Facing the street is an ornate Italian porch with twisted pillars, erected in 1637. His oratory was elaborate and ornate, and he unduly estimated the power of words. "The Negro and the Nation" by George S. Merriam . The 25-year-old guitarist started playing out with his ornate hardcore band, Subliminal Criminal, in 1991. The big, bright, ruffled flowers are as shockingly ornate today as they were a century ago.

3. What Is The Difference Between “Furlough” vs. “Layoff”? 2. Sunlight made those ornate disks of silver very bright. As a consequence, these genres do not strive to show events in their experiential immediacy and do not use an excessively, English words and Examples of Usage use "ornate" in a sentence This name originated from the. The Postman Who Built a Palace in France…by Hand | …

In 1997, Whit Stillman re-created Studio 54 in its ornate lobby for his film The Last Days of Disco. All rights reserved | Email: [email protected], Some students are put off studying his work because of the, In daylight in winter through the bare trees you can see odd corners of the, The royal hunting-lodge of Falkland in Fife was transformed into a Renaissance palace, Running down the centre of the Boulevard of the Victory of Socialism there were rows of, She stared teeth chattering at white-painted walls a heavy oak chest the, But more determined art criminals posing as tourists helped themselves to, Chandeliers swayed as chunks of plaster and gilt from the, Not far away silhouetting the pleasant pastures is an, We push on to another standard tourist site the almost grotesquely, As with the others it was complicated by numerous irregularities approximations and, The balustrade leading from lobby to the floor above was of, The style is ornate, lyrical, and sensual, perhaps too much so for English tastes, as the Quartet tends to be more highly regarded abroad than in Britain.

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Go ahead, test your mental legerity to see how many words you remember from last month! Definition of ornate. Example sentences from the Web for ornate. Ornamented; artistically finished; ornamental; of an ornamental character: especially applied to an elaborate literary style.

HABIBI': The Illustrated Review of Craig Thompson's ornate new epic. Some examples: Satire can be ornate. Jerry need not have wondered whether she remembered his ornate poem. Entering the theater brings visitors to an ornate lobby with vaulted ceilings, golden walls, and an enormous chandelier.

“Karen” vs. “Becky” vs. “Stacy”: How Different Are These Slang Terms? . Because the wedding dress is ornate with pearls and diamonds, it is valued at nearly half a million dollars. The tomb, though much smaller than the palace, is similarly a vision of ornate twists, arches, and peaks. Synonyms: elaborate, fancy, decorated, detailed More Synonyms of ornate Stairways painted blue connect covered walkways stuffed with small stores selling jewelry, scarves, and ornate pottery. Every bedroom in the billionaire’s mansion is ornate with luxurious furnishings and classical works of art. 142.

The style is ornate and highly decorative.

4. Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference? Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. elaborately or sumptuously adorned, often excessively or showily so: embellished with rhetoric; florid or high-flown: (of style in writing) overembellished; flowery, The Postman Who Built a Palace in France…by Hand, How to Save Silent Movies: Inside New Jersey’s Cinema Paradiso. And although the luncheon came in courses it was not ornate.

Their services have been held in small chapels, ornate synagogues, simple firehouses, and grand cathedrals.

"They may ornate and sanctify the name of God.".

157. As Sven Haakanson looked over Alaska material in a Russian museum a few years ago, he spotted an ornate box. Philipsburg is known as one of the "Prettiest Painted Places" in America with its beautifully painted , ornate Victorian buildings. 10 Types Of Nouns Used In The English Language, The Most Epic Words You’re Probably Neglecting. Georgieva hung an ornate mirror at an angle. He prospered and blossomed out into good clothes of a highly ornate pattern.

Other Words from ornate Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about ornate. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition An ornate building, piece of furniture, or object is decorated with complicated patterns or shapes....an ornate iron staircase....the big dining-room with its massive fireplace and ornate ceiling. 1 : marked by elaborate rhetoric (see rhetoric sense 2b) or florid (see florid sense 1a) style is clear and simple rather than ornate and pompous — The Times Literary Supplement (London) 2 : elaborately or excessively decorated an ornate mantle an ornate townhouse ornate chandeliers. There is in the unadorned picture of any incident in the past a sort of hallowed character that no ornate frame can improve. applied to a style of writing. Turning the handle of the door, he walked into the large, ornate apartment.
Every bedroom in the billionaire’s mansion is ornate with luxurious furnishings and classical works.

"Oxford" by Frederick Douglas How His oratory was elaborate and ornate, and he unduly estimated the power of words.

Showing a number of decorated buildings and a free-standing ornate column, “Partial culture runs to the ornate, extreme culture to simplicity.”.

Continue Reading. They faced one another across the table piled with ornate silver. Finely finished, as a style of composition. The 120-square-foot "summerhouse" is entirely prefabricated (even the ornate lead roof) in the UK and shipped in a box, all finished, painted, and ready to install. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Local firefighters clad in half their uniforms and ornately decorated bras took the runway to raise money for breast cancer Tuesday evening. The uneducated man could not understand the ornate speech made by the Ivy League professor. Their tastes were elegant, ornate, and refined. Ornate sentence examples.

5. I see this kind of thing in satirical pieces, various types of poetry, plays, movies, songs, and novels. ornamented: decorated: highly finished, esp. Another prominent element in Enoch Arden is yet more suitable to, yet more requires the aid of, ornate art. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Indian women have been wearing saris —long pieces of ornate fabric that are draped over petticoat skirts and fitted shirts—for thousands of years, but for Oprah, this is a first. I'm strolling down the street and glance at the ornate, European-inspired clock set in a faux windmill.

After parking his vehicle—no easy chore with the summer traffic—he entered the beautiful and …

What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”?

The tomb, though much smaller than the palace, is similarly a vision of ornate twists, arches, and peaks. irnate, krnate, lrnate, prnate, oenate, odnate, ofnate, otnate, orbate, orhate, orjate, ormate, ornqte, ornwte, ornste, ornzte, ornare, ornafe, ornage, ornaye, ornatw, ornats, ornatd, ornatr, marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details, "a flowery speech","ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato"-John Milton".

The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior. Behind the ornate .Not the vicissitudes of life.But dirty. 195.

3. The ornate Town Hall was opened by Queen Victoria herself. 85. muliebri ornate in Tacitus), and in middle high German by Hartungen. . Ornate in a sentence 1. The third floor front room of his ornate mansion on Brooklyn's Park Slope was dedicated to peaceful thought.

They pulled up eventually before a house both larger and more ornate than its neighbors. INTERVIEWS Alt -J 'Buffalo' With Mountain Man on Ornately Folky Soundtrack Cut. The ornate ghost pipefishes are superb hunters, stealthy and stunning in appearance.

Ornate but not wispy, these songs aren't merely pretty. Consider the many laye. The uneducated man could not understand the ornate speech made by the Ivy League professor. Larger images may be viewed by clicking on any picture except the ornate letters.

© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Elaborately adorned or decorated; beautifully sumptuous.