Your donation will be made to PayPal Giving Fund, an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) public charity (Federal Tax ID: 45-0931286).
Paypal Charitable Giving Fund 1250 I Street NW Suite 1202 Washington, DC 20005 EIN: 45-0931286 Visit Web Site
We receive donations and make grants to our donors' recommended charities.
PayPal Giving Fund Canada is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA# 812867752RR0001). PayPal Giving Fund Canada helps people support their favourite charities online and raises funds to benefit charities through PayPal and other technology platforms. PayPal Giving Fund holds all donations in a non-interest bearing account.
PayPal Giving Fund is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) public charity (Federal Tax ID: 45-0931286).
If the charity does not enroll with PayPal Giving Fund, PayPal Giving Fund will attempt to deliver the funds by other appropriate means, including via check. Raising funds to benefit charities.
It is set up as a charitable foundation by the American corporation, PayPal. PPGF processes donations through its website and issues tax receipts.
PayPal Giving Fund retains ultimate discretion over all donations it receives and, in limited cases, may redirect funds when a charity does not meet legal or other eligibility requirements as described in its Nonprofit Certification Policy. We’ll use cookies to improve and customize your experience if you continue to browse. PayPal Giving Fund will provide the receipt for your donation, which is subject to its Donor Terms of Service.
Learn more and manage your cookies. Charities enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund will typically receive funds in their PayPal accounts within 15 to 45 days after PayPal Giving Fund’s receipt of a donation.
Charity Contact Info.
PayPal Giving Fund helps people support their favorite charities online.
If the charity has not yet enrolled by the time the funds are ready to be sent, PayPal Giving Fund will make reasonable attempts to contact the charity and invite them to enroll.
Is it OK if we also use cookies to show you personalized ads? PayPal Giving Fund will provide you with a receipt for your donation.
Charities not enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund will be additionally vetted and if eligible, will receive funds via other means, such as a check, typically within 90 days. You are donating to PayPal Giving Fund, an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) public charity (Federal Tax ID: 45-0931286).
When you donate to PayPal Giving Fund, you also recommend a charity you want us to give that money to. Donate Securities; Fundraise; Show Scheduling Option Hide Scheduling Option $ Apply your donation to a specific fund set up by this charity Include a message for this charity. PayPal Giving Fund (PPGF) is a platform launched in late 2018 offering Canadians a way to make one time only (non-recurring) online donations to any of Canada’s charities.
If your charity chooses not to enroll in PayPal Giving Fund Canada and we receive donations recommended for you, we will attempt to deliver the funds via cheque, after we have determined that your charity meets our requirements for receiving grants from PayPal Giving Fund Canada, pursuant to our Charity Certification Policy and Donation Delivery Policy. PayPal Giving Fund aims to inspire a new wave of philanthropy, harnessing the power of technology to make giving part of everyday life. We verify that receiving charities have tax-exempt status with the IRS and are not on recognized economic sanctions lists. We receive donations through PayPal, eBay, and other technology platforms and make grants to our donors' recommended charities. We pursue this vision by developing innovative programs that introduce charitable giving in relevant and engaging ways to new audiences. PayPal covers all transaction costs for donations made on this site, ensuring that 100% of each gift made is available to charity.