Nepali Date Converter can convert wide range of Dates. 1995

2067 2023
Nepali Date Converter. 2030 1968 2030 3 20 1 1965 Nepali date today is normally followed by the government officials but mostly the English calendar is used by most urban people. 2029 2088 2006 13 You will be more familiar with our Nepali Miti Pariwartan tool after you go through this page.

2040 Use the tool to convert Nepali date to English date and to convert English date to Nepali Date, तपाईँले आजको मिति पछि को नोट हाल्नु भएको छैन । तपाईँले जन्मदिन, मिटिङ्ग, सम्झनु पर्ने कुराहरु, बिल तिर्ने दिन आदि नोटहरु टिप्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।, Hamro Patro - Connecting Nepali Communities. 1982 2060

7 The Nepali Calendar also consists of English dates on each day. This can be use in chatting, emailing, messaging, facebook and many others. 21 Nepali Date Converter (Miti pariwartan tool) converts Nepali (Bikram Sambat, BS) date to English (Gregorian date, AD) and vice versa. Please don't forget to send us suggestions so that we can improve to serve you as much as possible. 2013 2033 This is the only pay back to developer for using Nepali Unicode. 1957 2011 2027 March Kartik 2059 1953 To use this nepai unicode, copy code from left.

1952 2024 GoNewsOn is a news website where we post all the facts and information and aware of you with trending topics. Type in nepali romanized font below and it will automatically convert romanized nepali text into Nepali font called nepali unicode. 2036


Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2031 Nepal is multicultural, ethnic and multi-lingual country. 1944 Emmanuel Hudson Networth Wife Age Height Girlfriend, New – Anmol KC Wife Age Height Networth Girlfriend, BEST – Sonu Sood Networth Wife Age Family, [#1 YOUTUBER] Bhagya Neupane Tattato Khabar, 11 FACTS [MEMORY KING] Bijaya Shahi From Nepal, BEST – Add messenger Chat box in your website, New – Internet Download Manager Chrome Extension. Nepali Date Converter Nepali Date Converter converts Bikram sambat Nepali date to English date and vice versa. 2058 22 The Bikram Sambat calendar was started in 57 B.C. BS to AD has become an important tool in our daily lives. Small Nepali Calendar Gadget is similar to mini Nepali Calendar. 2049 How to Convert Nepali Date to English Date? Place this code once for nepali unicode plugin/widget wherever you want the nepali unicode to appear on your website. This calendar application provides the list of all the holidays of current year 2072 BS. 19 See More.. 2003 1993 1962

2032 1999 6 There is slight variation in Big Extended Nepali Calendar with Big Nepali Calendar.

This Nepali unicode is widely usable in any media, machine or browser.

2 Most people are benefitted with this conversion tool as one can know about the Nepali or English date online. Bikram sambat date converter is widely used in Nepal, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, SriLanka, Thailand, Malaysia etc.

Nepali Date Converter is used especially for EDV Lottery filling applicants and also by the students going abroad. You can also embed the Nepali Date Conversion tool into your website by coping the code we provide from our utilities page. 1977 If you want to make this unicode widget fixed, use px instade of % in width value. 12 If a Nepali letter gets wrongly analyze with the preceding letter, use the slash (/) key to separate. All these tools are available to embed on external websites in our utitlities page. 2045 2065 Just simply go to the right column and select the English Date as Year, Month and Day from the option. Poush 2026 Nepali new year 2029 The Bikram Sambat(BS) date is easily converted to AD using this Nepali date converter. This tool can easily convert English Date AD to Nepali Date BS. Nepali to English Year Converter(BS to AD) It is widely being used by the applicants of Green Card Visa Lottery, green card, Australia USA college/university admissions and visa for the jobs and immigration abroad. 1994 What is Nepali unicode?Nepali unicode is unique or fixed set of code to display Nepali font or character. 6 2064 2006 2083 11 5 The third one is Big Nepali Calendar. 2077

1969 September November In Extended Nepali Calendar the holidays,festivals, bratabanda dates, Pasni dates, Marriage dates are appended at the last of calendar.

2026 Nepali Unicode VersionThe current version is 5.1, last updated on 19-Apr-2020. It can convert date range of 2000 B.S to 2089 B.S. 2078 You can embed Nepali Calendar Tools in your website. 2050 It can be used to convert the birth date, historical Nepali date, passport-visa date, date in document etc. 2025

1948 1975 It is a date converter between Bikram sambat B.S and Gregorian calendar (Anno Domini)(A.D).

28 2037 2034 Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.

2012 Since, this is an official Nepali Calendar we have included all the festivals of 2072 Bikram Sambat.

It includes months January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. 17 The Nepali Calendar Date Converter is a free tool that can be used by any person living anywhere and can embed into their website without any delay. Nepali unicode : Nepali unicode is a converter and it is the easiest way to type in nepali unicode font. How to Convert Nepali Date to English Date? at 10:29 PM. 2032 1961 1989 It includes Nepali months Baisakh, Jestha, Ashadh, Shrawan, Bhadra, Ashwin, Kartik, Mangsir, Magh, Falgun and Chaitra. 2008 2072 You can embed the clock in your webwite as well. We provide very efficient and faster mechanism for converting dates between BS and AD. 2020 This tool is useful for converting dates like date of birth, historical nepali dates, passport-visa dates, dates in document translation etc. 1960 1992 Day: The word "Unicode" is a unique, unified, universal encoding. 2003 10 2055 Nepali Date Converter or Nepali Miti Pariwartan application can be used for date conversion from English (AD) to Nepali (BS) and vice versa. 1976 2068

2081 It can convert date range of 2000 B.S to 2089 B.S.

There is no need to install any software as it works online accurately and fast. 1978

2018 We have a slogan as Every news, Everything Everytime.

You can perform various functions as Nepali to English Date Converter, English to Nepali Date converter. 2043 Mangsir Shrawan The first design is Mini Nepali Calendar.

2038 2025 Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. 1980 1996 2024 Current version of nepali date converter is v5.8. 2002 It is a set of unique code to represent the visual art, here the unicode visual art represent the text character set. 1951 1972 Convert Nepali date to English date online, Convert B.S to A.D online, Convert English date to Nepali Date online, Convert A.D to B.S online, Nepali date converter php Script, वि.सं देखि ई.सं,ई.सं देखि वि.सं, Today Nepali date and time It is the date converter between Bikram Sambat and the Gregorian calendar. 1955 Nepali to English date Converter. 2079 This tool has made the human efforts easy and has … 11 2009 In the left column, there is an option to convert Nepali Date BS to English AD. 2031 Nepali or Bikram sambat date converter is one of the most used application because many nepali people need to interact with the foriegn countries for study, dv applications and so on. 18 1983

The current Nepali Year in Nepali is Nepali calendar 2077 Bikram Sambat. If you want to change any date and time within second, then it will assist you promptly. This can calculate date in days Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 27 2022 21 5 2086 Responsive, Light weight, Readable Unicode, HTML Encoded Unicode, Smart conversion, One click select and clear, Clear aleart, Changable width and height, Support https. We are trying to provide the sufficient information on Nepali date converter, BS to AD converter, AD to BS converter, English to Nepali date converter, and Nepali to English date converter in this section. 2005 This calendar includes the Nepali date simutaneously with the English dates on each day, month or year. 1946 CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Nepali Date Converter or Nepali Miti Pariwartan application can be used for date conversion from English (AD) to Nepali (BS) and vice versa. 14 2089

© Hamro Patro 2020, All Rights Reserved |. 2057 Year: There are many national holidays in Nepal. We provide very efficient and faster mechanism for converting dates between BS and AD. 1949 There are various designs of the clock we provide. Nepali date converter converts the Nepali date into English date and vice-versa. 2076

1997 25 It is a online tool that convert Roman English unicode to Nepali unicode. We have provided Nepali Calendar codes for four different designs. We provide the exact date for the Nepali festivals, events and holidays as provided by the Ministry of Information Department of Nepal.


8 Each clock provides the current date in Nepali as well as current time of Nepal. 31, Year:

Later on, to cater to the people who couldn’t type in Nepali using fonts like Preeti, Ganesh and even Nepali Unicode, we built nepali mobile keyboard called Hamro Nepali keyboard. You can also look up the dates of any Nepali holidays and plan ahead.