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Plume Labs’ scientists say there’s been a slight decrease in particulate matter (PM) concentrations caused by the decrease in emissions around Europe.
If the latter, for such an ambitious project as distributed world pollution tracking, it needs to figure out how to get the AQ sensors into people’s hands for free: either gift them with VC or grant money, or work towards a handset standard so people’s phones include these sensors built in.
How does the air just outside your window fare? All of this thanks to proprietary breakthroughs in data science and machine learning. Plume Labs gives you real-time pollution levels in your area, and around the globe.
AirLief - Personal Air Pollution Monitor & Adviser, Airlief - air pollution data, tips and solutions.
Get live street-by-street pollution maps for the world’s major urban areas, and detailed information about how air quality will evolve over the next 72 hours—just like a weather forecast.Looking for the Flow personal pollution sensor app?
Plume Labs is currently investigating the links between pollution, respiratory health and the pandemic.
The country.
air pollution has dropped to what is considered safe levels by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the first time in years.
At that level you can breathe easy — and if you want to dig into the maths of what you’re breathing, you can read Plume Labs’ scientific white paper detailing their index methodology.
Our top team of data and atmospheric scientists has built a worldwide air quality forecasting system using a wide variety of data sources.
Because there’s less outdoor human activity during confinement — people driving their cars, buses, delivery trucks — there’s also less NO2 in the air. ( Log Out / A Scientific Breakthrough for Unmatched Precision: The new mapping system is up to 100 times more precise than traditional air pollution maps, capturing variations in air quality down to a resolution of 10 meters!
Plume Labs' live air quality map for Paris, before and after coronavirus confinement measures.
Our expanded coverage makes live and forecast air quality reports available in … How accurate are the Street-by-Street Air Quality maps? But because there are more sources of PM than NO2, the decrease in PM is less visible.
The Plume Labs: Air Quality App works all over the world.
I am extremely pleased with Plume & have highly recommend it to family & friends, especially with asthma & allergies.
Delivered 3 times per week. The country declared a nationwide state of emergency on March 14, tightening existing rules for staying at home as the coronavirus pandemic spread.
Your clean-air coach will keep you up-to-date with just the right notifications.Morning Report: 7AM overview of the current dayEvening Report: 7PM forecast of the day to comeSmart Notifications: Intelligent alerts warn you of pollution peaks and tell you when the air is clean.OUR USERS LOVE IT!Awesome app! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Thanks for the help!PLUME LABS’ APP IN THE PRESSHuffingtonPost: "Beat the pollution with the Plume Air app.
In our experience, compelling design leads to conversations and engagement. The more polluted the air, the higher the number, the greater the share of the population that is likely to feel negative effects from pollution—be they short-term or long-term health impacts. Connect your Flow personal air pollution sensor and dodge the smog. That’s about the time that Spain adopted confinement measures.
So what happens after coronavirus, when life goes back to normal? This map for Madrid compares average NO2 measurements over the March 21 to 24 period, to data from March 10. It’s not just about hometown pollution, now you can keep clean air in mind when picking the next vacation or business trip destination. Sifted has worked with startup Plume Labs to bring you street-by-street pollution maps of Paris, Madrid and Brussels — comparing before and after governments ordered everyone indoors. The Plume Air Quality Index (AQI)The Plume AQI gives you an immediate overview of what you are breathing, just as the temperature might give you a first indication of the weather outside. The before and after slider maps show what Plume Labs’s team of scientists have observed in recent weeks: air pollution has dropped to what is considered safe levels by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the first time in years.
In order to easily communicate air pollution levels, governments and academics use an indicator referred to as an air quality index (AQI).
Flow Air Pollution Sensor'. Please keep comments respectful. Oh, and what are the pollution levels like in my next holiday destination? Our top team of data and atmospheric scientists has built a worldwide air quality forecasting system using a wide variety of data sources. I highly recommend. European cities are enjoying the cleanest air they’ve had in, well, virtually forever, as air pollution levels fall drastically as a result of confinement.
Strikes the right balance between providing insightful information about air pollution and not being too complicated.". © 2020 Sifted EU Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
It, Europe’s fastest growing startups with female founders, Sifted Reports: The Future of On-Demand Food Delivery.
Thank you for this amazing air app.
World Air Map . European cities are enjoying the cleanest air they’ve had in, well, virtually forever, as air pollution levels fall drastically as a result of confinement.
For more information on our Index please read our Plume AQI White Paper.
It’s air pollution information you can act on—73% of our surveyed users say Plume Labs helped them make changes in their daily habits to breathe cleaner air, no matter where they were! Get live street-by-street pollution maps for the world’s major urban areas, and detailed information about how air quality will evolve over the next 72 hours—just like a weather forecast.
Is air pollution going down because of COVID-19 lock-down measures? What does the Plume AQI measure?In order to easily communicate air pollution levels, governments and academics use an indicator referred to as an air quality index (AQI).
Don’t be mislead by the high rating, which this app is riding on the basis of the old version before its redesign for the worse. yields live pollution measurements, as well as a broader kind of, What Plume Labs does is mash loads of different pollution measurements together and refine that data using complex mathematical models with hundreds of variables, as well as know-how from its air quality and data scientists (map geeks, I’d encourage you to read the full, ompares average NO2 measurements over the March 21 to 24 period, to data from March 10.