Nine years, meanwhile, seem to have erased the stain left on the Lib Dems from tuition fees, while the Greens, who took 1.1 million votes from Labour at the 2015 election, might easily do so again. Paul Mason, in his latest New Statesman article (January 9), is correct when he states: “Labour has promised a no-confidence vote ‘immediately’ after May’s deal falls. I mean, this applies to us. So I end up on Sky in trench warfare over Brexit with Isabel Oakeshott.

We have half a million members. You know, in the United States, we’re so used to a polarization of the climate debate. If you have seen ballistae on the battlefield, and know they can hit dragons, why deploy trebuchets? So we have to stop it.

Our Daily Digest brings Democracy Now! Many of them work in the fossil fuel industry. Copy may not be in its final form. A week later, when all the plotlines have fallen apart, a Starbucks cup turns up in shot. PAUL MASON: In my day, it was a harder form of resistance, but now the rule of law must prevail. But I wanted to ask Paul Mason—. There’s a really—you know, there’s reasons to be cheerful in this election and reasons to be depressed. But, you know, we are a progressive country, have a progressive majority even now in the United Kingdom, anti-racist, many, many of our cities very, very culturally integrated. DeJaun Davis-Correia & Ben Jealous on Billionaire’s Pledge to Pay Debt of Morehouse Graduating Class, Trump Nominates Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Father of Jacob Blake: We Want Attempted Murder Charges Against Kenosha Cop Who Shot My Son.

Democracy Now! If we don’t leave on that day, then you can expect the Brexit Party to repeat this kind of surprise in the next general election. Even Marine Le Pen is speaking about environmentalism as patriotism, as a way of fulfilling the French nationalist dream. DAVID ADLER: So, I’ll take each one of those questions in turn.

He’s getting it now, because large numbers of the Labour Party are saying, “Look, we’re not just losing votes; we’re losing activists to an alternative-left force.” And, let’s face it—you just heard it from our German colleague—the wind is in the sails of the Green parties. Sure, obviously, we need to cooperate with the countries of Europe. The entire labour movement should be mobilised to back this on the streets.” Mobilising in such a way is essential to bringing down Theresa May’s government, which is why… You know, Brexit is the project of the right. You’re right-wing and you’re a climate denier, or you’re left-wing and you accept the climate but you also accept various elements of the justice agenda that go along with it.

New Bodycam Video from Night of Breonna Taylor’s Killing Undermines State Account, People of Praise: Former Member of Group Tied to, Far-Right Trump Supporters in Portland Planned Political Assassinations, Who Is Amy Barrett? For he’s reversed the usual and basic stance from that far left wing to argue that the current system is reformable in order to make it palatable or even acceptable. We now know who’s at fault because Brexit didn’t work.” They’ll be targeting the minorities again.

It applies to the Labour Party. We also speak with David Adler, the policy coordinator for the Democracy in Europe Movement, or DiEM25.

That is, we’re the revolutionaries and it’s Mason and the like who think the system is basically sound, needs just the occasional tweak. Stay safe, and thank you so much.-Amy Goodman. But that strategy isn’t working. I wanted to ask you—. We count on YOU to make our work possible. It is a project of xenophobia. Your sense of what happened here to both the Conservatives and to Labour? The Glorious Post-Brexit World Of Affordable Food, They’re Lying About The Costs Of Brexit Again, It’s Bullshit From The LSE, Just An Indicator Of The Effect Of The Euro On Italy’s Economy, Geneva’s Lefties Solve A Wage Problem Already Solved, Overturning Roe vs Wade Would Be A Triumph For Democracy. He doesn’t get it. Isn’t that a milquetoast argument for a right on revolutionary like Mason? Let’s come together around a program about everything except Brexit—you know, the economic transformation of this country, climate change, democracy. And I want us, as the Brexit Party, to be engaged in that. And its vote at the start, six weeks ago, at the start of the campaign, was on 34%.

The prime minister is a zombie—not an electoral zombie, she’s zombified.

So, we’re still working through it. JEREMY CORBYN: The priority at the moment, I think, is for this government to call for a general election and actually have a general election so we can decide the future. I think what happened here is two crucial things. Go away. And the real problem for Corbyn is, you know, this is a multiparty election. And I am currently engaged in a fight to bring Labour back to that core position of a tolerant society, of an internationalist outlook and, of course, the Green New Deal, which I think is where we could agree with the Green parties, both here in the U.K. and in the European Parliament, should Britain, of course, be staying in Europe.

I think it’s crucial to contextualize that in a broader light of sort of how did the left fare, putting the Labour Party also into context. Multiple copies of a Labour leaflet for the European elections are being shared on messaging apps by horrified activists.
And, David Adler, thanks for joining us from Athens, Greece, policy coordinator for DiEM25—that’s Democracy in Europe Movement. Now, you asked me how Yanis and I and our movement fared. Corbyn is saying that he supports a second referendum on any Brexit deal.

I promised my editors at Allen Lane I would stick to the big themes of Clear Bright Future and avoid trench warfare over Brexit. It’s me and people like me who are taking that tankie view of the EU of course.

Stay with us. What happened here? And I think that suggests a real danger here. Getting Labour’s fingerprints — not acquiescence — on a Brexit deal seems like the only way the Conservatives can save themselves.
And Corbyn couldn’t bring himself to do that. It applies to Die Linke in Germany. But it cannot be just about carbon taxes.

We on the left, perennial students of Conservative history, can see clearly what kind of leader the Tory party needs amid all this: one who can embody the values of liberal Britain, face down the xenophobes, reverse austerity and call time on the MoD’s neo-imperial fantasies of global reach. He didn’t get it for six weeks.

We rely on contributions from you, our viewers and listeners to do our work. New Film Links Forced Sterilization in California Prisons to Horrific History of Eugenics in U.S. Tariq Ali on U.K. Let’s speak together on behalf of an all-white, anti-Islam, anti-immigrant Europe.” And the left simply was not able to do that and was not able to capitalize on the, you know, waves of activism emerging across Europe around the climate question. I mean, following on from what was said earlier in the program, the first thing we have to recognize is that the general phenomenon in Europe of the right wing not making—the far right not making a surge, but the center right, so our Conservatives, the equivalent of your Republicans, are losing their ideological defenses against the far right’s ideology. Why send the Dothraki, the best cavalry in the world, to attack infantry who cannot be spooked? We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. The Williamson affair is evidence that, at present, they are thinking in ‘weeks and leadership bids’. AMY GOODMAN: This is British Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn addressing reporters shortly after the election. NIGEL FARAGE: This is a vote that says put no-deal Brexit back on the table, make it part of our negotiations, because, without that, you’ve got no chance of getting a sensible free trade deal. But we have to have that argument.