is falling short of the mission. Nosepass | Pokemon GO GamePress Well its good learning experience then. If you differ with me, then I would respectfully ask you, “in what world does expecting someone else to go look things up to understand you” equal “being a helpful member of the community?”, I also ask you again , ”how hard would it have been to politely show the information without suggesting that someone is an idiot for not knowing that the “exclusive moves” are “moves you cannot generally obtain.””. Snorlax with yawn was available exclusively during the sleepy Snorlax event. One cannot guess some wording happens to be an idiom and not an explicit, normal wording. Of course you never said that I did… ;-). 435: 5001: September 30, 2020 Pokémon Home Link to PTC & Pokémon Go. Cliff Is The New Team GO Rocket Team Leader In Pokemon GO Pokemon GO | GamePress Pokemon GO.

Imagine how easy it would be just to post a picture like the one that you did and say something pleasant like, “oh that’s down at the very bottom of the page where you might not think to look if you assumed that it would be up at the top where the legacy moves are clearly marked as such.”. If you don’t think gamepress does a good job then make a suggestion to them: https://airtable.com/shr7aQ4NYuFifHOtl, Think you’re taking the term “idiot-proof” too personally, Maybe calm down, and take a chill pill before you get a offended at a basic real-world saying. Niantic Announces Longchamp … LUGIA 100% | Pokemon GO Wiki - GamePress As it is right now, I have to go and look at other sites on every pokemon I want to apply a moveset to so I can make sure that I’m not trying to get a move that isn’t available. Most sites and businesses I see try to make the customer experience more enjoyable and easier, not force the customer to do it their way. There’s only so much you can do to idiot-proof something. It’s an excellent practice at making people thoroughly research instead of jumping to conclusions and wasting a bunch of TMs on blast burn (which you could never get via TM anyways), why not highlight the Community Day moves in the list too. If you’d like, I’d recommend the link eklinka posted as another way in suggesting this to the writers of the community. Here are a couple of examples. Just when I thought things couldn't get dumber. Im saying people shouldn’t make knee-jerk reactions to the first thing they see. Seit dem 13.

Both of you seem to be more interested in the phase “Idiot Proof” than you are in recommending something to help players. Free Remote Raid Passes Every Monday in October, "The Feeling of…, Pokemon Go's Temporary Bonuses Changing Soon, Pokemon Home - Pokemon Go Integration Coming By End of 2020, Shiny Mel…, Players Successfully Unlock Mega Houndoom, Events, Raid Bosses, Research Breakthrough and More Confirmed for Octo…, Omega Porygon-Z: The Hidden Potential of Tri-Attack, I just caught a slowpoke with max stats. I evolved a purified Porygon-Z earlier…, about September 2020 Research Breakthrough. Best Attackers by Type (Outdated, Please See ... GO Battle League Team Builds: Ultra League. Also, while that is great - why bother to put the Legacy Charge move in PINK but not the “EXCLUSIVE?” moves? This is the first time i’ve read a complaint about the set up of exclusive moves vs legacy which i think is just fine. In the age of megas, is slowbro or slowking better? zu verbinden, ist auch ein tolle Methode, um dem neuen Mysteriösen Pokémon Melmetal zu begegnen. What would be the downside of having unavailable moves highlighted with a lightly colored background, like legacy moves already are, so that when a casual user is looking AT THE TABLE THAT HELPS THEM DETERMINE THE BEST MOVESET, they can see which ones are obtainable and which ones aren’t?

Maybe you’re involved in this site set up? Magcargo | Pokemon GO GamePress It makes a * after the word implying there’s something about it, but never goes into detail(At least that I can see) on what * means. STONE EDGE is clearly marked as a LEGACY move, but there is no indication that BLAST BURN isn’t obtainable, at least not that I could find or that I think someone coming here for help would easily see. Never implied anyone was an idiot. It would be very easy for the inexperienced to waste Charge TM’s trying to get the A moveset and they cannot - as far as I can tell.

And I can’t think of any way that it would make the site worse. Never called you an idiot maybe try looking up the community day events. Currently running it with…, I was doing a Remote Zapdos raid, and I already have low expectations… I started…, Shot in the dark, but I’m hoping to be wrong. A little bit too passive aggressive on the matter. Juli 2016 kann die App auch in Deutschland im Google Play Store und im App Store heruntergeladen werden. Pokemon Go Cheat Without Root, Pokemon Go Battle League Giratina www.hackpokego.info. Read more about Pokemon Candy; June 2020. Hey, we’re glad you could join us in discussing Pokemon GO! A GAMEPRESS WIKI SUGGESTION. TOP 5 Accidents Caused By Pokemon Go! It’s an excellent practice at making people thoroughly research, Ah, the time tested and proven measure of a successful business. Please feel free to contact me directly for anything regarding our site’s content. notor.vip/pokemon Pokemon Go Gamepress Cliff, tweakinject.com www.spoofer.co pokemonspoof.club apptweak.live pokemonspoofer.net www.ispoofer.com ispoofer.com pokespoof.com daxerlokura.com pg.aacheat.com www.pkgo.fullpcgames.xyz bit.ly/2gieory pohack.top boost9.com/coins hackpokego.info www.hackpokego.info pogo.famtools.com pokemon.appclub.net appstweak.com spoofing.club ogmod.co appject.co tweakapps.club instanspoof.live spoofer.vip ogjoy.co injector.vip/pokemon getspoofer.com pokespoofer.co spoofer.online apker.live tweakninja.com easymod.co appheaven.vip notor.vip notor.vip/pokemon gamestube.net gospoofy.com pokspoofer.xyz oginject.club dotus.live/pokemon dotus.live udos.best/pokemon udos.best tweakmob.com doin.site/pokemon doin.site tutuapp.io tweakfam.net thatapp.casa/Spoofer rodus.live/pokemon appinjects.com appfam.net gtrix.co/poke. I don’t see why you would want someone to have to leave the table and go look at each individual move to see if it is available and then have to scroll back up to see if it is a good move for you or not. If it makes sense to mark the legacy move in the actual LIST, why not highlight the Community Day moves in the list too - so as to, you know - make it easy to quickly see as well? Pokémon Go (Eigenschreibweise: Pokémon GO) ist ein Spiel für Handheld-Mobilgeräte wie Smartphones und Tabletcomputer.In dem Spiel können die Spieler virtuelle Fantasiewesen fangen, entwickeln und in virtuellen Kämpfen gegeneinander antreten lassen.Bis Ende 2018 wurde das Spiel über eine Milliarde Mal heruntergeladen. Pokemon GO Wiki - GamePress. I mean I can and i did I’m not gonna go through a whole explanation on why cats and dogs aren’t literally falling from the sky unless he’s really having trouble with basic english grammar, at which point its pretty safe to assume he’s not from an english speaking country where the saying “idiot-proof” is pretty common. And perhaps we are both misreading each other but I never said that I in anyway shape or form wasted a bunch of charge TMs trying to get Blast burn.