You must have missed the parts where the adults acknowledged that the babies are right and are aware of how things are going to be in the future? Shoulda retired him at the end of season 19. The joke has run its course for sure. do I need 300 iq to find it funny? 22:00. The exact details of Principal Victoria's departure from South Park Elementary remain cloudy, but she was replaced by this man Peter Charles, typically referred to as "PC Principal", selected to bring South Park Elementary "into 2015" with a bold and progressive new agenda. The premise of them isn't bad. For me it ruined the show. I started out hatint pc principal but it grew on me... its the only thing next to skankhunt that ive liked about the past 5 seasons. PC Principal is probably one of my favorites of the newer characters introduced. in einer extra Rubrik.Ihr könnt außerdem eure Meinung zu jeder Folge schreiben, und aus den Bewertungen errechnet sich eine Durchschnittsnote. I think they're great in small doses and when unexpected, but the they're currently handled is a drag. They were introduced, we got to know them a little, and now will join the community of side characters. The show quality just really dips with him (for me ofc, if someone finds him funny or interesting, cool.) Major Boobage. Ich vermeide dabei Spoiler so gut es geht, Kennys Tode findet ihr z.B. Plus, he made a decent antagonist for Season 19. If there was an hour long movie about Cartman, Stan, Butters, Randy I would be super hyped. In episodes, they are used as a device to reference the Snowflake Generation; young adults who are very politically correct and offended easily. Show More.

With Trey Parker, Matt Stone, April Stewart, Mona Marshall. Peter Charles, more commonly known as PC Principal, is the current principal at South Park Elementary, first introduced in the Season Nineteen premiere episode, "Stunning and Brave". Could have worked as a one-off joke. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I'm just pissed I'm losing at least 5 minutes of every episode to PC principal. He sucks.

Pretty much every single SJW in every country is a pc baby. The town of South Park arms itself just as the gun show comes into town , Jimmy is held captive by Nathan, Kyle protects Leslie and the final showdown will start. On the other hand, it's time to change up the police department or get rid of it.

The message that PC Principal and Strong Woman had to leave the PC echo chamber and become parents in the real world has been sent and received. Good point. The PC Babies, Riley, Bailey, Harper, River, and Emory, are the children of PC Principal and Strong Woman after they had intercourse in "Splatty Tomato". Barbrady then meets with a private investigator who reveals that PC Principal and Leslie aren't what they seem.

A subreddit dedicated to the TV show *South Park*. They were funny at first but they’re just stupid now. It is the third and final part of a three-episode story arc that began with the episode "Sponsored Content" and continued in the episode "Truth and Advertising", which collectively serve as the season finale. S12 • E3. The show quality just really dips with him (for me ofc, if someone finds him funny or interesting, cool.). But I wish they didn't beat us over the head with it. His kids are hilarious too.

I think the initial joke was okay. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Choose a free episode to watch or watch a free random episode. Season 19 E 10 • 12/09/2015. The PC Babies are quintuplets with dirty blonde hair. I hope so - I'm with OP. He is highly dedicated to bringing a more politically correct agenda to South Park Elementary but often resorts to punishment and violence to achieve his ends. Ich vermeide dabei Spoiler so gut es geht, Kennys Tode findet ihr z.B. If there was an hour long movie about pc principal, wife and babies crying at male/female toilets and shit, I wouldn't even think about watching that. She made her debut appearance in the Season Twenty-One episode, "SUPER HARD PCness", where PC Principal develops conflicting, romantic feelings for her.

He takes over from Principal Victoria when she is fired, and remains a recurring presence as the school principal. After a few episodes, Leslie actually did stop whispering to her friend during the assemblies but PC Principal believes she still keeps talking. This episode is currently unavailable on South Park Studios. A guy who seemingly does PC things to get with chicks and seem cool seems like ripe material for parody. Instead of having OC Principal be present and flip out during a scene over something small, or PC Babies crying over the pettiest shit in a scene as a joke, they get a whole subplot dedicated to them. in einer, Terrance & Phillip in "Not without My Anus", The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka, Roger Ebert Should Lay off the Fatty Foods, Streit, Scheidung und ein Happy End in [...], Regenwald, Regenwald... du lässt mich [...], Will Smith bringt reiches Pack nach [...], The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer, Die Russell Crowe Show: Mit Prügel um [...], Das gab's doch schon bei den Simpsons! You ever thought PC prinicipal is supposed to be annoying like how being PC is annoying in real life? I love PC Principal. PC Principal is a character in the animated series South Park, introduced in the Season 19 episode "Stunning and Brave". Catherine, better known as Strong Woman, is the current vice-principal of South Park Elementary. If there was an hour long movie about Cartman, Stan, Butters, Randy I would be super hyped. The episode premiered on Comedy Central on December 9, 2015. Kids are annoying but I can tolerate them. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Watching. Dont take it so seriously. South Park. I find them pretty funny. This page deals with South Park episodes that deal with PC Principal. Full Ep.

Watching. They're the only show to blatantly make fun of this being offended fad instead of trying to profit off it with thin-logic feel-good after-school-special politically-correct stories like every other show.

His joke ran its course long ago. I'm good with PC Principal but I'd still rather be happier without the kids being the main focus.

Full Ep. Dieser Episodeguide bietet detaillierte, topaktuelle Informationen zu allen South Park Folgen. PC Principal travels around the world, destroying gentrifying districts. They got rid of Barbrady because he was clueless only replace him with a whole department filled with clueless idiots. Show More. He was originally intended to be a one-time character in "Stunning … Later, towards the end of the same episode, it is revealed that his feelings for her are reciprocated. Look at the over sensitive Kevin Hart situation. PC Principal Final Justice .

(no hate, just wondering where people stand with him). South Park. (2), The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers, Die Rückkehr der Gefährten des Rings [...], Das Ende der Serialisierung wie wir sie kennen. This episode is currently unavailable on South Park Studios. Watch Random Episode. just watched Buddah box, couldn't even go thru last 5 minutes of the episode, fast forwarded couple times and quit.

That being said, his arc didn't really go anywhere, and the joke just kinda dragged on. It's time to move on. Dieser Episodeguide bietet detaillierte, topaktuelle Informationen zu allen South Park Folgen. I'm personally loving this season but PC principal is the one thing I wish they had left behind in the previous season. Like the whole Trump saga PC principal is a funny one off character that has been stretched WAY too far. PC Principal Final Justice. "PC Principal Final Justice" (also known as "PC Principal" ) is the tenth and final episode of the nineteenth season and the 267th overall episode of the animated television series South Park, written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker. The epis… Season 19 E 10 • 12/09/2015. I'm just pissed I'm losing at least 5 minutes of every episode to PC principal. Description. It's annoying but that's a good, intentional and enjoyable thing. Directed by Trey Parker. They’re super annoying, I agree. I like how PC Principal and Strong Woman walk on egg shells and secretly hate the world they created. The incident leads to Officer Barbrady getting discharged after accidentally shooting a student. The Babies are a funny little gimmick but I doubt we’ll see much of them going forward. Kyle has chosen a dangerous alliance over his friendship with Stan. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Choose a free episode to watch or watch a free random episode. He is a satire on politically correct …

Kyle has chosen a dangerous alliance over his friendship with Stan. Strong Woman and especially PC Principal have been run into the ground. They're a great metaphor for how ridiculous PC culture has become, but it seems very overdone. South Park. The PC babies are the perfect metaphor for this growing number of young 20-something Americans who think being offended is virtuous and in reality have learned none of the skills and traits required to survive in the real world. The PC babies were a clever idea but two episodes is enough. Watch Random Episode. Press J to jump to the feed. They’re funny but I think they’ve run their course.