Your email address will not be published. Even though your girl is nerdy, it is not the only thing that defines her. [Read: How to find like-minded people who think just like you]. If you love geeky or nerdy names, then this would be an excellent choice. A nerd is eager to learn and share that knowledge with like-minded people, i.e.
Just remember you can probably win the fight with cuddles and hugs.
In my opinion there are many of us out there – if not most of us – we are women that defy the odds, march to our own drum -with our own style, we have lots of interests, and while we may spend way to much time in front and or behind a computer screen, reading books/magazines or like me would rather travel solo than with others – just so that we can have the experience of meeting new people, and seeing new things from a single perspective… Yes, that’s pretty “nerdy” to prefer traveling on my own! Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, recently made a quip out of the term on a Facebook post, saying people should strive to be nerds in order to make the next successful invention, instead of striving to date nerds. How to find like-minded people who think just like you, 20 new things you need to try in bed at least once with your lover, Sapiosexual types and 16 clearly defined fantasies of theirs, 15 highs and lows of dating someone who’s way smarter than you, How to Stop Making the Same Mistakes in a Relationship and Learn, 15 Devious Signs of Sneaky People That Should Make You Run, How to Handle a Head Pusher Gracefully Without Losing Your Own Head, When Should You Have Sex? Need help using the site? If your nerdy girl is extremely tech savvy, you won’t be able to poop without her knowing about it! #5 She might be attracted to someone smarter than you. So, just be yourself and find the nerdy girl of your dreams, because she is out there waiting for you. #7 She spends a lot on her hobbies. [Read: 15 highs and lows of dating someone who’s way smarter than you]. • an intelligent, single-minded expert in a particular technical discipline or profession : he single-handedly changed the Zero image of the computer nerd into one of savvy Hero. Being too ambitious means sacrificing everything else for the chance to do something that you think you will attain with convenience and without compromise. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. There is such a thing, you know. I also love Game of Thrones and have read all the books and enjoy talking about the series extensively (as people from this sub who’ve spent time with me can attest to). She didn’t get to nerdy status because she accepted what was given to her in school. ORIGIN 1950s: of unknown origin. Such a person may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, little known, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical, abstract, or relating to topics of science fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities.
Women get a lot of profile feedback here so you should consider submitting it for critique. [Read: Sapiosexual types and 16 clearly defined fantasies of theirs]. #6 She can be too ambitious. Nerdy girls come in all shapes, sizes, and different backgrounds. You know you’ve got a keeper when all she does is work on how to be the best in what she does. She has an unlimited cache of topics to discuss, and you can be sure it will never be as boring as what clothes they’re planning on wearing to work tomorrow. (Much construction dust! Learn more. They are not cold and repressed. : an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits computer nerds … single-minded math and science nerds …. a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious : one of those nerds who never asked a girl to dance. Mostly they want a girl who won’t give them a hard time for being into “childish” things like video games and comic books.
[Read: 20 new things you need to try in bed at least once with your lover]. I get a fair number of messages about my love of sci fi books. Your mom might even be a closet nerd. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Artists, scientists, performers, and activists are just a few of the people who may serve as your nerdy girl’s idol. Nerdy girls work with both instinct and fact.
How many messages do you send out per week? Additionally, many so-called nerds are described as being shy, quirky, pedantic, and unattractive. DERIVATIVES
• an intelligent, single-minded expert in a particular technical discipline or profession : he single-handedly changed the Zero image of the computer nerd into one of savvy Hero. Which explains why when I told my mom who was in her mid- teens in the 50’s that I was going to be the nerd / woman behind a blog called, “NerdGirlsAGoGo,” She point-blank said to me; They can be nerds in a specific area like science and tech, while others might be dubbed as nerds in a community of artists and entertainers. I’m still working on the text for “What is a Nerd Girl.”
Here’s what you can expect from the bad. #8 She is curious about many things. Talking to a nerdy girl is never boring. Another word for nerdy. Life has been busy over at with the migration to a new platform. They are not antisocial.
Take back control, take back your night with BOD. #4 She can either be an introvert or an extrovert. Curiosity moves the world to become better, when entertained in moderation. She may be sitting there reading a comic book or being a social butterfly while spreading the word about her favorite project. #4 She might take offense at being stereotyped. Just know the only thing that matters are how you work and mesh together, not how many IQ points you have.
*wink wink*. But are you messaging guys who are quite good looking only? A nerdy girl admires the popular people in the world today, but she also knows who else can do with a little appreciation. I’d say you’ve got a 1 in 6 chance a guy does more than look at your photos. not just fellow nerds, but anyone who is willing to learn. Dating a nerdy girl doesn’t differ much from dating a regular girl. All rights reserved. Sometimes you’ll have to use a crowbar to pry her away from her hobbies, but you can also join her if all else fails. Follow us on Twitter and Tweet #BODFortune to receive a personal DM message of hope, joy and wisdom. BOD is changing the way you date. You can expect her to match her passion for her job with her interests. If your girl can defend her stance, you’re basically screwed until you prove otherwise. Seeing someone show pure love and awe for something they are passionate about is a reward in itself. Your email address will not be published. Well… because it was my, “intelligent, single-mindedness” as written about in the dictionary definition above that allowed me to embrace my personal fashion sense with zero care about what others thought as I walked proudly and strangely fashionable through the halls of my L.A. Unified Public School – in my well worn purple Charles Jordan boots, without batting one single, mascara free eye lash at the ripe old age of 13. Here’s what I think: there are many different definitions of nerdy. You may need to work harder, so to speak. #7 She is the type of … Type A is the girl who usually points out that she is a nerd, she might wear glasses and act like she's a nerd to get attention. Recently, there’s been a tremendous upheaval in the definition of the term “nerd.” With the rise of tech and its savvy geniuses who grew up being called nerds in a negative way, they are now being hailed as nerds with the highest regard. They get a disproportionate amount of attention and have a lot of Choice and messages. Bad dates no longer equal a bad night. #1 She has a wide range of interests. nerdishness noun
For the purpose of this feature, let’s define what a nerd is. For those of you who have an existing crush on a nerdy girl, here’s what you need to know about her, if you want to date her. 1. This name is the name of a princess, but it actually means delicate. You commonly see these girls in high school, they might have fake glasses, talk about there nerdiness, and act like they know what they are talking about. #7 She is the type of person who may be eager to learn something new. Let me know. #9 She is intuitive. DERIVATIVES The best part is you know she’s going to be rich one day because of her hard work. She wants to find someone nice, who she can spend time with, bonding on a deeper level. A nerdy girl is perpetually curious, leading her to be a great problem solver. That is what makes her the smart and impressive woman she is today. ), Nerd Girls A GoGo – Life Blog, Jennifer’s Running Blog and California & Venice Beach Pictures. Most of the time, you won’t be bothered by baseless ruminations from your SO because she’ll probably have hard evidence if you did anything wrong. A foolish, inept, or unattractive person. Find more ways to say nerdy, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. “Jennifer, you are NOT a nerd!”, It was then that I reminded her of my bright purple boots in Jr. High School that I absolutely had to have – and, yes I was teased… I may as well have been that girl eating lunch alone in the school cafeteria…. You may fit one and he may be looking for another *I trust you about your looks. This doesn’t mean she’s going to leave you for the next Einstein, but if you’re not yet a couple, you could be facing some tough competition. Blah, Blah, Blah …and regardless of the type of glasses, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer cardigan sweater, Prada handbag or purple boots that we may wear, or not wear, I believe that we all have pieces of “Nerd Girl” in us – even you men! The Essential Questions to Ask Yourself. My own experience: I want a nerdy girl in that I want her to have a reasonably varied vocabulary, willing to read or not opposed to it even if she doesn’t do it regularly, and is introspective enough to recognize thing about herself rather than assuming everything is everyone else’s fault. The original definition states a nerd is a derogatory term aimed at someone who is highly intellectual, socially inept and physically unattractive. Being passionate about your job means being fixated on your work sometimes. There are two types of Nerd Girls, type A the fake and type B the true. Nerdy girls are everywhere! Dating a nerdy girl – What you need to know.