Shawl (Ex) A nereid's shawl (hardness 2, hp 6) contains a portion of her life force. A nereid can craft a new shawl from water by making a DC 25 Will save, but each attempt takes 1d4 hours to complete. The Hypertext d20 SRD™ is an independent entity and is not affiliated with Paizo Inc. Open Game License Terms of Use Privacy Policy. Nereid is a part of the Chroma Collection; a series of nine shawl patterns, all featuring gradient yarns.
The Hypertext d20 SRD™ is owned by BoLS Interactive LLC. Her nudity is barely hidden by a diaphanous, wet shawl. This website is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit If the shawl is ever destroyed, the Nereid takes 1d6 points of Constitution drain per hour until she dies.
These conditions values increase by 1 every 2d6 hours thereafter until it creates a new shawl. Init +9; Senses low-light vision; Perception +21, AC 25, touch 25, flat-footed 15 (+5 deflection, +9 Dex, +1 dodge), Defensive Abilities transparency; DR 10/cold iron; Immune cold, poison; SR 21, Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +17), At will—control water, suggestion (DC 18; only against creatures that are currently fascinated by her beguiling aura), 1/day—summon monster VI (water elementals only), Str 11, Dex 29, Con 24, Int 14, Wis 22, Cha 21, Feats Ability Focus (beguiling aura), Agile Maneuvers, Defensive Combat Training, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Skills Bluff +20, Escape Artist +24, Knowledge (nature) +17, Perception +21, Perform (sing) +20, Sense Motive +21, Stealth +24, Swim +23, SQ change shape (medium water elemental, elemental body II), unearthly grace, Organization solitary or troupe (1 nereid plus 1 giant squid, 1 giant octopus, 1 giant moray eel, or an orca). If the shawl is ever destroyed, the nereid takes 1d6 points of Constitution drain per hour until she dies. A nereid can craft a new shawl from water by making a DC 25 Will save, but each attempt takes 1d4 hours to complete. The nereid protects its shawl at all costs, since it contains the nereid’s essence and if it is destroyed the nereid will dissolve into formless water.
Shawl (Ex) A nereid's shawl (hardness 2, hp 6) contains a portion of her life force. The target must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw.
We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. MEASUREMENTS Wingspan: 87.4” / 222cm Depth: 11.5” / 29 cm. YARN Fingering weight / 4 ply MC: 465 yds / 425 m; CC: 130 yds / 119 m Sample shown in: MC: La Fee Fil Merino Nylon, Fingering (75% Merino superwash, 25% Nylon.465 yds / 425 m per 100g) Du baume au Coeur Vert; and CC: La Fee Fil Merino SW Fingering (100% Merino superwash, 437 yds / 400m per 100 g) Du vent sur les cendres. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, please visit If the target cannot breathe water, it cannot hold its breath and immediately begins to drown. A nereid can craft a new shawl from water by making a DC 25 Will save, but each attempt takes 1d4 hours to complete. Poison (Ex) Touch or spray—contact (range 30-ft.); save Fort DC 23; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con plus blindness; cure 2 consecutive saves. On the next round, the target must save again or drop to –1 hit points and be dying; on the third round it must save again or die. Subscribe to Ambah’s Newsletter to hear about New Designs, subscriber only special offers and News from Ambah’s Studio. Note: this will not work in conjunction with other promotions. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. Unearthly Grace (Su) A nereid adds her Charisma bonus as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class and CMD if she wears no armor. If the shawl is broken, it no longer grants the amphibious trait. When underwater, a nereid can become transparent at will. While they can fashion a new shawl from water, the process can take up to four hours to complete. Join us over in Ambah’s Ravelry group for company and support while knitting your project. A shawl for the Goddesses of the sea, the Nereids.
The save DC is Constitution-based. This website uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. Shawl (Ex) A nereid’s shawl (hardness 2, hp 6) contains a portion of her life force. Perfect for a Sea Nymph or as a wonderful trans-seasonal shawl for us mere mortals. Many sailors have met their doom following a nereid, for though a nereid's beauty is otherworldly, her watery kiss is death. Drowning Kiss (Su) A nereid can flood the lungs of a willing, helpless, or fascinated creature by touching it (traditionally by kissing the creature on the lips). If the shawl is ever destroyed, the nereid takes 1d6 points of Constitution drain per hour until she dies. If the creature fails a DC 23 Will save, it is immediately fascinated. Nereid is one of the patterns of 2018 Progress, Hope, & Happiness Collection (all patterns are sold individually).
17.07.2016 - Ravelry: Nereid Shawl pattern by Ambah O'Brien
This beautiful woman has pearlescent skin and long, dark hair. Nereid Shawls A nereid's shawl has Hardness 1 and 4 Hit Points (BT 2). Possession of a nereid’s shawl gives a character control over the fearful creature, and it can be commanded to do one’s bidding. Perfect for a Sea Nymph or as a wonderful trans-seasonal shawl for us mere mortals. Beguiling Aura (Su) Any creature sexually attracted to women runs the risk of being beguiled by a nereid if it looks upon her beauty from a distance of 30 feet or less. On its turn, the target can attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save to cough up this water; otherwise it falls unconscious at 0 hp. Attempts to destroy or steal a nereid's shawl require the sunder or disarm attempts. LaFéeFil Merino Nylon Light Fingering Gradient.
Showcase your favourite yarn: go crazy with your leftover yarn stash and knit each segment in adifferent colour, use a gradient or variegated yarn, or go with your favourite solid colour combination. Special “get one free” Offer: add 5 patterns, including ebooks, to your Ravelry cart in a single transaction and pay only for 4. A nereid forced to obey in this manner immediately attempts to slay her master as soon as she can secure her shawl's safety. The save DC is Charisma-based. A shawl for the Goddesses of the sea, the Nereids. She can become visible or transparent at will as a free action.
A nereid can craft a new shawl from water by making a DC 25 Will save, but each attempt takes 1d4 hours to complete. Shawl (Ex) A nereid’s shawl (hardness 2, hp 6) contains a portion of her life force. The nereid causes a 5-foot cube of water within 60 feet of it to take a shape of its choice and strike one target it can see within 5 feet of that water. Part of a nereid's life force is embedded in a shawl, which it protects with its life; destroying a nereid's shawl slowly drains it of its life.
Knitted Poncho Knitted Shawls Crochet Shawl Knit Crochet Knitting Designs Knitting Projects Knitting Patterns Things To Make With Yarn Wrap Pattern. The Nereid Shawl is knit from side to side, with simple short rows forming a shallow crescent shape. Its comfortable proportions are perfect for wrapping around the neck scarf-style or wearing around the shoulders.
Transparency (Su) When underwater, a nereid's body becomes transparent, effectively rendering her invisible.
Nereids are capricious and often dangerous aquatic fey that appear as strikingly beautiful women, often seen bathing unclothed in the water.
If the shawl is ever destroyed, the nereid takes 1d6 points of Constitution drain per hour until she dies.
Others seek out nereids, for if one can secure control over the creature's shawl, the cloth can be used to force the nereid's compliance.
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A nereid may use her suggestion spell-like ability at will against creatures that are fascinated by her beguiling aura. If it's destroyed, it melts away into water, and the nereid who created it becomes doomed 1 and drained 1.