We declare and decree Your protection, wisdom, understanding and largeness of heart over President Donald J Trump, Vice President Pence and all the Administration who with our President to make and keep America great again to accomplish her great calling, purpose and destiny. As he does his faith grows in you, thanks be to GOD! We declare supernatural protection over your army and over our President and Vice President. Join the LIVE webcast on Thursday by visiting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbsB3XlfHkE or watch on the One Voice Prayer Movement website.
We cancel every assignment of the devil and his forces against President Trump and America. We vow to speak with sagacity, listen with equanimity, both free of prejudice, thus we will come to know that peace is liberty in tranquility.
It continues to be the most significant challenge of humankind, and requires the efforts of each of us.”. Thank You Also for Your Justice and Mercy and Grace.]
And because of that, there will be solid, irrefutable evidence against corruption - not only in the present but also the past governmental administrations - regardless of rank. […]. You are not taken by surprise by what is going on right now with this plague. Unite your people, give is wisdom and clarity of thought as we stand in the gap. Originally the Covenant was to be read at midnight (local time) on New Year’s Eve, creating a wave of readings around the world. Help create a community peace park or garden. We know that the plans you have made for us are perfect and according to your will. If weve missed something useful, or if you still have questions, please dont hesitate to contact us. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. In Jesus name. That Orphans and foster children will find the Lord for comfort and find forever families We vow to stand together as citizens of the Earth knowing that every question has an answer, every issue a resolution. Help me do my part, run my race finish my course, so when I meet you, you will say to me "Well done, good and faithful servant". During this time individuals and groups in all parts of the world unite spiritually to declare their commitment to global peace. SHARE this post to invite friends to join you for this very special webcast. Now when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all with one accord in one place. Justice will be served, and the wealth of the sinner will transfer NOW to the just!
Self-direction promotes inner peace and therefore leads to outer peace.
Conference call access will also be available.
Lord. Four years ago we did not know we needed Donald Trump as our president but you did. Rip up by the roots lying, abuse, jealousy, hearts that are unforgiving, and most of all disobedience to you. Think like an astronaut, recognizing that we have only one Earth. Webcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbsB3XlfHkE. Yet it is written in the Holy Book that you welcome us with open arms! To transcend the limits of our own thinking we must acknowledge that peace is more than the cessation of conflict. ‘One Voice Day’ is a global initiative to unite all countries of the world in the reading of the Universal Peace Covenant at exactly 6 p.m. UT on July 26 each year. give worry to him. Prayer leaders from around the nation will be sharing prayer points, insight on national prayer topics, and leading us in prayer as we honor the President’s declaration of a National Day of Prayer.
Help us to know your love so we can love others as you do and we can be the lights in the darkness...the lights of the world because we have the LIGHT OF THE WORLD inside each of us!
Lord, I thank You for what You are doing behind the scenes. We bind all against Your perfect will and plan and loose You as God of USA.
You will empower us with your Holy Spirit to act with boldness and obedience to you. Teach our president and your people how to put on the armor of God, on how to take up your sword of the Spirit and use your word to interpret the times we are in and how to receive direction from you.
Forgive us Lord. Finding & filling my place in this move of God.
Demand reductions in military expenditures. Acts 2:1, LORD GOD, We declare A spiritual awakening and revival in the land in the Name of JESUS.
In love and harmony amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; Amen. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? Father God, we come humbly but at the same time boldly to your throne of grace for help in this time of need in our nation and the world. So on July 26 at 6:00 pm UTC, people around the world read these words of hope and commitment all at the same time, in one voice.
For peace to move across the face of the earth we must realize, as the great philosophers and leaders before us, that all people desire peace. Thank You, God for sanctifying the National Day of Prayer. 100 Ideas for Creating a more Peaceful World. Living peaceably begins by thinking peacefully. In Jesus name What Is The Difference Between “Furlough” vs. “Layoff”? And we pray, O God, grant us unity amzn_assoc_linkid = "5dcc4379eedf883d74400cc8f931b9de";
Peace is active, the motion of silence, of faith, of accord, of service. We break, loose, dissolve. I thank you for filling the heart of my brothers and sisters with prayers of thanksgiving, hope, love, joy, peace, patience,. You WILL heal our land as we humble ourselves to you. Peace is achieved by those who fulfill their part of a greater plan. That this Prayer movement wouldn't end today but would continue all over as God has put in my heart He is after in this hour! We praise you Jesus for a turnaround in our nation. I (we) come to you as the only wise God, the God who created us and the God who gave us the authority to overcome all the trickery, schemes, and devices of the enemy of this world. As you send out strong warring angels to war in the heavenlies against the spiritual wickedness over high-ranking officials, this corruption is being dismantled. Father we pray in The name of Jesus for our President Donald J. Trump and his Gamily and vice president Mike Pence and his family give them Goldy wisdom and we bind covid 19 and call forth restoration of America and hearts will come to Jesus. Restoration of health in so many areas.
Bring the greatest awakening to America and Isreal. Strengthen them and give wisdom. © 2020 Days Of The Year. We agree with our president, Donald J Trump, that the swamp will be drained and is being drained - even now!! We decree angels on assignment guarding & protecting him from harm. The Universal Peace Covenant is a 577-word pledge and plea to bring families, countries and the world together in a … amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; One Voice Day is a day for people all around the world to join as one to commit to global peace. Forgive us for our transgressions toward you and our brothers and sisters. ‘One Voice Day’ is a global initiative to unite all countries of the world in the reading of the Universal Peace Covenant at exactly 6 p.m. UT on July 26 each year. We come through the shed blood of your Son Jesus into your throne room. Unanimously, in complete agreement, as in The board rejected the proposal with one voice. That we would honor you by standing up for your commandments and your morals, and not allowing evil to continue in this country. One Voice Day is observed on July 26 of every year. Or even that most people want peace.
One Voice Day is a day for people around the world to join together to commit to global peace. do not ye judge them that are within? amzn_assoc_rows = "1"; In the name of Jesus the Christ! The mission of MEF is to spread the Gospel among the unchurched and to deepen the Christian life among church members through the instruments of outstanding music and expository preaching. or if you have any information about One Voice Day, or maybe you want to create your own! All of us are different parts of the body and we thank you as you use us to your glory. I pray this for America, for President Trump & Vice President Pence & leaders to help turn our country back to living life in freedom, to practice our God given rights & be in one accord for the good of all. We pray together in one accord that may you ,once again stir up the hearts of the people to revive spiritually and mentally awake what is happening around us within your permission. Amen. Mind Set On Jesus! We speak death to every corona-19 virus and declare it will not harm the children of God. May evil be exposed and removed. Please pray for our 2 new adopted teens that they will find it in themselves to attach and bond with us. Support nonviolent solutions to global problems. I thank you for the wisdom and understanding you lavished on our leaders they are going forth in righteousness and justice. Heavenly Father, Almighty God of Heaven and Earth, who holds the stars in place and gives life to Your people, and hope to the weary, I come to pray in perfect agreement with Micheline and her prayer that "we gather together in one accord in one spirit just as your word teaches us and we lift up our governments to your throne of grace.
Let us be one voice But they are the minority of people (although a very vocal minority). Knit our hearts together, That Your glory may be seen in us But that page appears to have been taken down off the site. The site also participates in other affiliate programs. Kurt. Nonstopcelebrations.com is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon and affiliated sites. We commit to causing each and every day to be a fulfillment of our potential, both human and divine. The board rejected the proposal with one voice. People from all walks of life, several religious beliefs and nationalities, diverse occupations, all races, as young as seventeen and as old as seventy-five, came together with the intention of creating a timeless document that would accurately reflect humanity’s hope, challenge, and destiny. Disclosure: Some of the links on this site may be affiliate links. Express your views on peace to government officials. Rid our nation of evil, and let truth and righteousness reign down upon us. Then the world will know Protect him from the slings of the enemy, Strengthen him more and more, through you heavenly Father, we have freedom, destroy all evil and unrighteousness now , Let our President pass immigration , thank you that our president will pick 3 more Supreme Justices!
Show each of us what our part is for this to occur. Father bin Jesus name we decree all hate & evil being thrust at our Pres., will come to naught! Links on the page are intended to be helpful, but the the pages linked to are maintained by others and we are not responsible for their content.
Burn the fire of God in our hearts and Spirit to return to our "First Love" . May we truly be a Christian nation and follow Your ways, living by your laws and not by our own selfishness. We have been quick to take the blessings from your hand without caring about what is on your heart. Peace affords the greatest opportunity for growth and learning which leads to personal happiness. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search";
we say, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Establish the foundation of your throne, righteousness, and justice here on earth, Thank You Father for the great awakening in , Yashua Jesus Name, Lord, we come to you with praise and thanksgiving for who you are and all you do. Thank you for your amazing grace over this glorious nation! In the name and the BLOOD OF JESUS!! We vow to heal ourselves through forgiveness, gratitude, and prayer.