So that it 7 ways to improve your slayer XP rate. Today, I will show you 7 ways to boost your Slayer XP rate from the standard to an average of over 70k XP per hour, with good combat stats. sad... ̮̤̉̉Jk man greaat guide i've been waiting for this long ago. So, on any cannon-able Slayer Task, you should be trying to actively move the monsters to these tiles to get the best damage per second from your cannon.
Travel to The Grand Tree. Great guide, but one problem: Horrible pray bonus.
Add anything to make it longer and more fancy.
2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.
It's easy! some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. For the fastest Slayer XP, it is not recommended to use Konar. Using chinchompas, which is a members-only ranged weapon, against Skeletal or Maniacal monkies can get you upwards of 300,000 – 650,000 experience PER hour.
With the highest level superior monster, so, a night beast, killing it gives 6400 Slayer XP.
If you've written it, i couldn't find it :P. Nice Guide Zot, If I had the money I'd do this straight away. A small tip with the cannon for lower level players – when safe spotting a monster in a single combat area, like Nieve’s cave, if you have a cannon going, it treats it as multi-combat, attacking all of the monsters in the room as long as you are in a safe spot.
So, if you look at it XP wise, you will not be going to get new tasks and banking as often as if you were doing Nieve or Steve, or Chaedlar in Zanaris. Comped 4/30/15, Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193), Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC, If you play Xbox One - Add me! Also the gear can be changed, i would not change anything, except maybe the Seers Ring for a Ring Of Life.
How many GP you use in an hour? For only 150 points, you can unlock the chance to spawn a higher level and more powerful version of the monster you are fighting.
or how many casts? The 7th and final tip on how to increase your Slayer XP rate is to understand some important Slayer mechanics. The only 3 available tasks worth extending are Dust Devils, Nechryaels and Ankous, where the extension adds around 100 more monster to your Slayer task. The entire time you are in the Smoke Dungeon, you must have the facemask or Slayer helmet equipped, or you will die very quickly. which is actually the highest XP per hour task in the game, Nieve and Steve can only assign up to 185 at a time, where Duradel can assign up to 200. I hope you learned something cool in this article or enjoyed. I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew", Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397). Very nice guide, I did Ice Burst from 94-99 mage in like 6 days, only training it a few hours each day though, PC + Ice burst was 250k+ exp per hour with ZPS worlds. You should definitely start off by learning to lazy flick, where you flick on and off your prayer on the tick that you attack. As with allAncient Magicksspells, the Desert Treasure questmust be completed to cast this spell. Therefore, increasing the length or decreasing the length of your Slayer task by 20%.
Upon killing the monster, you get access to a very lucrative drop table, with the highest drop being an Imbued Heart. It brings nothing positive to the Old School experience and is a … For example, when you are getting assigned a Smoke Devil Slayer task. Barrage actually gives the best xp noob its better to barrage 126 brusting? Dust devils have like no magic defence, wear high prayer gear rather than Mage gear. There are also some tasks that gain more XP per hour. 1. Like I said we need to talk.
Eum, it's like half the Magic xp if you train on Magic only mode. When you are training Slayer, it is very easy to be inefficient. If you have not seen my 1 – 99 Slayer Guide, I highly recommend checking that out if you are new to Slayer, since it breaks down how to train for points, profit, or for AFK training. 2. Throughout the Fight caves, you get XP for each kill, like regular slayer. Bunches of Mods have been informed.
RuneLite and OSBuddy both have plugins which show these cannon spots, and I highly recommend using them. good guide, I would use it if I could afford the $/xp, PS: gratz on 99 mage did you get it yesterday?
This spell can freeze your targets, immobilising them for 10 seconds, and is capable of hitting up to 22 damage (without any magic damage boosts) per cast. Sign up for a new account in our community.
So, turn it on right as you are starting your attack animation.
At the Rune prices of October 2007 that's 1108 Gp per Ice Burst. I would like to throw in one quick bonus tip.
Started free trade with 1.5m cash. Boosting can also be useful for monsters like Cerberus, where if you are on a Hellhound Slayer Task, you can boost from level 86 – 91 and you are able to damage Cerberus. Nieve’s most common slayer task is actually a JAD task, which is very different to Duradel’s most common task, which is Abyssal Demons.
You can also bring a monkey greegree, but i rather lose 1 Super Restore dose then a whole one. Might have to dig around a …
Although, you will have to stay boosted throughout the entire fight. Nice anyways, not that i'd ever use this method XD.
PM me if you want to chat.
Ice Burst requires a Magic level of 70 to cast and can do damage in a 3x3 square area up to 9 targets. So, a good block list for Nieve or Steve would include monsters like Fire Giants, Black Demons and Bloodvelds, monsters that are commonly given from Nieve, and the ones that you skip are the ones with the lower weightings.
Walking back and forth on a corner tile with a lot of monsters aggressive to you, the monsters will gradually stack on top of each other, making your multi-target spells very effective. Basically, there are 2 ways you can prayer flick, flicking with every attack, which many players call lazy flicking, and one tick flicking, which is a bit trickier.
Drink a sip of Superanti and run to this spot. But, it is a useful tip for low level players that want fast XP rates. A subreddit focused on discussion about Old School Runescape, a version of Runescape from 2007 which has evolved thanks to a dedicated development team using community feedback.
The block list for Duradel are a bit different.
Go west and get your inventory ready if you haven't already, go east if you're ready and talk to Daero. Next talk to Lumdo and go to Ape Atoll. If chins can give 400k xp an hour i guess brust can. You've sacrificed 9 mage bonus for 10 pray bonus, which will save you a LOT of money in ppots.
Also, the task weightings are a lot higher for the burst-able tasks with Duradel. Although, upon getting a Boss task, you have the choice of how many you want to kill, and the lowest you can set is 3 kills. I always use mystic, I'm 80 mage and it takes me 20 minutes or less do to a 150+ dust devil task. Hellhounds, Greater Demons, Kraken, Black Demons and Gargoyles are all tasks that can be done for profit at different bosses.
Usually, you will just get the entire XP amount.
Im an ironman i have 80 mage i get around 100k xp an hour doing this. Chinning on OSRS is a widely used method for training medium to high level Ranged in Runescape. I would suggest a mitre instead of ah hood. Anyways, great guide, I'll use it if I ever get up Mage.
By They saw your all of a sudden cash gain. | Dragon drops: 5 | GWD drops: 8 | DK drops: 4 | Obby drops: 2 |. At an average, how much experiance in mage would you get? So with that gear, you will be 106 mage bonus with 19 pray. Number 2 of the 7 ways to get more Slayer XP is that you should be using the Enchanted Silver Bracelets related to Slayer on every single Slayer task. That's the basics but there are quite a few threads and guides out there that go more into depth. Teleport to Al-Kharid with your Glory or use a Dueling Ring, bank it and get your inventory ready (you can wait because there is also a bank in The Grand Tree). Pm me if needed for corrections and such. Your stat priority should be: Magic damage % > prayer = magic accuracy.
At the price of 290 Gp per Death Rune, 120 Gp per Chaos Rune and 12 Gp per Water Rune.
You can find the Slayer Task Weightings on the Wiki pages for each of the Slayer Masters, and that means that your block list will change depending on which master you use. So, the only two Slayer Masters you should be using are Nieve or Duradel. You can obviously replace the Super Restores with Prayer Potions, also if you haven't done The Great Brain Robbery Quest then ditch the Holy Symbol and the Prayer Book that cures poison. After the blocks, there is a long list of skips that I recommend for Duradel if you are chasing XP. But, once you master it, you can use no prayer points while having a lot of different prayers active. Return to crash island then by talking to Waydar. Some people would consider blocking water fiends or iron Dragons. You need 2 Death Runes, 4 Chaos and 4 Water Runes for one Burst.
Once you're there, go east and enter the dungeon with Melee Pray on. Both of these have a 1 in 5 chance of working. Firstly, double hit cannon spots. Also, Duradel assigns the good tasks a lot more commonly, and this is because his task list is slightly smaller. For example, if you use Piety on every single hit that you do, your damage and accuracy will be boosted by around 20%, which goes hand in hand with how much Slayer XP you get per hour.