FirstGov - Your First Click to the US Government + NASA Privacy Statement, Disclaimer, and Accessibility Certification | NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Page Curator: POWER Project Team | NASA Official: Paul Stackhouse | Contact NASA | Last modified 02/25/2020. 135-142. NASA Energy Management Stakeholder Ideation Workshop, Arlington, VA., April 27. Chandler, 2010: Chandler, William S., P.W. Chandler, William S., P.W. Presentation, ASHRAE 2006 Annual Meeting, June 24-28, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Stackhouse, Jr., 2010: Whitlock, Charles H., P.W. Added Minimum and Maximum Solar Irradiance for Equator Facing Tilted Surfaces available for the SSE Community. Chandler, William S., J.M. Hoell, D.J. 103(4), pp.

(poster). Zhang, Yabei, S.J. Stackhouse, Jr., J.M. Stackhouse, Paul W., Jr., D.P. Whitlock, J.M. In 1990, 35 percent of the world's population lived on 1 percent of the ice-free land, according to data from SEDAC, NASA's Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center operated by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University. In fact, … Chandler, 2016: Monitoring Building Energy Systems at NASA Centers Using NASA Earth Science data, CMIP5 climate data products and RETScreen Expert Clean Energy Tool. Updated DAV widget error handling messages. Wilcox, Steve, M. Anderberg, R. George, W. Marion, D. Myers, D. Renne, N. Lott, T. Whitehurst, W. Beckman, C. Gueymard, R. Perez, P. Stackhouse, F. Vignola, 2007: Perez, Richard, M. Kmiecik, J. Schlemmer, L. Root, K. Moore, P. Stackhouse, 2007: Perez, Richard, M. Kmiecik, S. Wilcox, P. Stackhouse, 2007: Whitlock, Charles H., S.K.

Proceedings of the Solar 2011 Conference (American Solar Energy Society), May 17-21, Raleigh, North Carolina. Stackhouse, Jr., 2006: Supporting Energy-Related Societal Applications Using NASA's Satellite and Modeling Data. Agronomy Journal, Vol. He has a Masters of Agriculture from Iowa State University and was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Geography with an emphasis in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from Old Dominion University along with a GIS certificate. Jr., J. Barnett, M. Tisdale, B. Tisdale, W. Chandler, D. Westberg, J. Hoell, and B. Quam, 2015: A First Version of the GIS-Enabled NASA Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) Web Site With Expanded Data Accessibility and Analysis Functionality for the Renewable Energy and Other Applications. Stackhouse, Jr., W.S. Stackhouse Jr., L.M. The data obtained through the POWER (Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources) web services was made possible with collaboration from the the NASA LaRC Sciences Data Center (ASDC). He has been working on the NASA GEWEX SRB and POWER projects since 2003 as a senior research scientist.

Hoell, D. Westberg, T. Zhang, G.J. Stackhouse, Jr., W.S. He is a science team member of the Clouds and Earth Radiant Energy System (CERES) project and co-leads the FLASHFlux (Fast Longwave and Shortwave radiative Fluxes) working group that produces low latency estimates of top-of-atmosphere and surface radiation data products from CERES. Chandler, and C. H. Whitlock, 2001: Whitlock, Charles H., Donald E. Brown, William S. Chandler, Roberta C. DiPasquale, Shashi K. Gupta, Anne C. Wilber, Nancy A. Ritchey, David P. Kratz, and Paul W. Stackhouse, 2001: DiPasquale, Roberta, C., Donald E. Brown, William S. Chandler, Charles H. Whitlock, Robert G. Cable, and Paul W. Stackhouse, Jr., 2001: Brown, Donald E. and William S. Chandler, 2001: Whitlock, Charles H., Donald E. Brown, William S. Chandler, Roberta C. DiPasquale, Nathalie Meloche, Gregory J. Leng, Shashi K. Gupta, Anne C. Wilber, Nancy A. Ritchey, Ann B. Carlson, David P. Kratz, and Paul W. Stackhouse, 2000: Olson, John O., Charles Whitlock, Ann Carlson, Donald Brown, and William Chandler, 2000: Surface Solar Energy and Meteorological Data Available for Renewable Energy Use. Stackhouse, Paul W., Jr., Patrick Minnis , Richard Perez , and et al., 2016 : An Assessment of New Satellite Data Products for the Development of a Long-term Global Solar Resource at 10-100 km . Stackhouse, Jr., 2008: Zhang, Taiping., P.W. 3rd International Conference Energy and Meteorology, June 22-26, Boulder, Colorado, Westberg, David J., P. W. Stackhouse Jr., J. M. Hoell, W. S. Chandler, and T. Zhang, 2015: NASA Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER): Development of Thirty Plus Years of Satellite-Derived Solar Insolation and Meteorological Parameters for Global Applications. Proceedings of the Solar 2014 Conference (American Solar Energy Society), July 6-10, San Francisco, California, Stackhouse, P.W., Jr., C.J. Stackhouse, W.S. He leads the development and sustainment of the python-based POWER API, web services, and near real-time data processing. White, Jeffery W., G. Hoogenboom, P.W. Smith, G.P. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13-17, San Francisco, CA (poster). Hoell, D. Westberg, A.I. GPW version 2 estimates population at two points in time, 1990 and 1995. With less income available to the family, education for surviving children becomes a luxury rather than an expectation, which may ultimately reinforce generational patterns of poverty, said Mellinger. However, technical and financial limitations occasionally prevent some information or data from being presented in a manner that is readily accessible to persons with certain disabilities. Whitlock and W.S. Stackhouse, Jr., Paul. "With a smaller urban population, non-agricultural inventions and technology advances come to market more slowly than occurs in the highly urban populations of wealthier nations.". Westberg, David J., P.W. The quality control and processing of surface-based shortwave and longwave radiation measurements that include data from the BSRN, SurfRad, GEBA and WRDC archives; 2.) Hoell, D. Westberg, T. Zhang, 2007: Hoell, James M., Paul W. Stackhouse, Jr., Richard Eckman, 2006: Rapid Prototyping of NASA's Solar and Meteorological Data For Regional Level Modeling of Agricultural and Bio-fuel Crop Phenology and Yield Potential.

Hoell, D. Westberg, T. Zhang, 2011: Downscaling NASA Climatological Data to Produce Detailed Climate Zone Maps. This will help us determine the use of data that we distribute, which is helpful in optimizing product development. Whitlock, Charles H. and P.W. Stackhouse, Jr., W.S. Whitlock, and P.W. NASA's goal in Earth science is to observe, understand, and model the Earth system to discover how it is changing, to better predict change, and to understand the consequences for life on Earth. with the GEWEX SRB global horizontal irradiance and other auxiliary data as inputs. Workshop on Defining, Measuring and Communicating the Socio-Economic Benefits of Geospatial Information/GEOS 2012 (IEEE), June 12-14, Boulder, Colorado. Hoell, James M., P.W. Hoell, T. Zhang, S.K. Solar Irradiance Updated and Max and Min Added, Added documentation for How To Access Data and How To Find My Parameters, Added SSE Announcement Decommission Letter.